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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My sneeze got louder


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I didn't used to have such a loud, throaty sneeze. I wouldn't say I'm screaming now, but I'd say the sneeze is now being attention seeking and announcing itself every time now. :D I don't know, maybe not. It just seems louder to me.

I have a small cold right now and I'm sneezing a lot more than usual. My sneeze is making sure sleeping Bondi knows I'm having a fit. B)

There are all kinds of logical explanations I'm sure, but I just don't think my sneeze has ever been so loud. Has anyone else's sneeze evolved?

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I don't think my sneeze has changed, but I have definitely known people who's sneezes have evolved over the time I have known them (whether for better or worse :D).

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I really don't think the way i sneezed changed. It more of how i decide to sneeze (like uncovered, stifled, etc) has changed. I used to just let them out...but then i became self concious around my family when i found out that i had a fetish for sneezing and now i just stifle them.

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YES! I feel like my sneeze has evolved for sure. I know I can alter them if I choose to do so by concentrating on different sounds and "practicing," but even my real, natural sneezes have changed. I feel like they are more relaxed now. Before they used to be overly girly (Which now thinking back, how annoying!). Now they are stronger and I don't think as voiced. I don't really know how the change happened.

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Yeah, definitely. I don't know why it does it. xD; I used to be able to stifle really well but now I can't. Kind of a bummer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I've noticed that my sneeze has gotten more like my dad's over the years. *shudder* I mean, it doesn't sound male, but it's definitely sounding more like his, I can't really describe how or why. Usually I just stifle or will it away, though.

Side question, do you inherit sneeze patterns? :)

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My conclusion is that as children of both sexes we all have comparatively similar sneezes ; after puberty when our bodies change and enlarge so enormously, boys with their hugely oversized lungs often start sneezing in a typical male way, much more violent and ungirly; however many girls continue to sneeze in a girly manner until they are in their early 20s at least.

However, which is never mentioned anywhere, there is almost a second physical maturing probably in the mid twenties to early thirties. And for some reason this seems to be accompanied by a general increase in powerful sneezing. Often girls start vocalising powerful yet girly sneezes which they have never vocalised before; men of course just sneeze more violently than ever.

I also suspect that there is an hereditary element in sneeze styles. I know this is blasphemy, but how could it not be. I mean I know that we are not allowed to say that any intellectual abilities can be inherited, but surely sneezing is more like ability to play football; a purely physical skill and therefore heritable.

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