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Sneeze Fetish Forum

do you sneeze through your mouth or through your nose?


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Mouth, always. Trying to sneeze through my nose is painful xP

Apparently young children and animals sneeze through their noses. Adult humans sneeze through their mouths. Don't remember where I read that but it seems to be true from what I've seen xP

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Mouth, always. Trying to sneeze through my nose is painful xP

This applies for me too, though if I have a cold, it becomes obvious that mucus does get expelled from the nose during sneezing, so I guess the tru answer must be that there is a bit of both.

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Usually from mouth, but I think covering just mouth while sneezing is... well, kinda stupid, because then sneeze comes out right from the nose. And if you are ill, something more will come out your nose :devil: , and bealive me, it doesn't look sexy. Not at all. :D

Plus, just as Kiwifruit said, it's painful.

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Always mouth - I worry that trying to sneeze through my nose would actually cause me some damage... :P

I sneeze through my mouth all the time. I have not tried to sneeze through my nose even though I know some stuff comes out of it.

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Mouth, always. Trying to sneeze through my nose is painful xP

This applies for me too, though if I have a cold, it becomes obvious that mucus does get expelled from the nose during sneezing, so I guess the tru answer must be that there is a bit of both.

Ya, I agree. I sometimes notice that there is clearly something being expelled from the nose, even if I hardly feel it. And you see it clearly in those slo-mo vids.

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If I'm sneezing naturally then it's some combination of the two. Not least because if I think about how I'm going to sneeze enough to make a conscious effort to do one or the other it'll almost always go away.

A couple me times when inducing I have deliberately kept my mouth closed when I sneezed just to see what difference it made, which didn't seem to be a huge amount! :(

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Yeah, I'm 90% of the time through the mouth mostly (but as others have said, it does come out through the nose too, involuntarily), but if I try and do a specific through-the-nose sneeze, and keep my mouth closed while sneezing, it'll come out entirely through my nose...and it doesn't hurt or anything, but sometimes it pops my ears.

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mostly my mouth, but if i ever hold my nose or something, it's apparent that air is also being expelled from my nose too.. i don't really like the way it feels when i purposely divert the sneeze to my nose. makes my ears hurt.

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I sneeze through my nose.. sneezeing through the mouth is painfull. expecially if youve got a sore throat or something. Ive tried sneezing through my mouth though.. im not so good at it. lol.

even though iv'e realized that sneezing though my nose is always messy..

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Through the mouth. That's when I don't stifle it, though. Usually, when I stifle, it just sounds like a hiccup or makes no noise at all and nobody can evem remotely tell I've sneezed. Like it that way, usually. Never tried sneezing through the nose...I guess you'd just keep your mouth closed or something. I'll have to try it!

And Kiwifruit is right. Babies sneeze through their nose, or they make that raspberry noise when they sneeze. Which is why there's always a lot of...action. I babysit, and I cannot tell you how many times I've seen kids do the whole raspberry sneeze, complete with snot. Not very fun, because the whole fetish thing doesn't really involve babies. (I mean, it's adorable when babies sneeze, but it doesn't do anything overly fetishy, cause that would be kinda...weird. I mean, getting a sexual kick out of babies?? No, thank you!)

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