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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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This piece presents a lot of my tastes in the fetish world. It is a bit undeveloped at points. I welcome writing feedback but please no comments about how my personal tastes are odd. This is a sick fic, through and through. Oh, the lack of paragraph breaks around dialog in intentional. I like it better this way.

Part I:

"How often do you catch cold?"

Trish had answered the ad in the newspaper - it seemed like just the job for her: receptionist in a women's clinic. Although Trish was the picture of health and beauty at 5'8" with long dark hair and contrasting white creamy, skin she enjoyed ladies with a sniffle. And even more than a sniffle, she enjoyed a lady with a sneeze - a sneeze due to a cold. Stuffy voices, sniffles, sneezes, Trish loved girls with colds more than anything else in the world. Working in the clinic should expose her to the wonders of the germ world. And these should be no mere head colds - they should be serious ailments that a girl would seek a doctor's treatment for. During the interview one question that the well endowed, middle-aged blonde (Stacy, head of the HR department) had stayed in her mind: "How often do you catch cold?" Stacy had prodded. "Oh, never really, or rarely I should say," which was the truth, despite her best efforts. Trish thought back to the one cold she'd caught in college, a head cold that didn't really make her ill. She'd had a variety of childhood illnesses but that was all before her lust for colds had emerged. "Good, because we don't like our employees taking off sick. It sets a bad example for the patients."

From that statement on, Trish knew that this would be the perfect job for her.

The first few weeks had been learning names and the process of the job, where to file paperwork. She had a small cubical next to the other receptionists: Tammy, Celeste, Kristina, Trish, and Annabelle (whom everyone called Anna). She answered phones and took patients at her window - each of them had one covered in glass that they could help patients through. In a city this large, they stayed rather busy in the summer with insect bites, skin rashes, pregnancies, and allergies. By the time the first chill of fall had set in she'd learned the routine.

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Here's another part

Part II:

"Sounds like you've caught something awful"

Cold and flu season came in with the chilly fall weather. Sniffles, sneezes and coughs started replacing the complaints of the summer. Trish had a few lovely encounters with her old friend the head cold. Several ladies came in with red noses and stuffy voices, clearly having caught whatever was going around. Once she had an attractive girl with a pretty bad cough - phlemmy and congested. The sound of it had stayed in Trish's mind for the rest of the week. On Friday morning there was the usual flow of ailing women, a spiderbite, a cut from a kitchen knife, the assorted head colds that were Trish's favorite. At about 10am that morning Trish heard the unmistakable thick gurlging of a noseblow. This was no mere nose clear but the snotty clogging that a bad cold brought on. It wasn't hard to spot the victim. She was a smartly dressed lady of about 30 with wavy jet-black hair and a red, peeling nose. As she watched the woman wipe her nose again her faced scrunched and she sneezed into the tissue - not once but three times and then set about pulling more tissues out to blow some more. She was clearly all clogged with a cold. After she blew her nose from the sneezing fit she put her fist to her nose and coughed - she had quite a cough with her cold, congested and hacky. She kept up her sneezing, blowing, coughing routine as she stood in line until she reached (sadly for Trish) Kristina's line. Trish could hear their exchange. The sick woman's voice was completely clogged up and nose sounded completely clogged depsite the constant sneezing and blowing. Kristina said to her, "sounds like you've caught something awful." The woman replied with a stopped up, "yeah, both my sisters have bad colds and step throat and my friend has a cold and bronchitis." The effort of talking proked the hacking cough. She finished with a, "I woke up hacking yesterday and my throat is sooo sore. That was after catching cold this week and working sick," in response to Kristina's "Oh, you poor dear." Trish had been unable to concentrate on anything except the very sick brunette. She had watched her come back from the office about 45 minutes later hacking into her wad of tissues on her way out. She'd casually asked the nurse what the woman had caught. Nurse Flannery had been nice enough to give Trish a vivid description. "Well, she has a cold, of course. Caught that over the weekend, it seems. She's running a 101 fever and her throat is just completely infected with strep. She's working on nasty bronchitis too, if she doesn't take care of that cough. She needs to be in bed. But she's headed back to work." Trish thought about the lovely brunette with strep throat and bronchitis all weekend.

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And another to get it going

Part III

"No, don't. You'll catch her cold"

Cold and flu season had actually tapered off a bit after Trish's encounter with the brunette who had strep and bronchitis. Sure, there were still sneezes and sniffles but they were less severe and fewer in number. Trish had imagined the brunette informing her sisters that she'd caught their strep throat. What a magical moment that must have been. She wished that she could have been there when the feverish woman had informed them that her sore throat had been caught off them. And her friend with the bronchitis? The woman would tell her, coughing, that she'd caught brochitis off her. And how many sweeties that she worked with would have suffered the same fate? Strep and bronchitis were contagious, especially when a girl is running a fever like she was. There must have been a few girls at her office who woke up with colds sometime after she did and found out, to their surprise, that they'd caught strep along with it - or started hacking like she was with bronchitis. And who knows? Maybe some of the girls managed to catch both off of her. And how had her Friday ended? She had a cold, strep, bronchitis, and was at work running a fever. She probably went home a collapsed coughing into bed, unable to get up all weekend with her cold and cough and sore throat. Perhaps her bronchitis had gotten 'nasty' as Nurse Flannery had predicted. She'd had a pretty bad cold that morning but how bad could it have gotten? All of these things ran through Trish's mind. She loved them. She was fantasizing about them when she heard Tammy on the end of the row say into her phone, "No, don't. You'll catch her cold." Trish had only been paying half attention to the conversation with her friend until Tammy had made that admission. There was a pause. "She's sick and you don't want what she has." Apparently the friend DID want whatever she had because Tammy then said, "Well, if you catch it don't expect me to help you blow your nose." There was a mutal laugh shared and then Tammy said, "Go ahead, you'll come home with a cold. Elizabeth was stuffed-up when I talked to her this morning and Samantha was sneezing." Tammy hung up the phone.

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It seems that you and I share the same tastes, because I am entirely taken in (and turned on) by this story. I can't wait to read more.

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Part IV

"I think I'm starting to catch something"

Just as cold and flu season tapered off at the end of the year it came roaring back in January as the temperature went below freezing and it snowed about every other day. The office was filled with worse colds than before - lots of coughs now, wet, dry, hacking, constant. It seemed like a lot of girls were catching colds that came with coughs. Trish loved it all, and the five receptionists were working longer hours and even half days on Saturday to help with the greater number of sick girls. The days were long and their commutes home were cold, wet and dreary. One Saturday Anna came in wet from the sleet and snow outside. She'd forgotten an umbrella and she was soaked and shivering. She was also late by about 20 minutes and the queue of ill women had stretched out longer that ever before. Anna had no time to get dried off and she sat soaking wet at her desk and began working. Her voice sounded tired and she just didn't seem like herself that morning. She was slower and forgot some things. She seemed, "out of sorts," Trish might say. During an interlude in the illness line Trish had chatted with her a bit. "Are you ok Anna? You're soaked and you sound tired." Anna had put on a weak smile for Trish and responded with a "Yeah, I don't feel so good. My throat is a little sore and I think I'm starting to catch something." Trish smiled at the obviously beginning to ail Anna and said, "Oh, poor girl. Is someone close to you sick?" Anna had swollowed and winced before saying, "Yeah, two of my roommates brought colds home Thursday night and the other one caught it yesterday. I guess I'm next..." she finished as the line picked up again they both went back to work. Tired Anna worked that day not feeling well. Near the end of the day Trish could hear that her tired voice was beginning to sound stuffy and Anna was now sniffling a little bit. She clearly had the sniffles when they parted for the rest of the weekend. As Trish walked home in the drizzle she thought about sweet, tired Anna doing the same. She was coming home from work with the sniffles today and was started to catch something.

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Part V

"Hold on a second. I need to blow my nose."

Trish was feeling a bit tired when she'd woken up for work on Monday morning. She'd gotten ready, deciding on a purple outfit with matching bra and panties that turned out to be a little light for the frigid January. She'd been cold on her way in and remained that way at the office. Tammy and Celeste had already arrived and Anna was next to make her way in. She looked tired and her nose was red and swollen more than the cold weather should have caused. She turned immediately to Trish and in a stuffed up voice said, "Well, guess who caught cold this weekend?" she smiled and blew her nose in a handful of tissues. "Poor girl!" said Trish, admiring the cold that Anna had. "Did you catch it off your roommates?" she inquired. "I think so," stuffed-up Anna said sniffling, "we're all sick with the same kind of cold." Trish was loving the little cold show that Anna was giving her. Sick patients were lovely but here was a girl she knew and worked beside that she could admire. She'd seen the sweety on Saturday, just the day before yesterday, when she was not feeling well and had heard her starting to sniffle by the end of the day. The two sat down to begin work, Anna sniffling regularly and blowing her nose. <Ah-Choo!> Anna sneezed harshly and Trish blessed her as she blew her nose again. Anna stayed sniffling, blowing, and sneezing all morning. Her sneezes were harsh and wet. Her voice was clogged up sounding. After about two hours together they had a chance to talk again, Anna in her stopped-up cold voice. "I guess this serves me right," she explained with a big sniffle and running her tissue under her nose. "Last winter I gave..." her voice broke off with a big, wet sneeze - the kind that only a cold can bring. <AHHH-CHOOO!> Anna sneezed "Hold on a second. I need to blow my nose," she said behind a tissue. She blew into that tissue and then grabbed another and kept filling it. She was sounding a little bit stuffier than when she'd come to work that morning. Her cold was obviously still getting worse. "Anyway," Anna finally continued in her cold voice, "last winter I gave them..." she broke off again into a harsh sneeze <AHH-CHOOO!AHHHH-CHOOO!> "Ugh," her stuffiness now heavy as Anna blew her nose again. "Ahh," her voice was a bit clearer now, "I gave them the flu," she finished quickly before the next sneeze could stop her. <AHH-CHOOO!> Anna sneezed as soon as she said "flu."

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please no comments about how my personal tastes are odd.

Odd or not, maybe you can join Sneezster and me in the contagion-lovers club!

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Thanks for the kind words, here's more w00t.gif

Part VI

"I think I'm kinda catching some sniffles."

After lunch on Monday Anna's cold had taken a turn for the worse. She was having trouble doing anything more than blow her nose and sneeze. Her voice was quite congested now and even when she blew her nose it didn't clear up that much. She had a regular routine of double sneezing and blowing her nose which was now red and raw. Trish was entertained but not feeling so well herself. Her body was tired and she could feel a little bit of a headache starting. Anna had taken to sneezing in her direction and even making comments about how Trish was going to get sick with her stuffed up voice. "You know," she began in her stuffy voice, "I'm running a little fever with this cold. I'm contagious," she informed Trish and then gave a spraying double sneeze that was half-heartedly covered with her wad of tissue. Trish felt Anna's cold sneezes hit her in the face. "Well," said Trish, "let's hope that you don't get anyone sick if your cold is catching." Anna moaned and blew her nose again. "Ugh, I do not feel good."

Trish was starting to feel pretty bad by the time the first slow sniffle started in her own nose. Anna was a mess of sneezes by now, she was going to take home a considerably worse cold than the one she came in with. Trish had heard her talk one of her sick roommates not long after she noticed that her nose was starting to run and her throat was a little sore. "My gawd, you sound awful," Anna had said and then, "Yeah, my cold is getting worse," and finally, "Well, I hope I don't sound as bad as you when I get home."

Kristina had watched the cold drama play out that day. She'd been attuned to Trish since Anna had revealed her cold, knowing that Trish would probably catch it next. When Trish started lightly sniffling before the end of the day she'd noticed it and asked her, "Is your nose runny?" Trish had looked at her and smiled saying, "Yeah, it is a little runny. I think I'm kinda catching some sniffles." Kristina had smiled back and said, "Well, you're probably going to catch cold. Anna doesn't sound so good." Trish had sniffled big hearing Anna sneeze a double behind her and said, "I'm just catching some sniffles, I'll be fine."

Edited by ellamalaka
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Part VII

"Looks like those sniffles have turned into a cold"

Trish had explained to her roommates that she was indeed catching some sniffles when she got home. She had a runny, sniffly nose and wasn't feeling good. "A girl at work is sick and it seems like I'm maybe catching some sniffles off her." She sniffled all evening, not wanting to break down and blow her nose because it would seem like admitting that she was getting sick. "I caught sniffles from a girl at work. She's sick with a cold." Her headache had taken hold that evening and her throat got sore. By the time she went to bed she was having a lot of trouble sniffling her nose and didn't feel good at all.

Trish was exhausted but slept fitfully. Her throat was sore and her body achy. She couldn't breathe out of her nose from the moment she laid down. Finally in the night she conceded that she needed to blow her nose and started in with the tissues. Her nose clogged faster each time she blew it. She she got up for work that morning she was still tired and did not feel good at all. As she sat up her nose began to tickle and she sneezed. It was the first sneeze of many, many to come for Trish. She sneezed at breakfast, she sneezed three times on her way to work and she sneezed again as soon as she walked through the door. "Morning, girls," she said to Tammy and Celeste, recovering from the sneeze and hearing that her voice was now stuffy. She had a tissue in her hand and put it up to her nose and gave a gurgled blow as they watched. "Wow Trish," said Tammy, "looks like those sniffles have turned into a cold." Trish smiled and said, "Yep, I caught Anna's cold. I'm a sick girl today."

Trish sat at her desk now sniffling and wiping at her nose, wondering when the next sneeze would hit her. She knew that Anna was about to arrive before the door opened. She heard a deep barrage of husky coughs outside and saw Anna covering her mouth with a fist. Anna came in, still coughing. The three girls all sat and stared at her. She looked awful, tired, and feverish. The fit finally subsided into wheezy breathing and she blew her sore, red nose. "Borning, girls," Anna congestedly said, her voice now completely clogged up and about an octave lower than normal. There was no hope of Anna breathing out of her nose today and her chest was starting to get clogged too.

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"You'll have to excuse me. I'm coming down with a little bit of a cold."

Anna's congested cough turned heads. She sounded awful this morning and had a 100 fever to go along with it. And her sneezing hadn't subsided, but only gotten worse as her fever climbed. Her sneezing, which had been in spraying doubles the day before, was now in congested triples which seem to come more from her chest. Her head was just completely clogged up with cold and it was spreading to her throat chest. She was a mess and feeling awful today.

"Bless you dear. Sounds like working in here is starting to catch up with you," said the woman of about 35 who was paying the bill for her bout with the flu from 2 weeks prior to sneezing Trish. "Yeah, I'm sorry. You'll have to excuse me. I'm coming down with a little bit of a cold," Trish explained before Anna stole the show. She turned to Trish and let out a huge fit of congested coughs. The woman looked on with horror at Anna's bad coughing fit. As she recovered enough to talk she took a wheezy breath and said, "Yeah, I got her sick. That's my cold she's sneezing with," Anna voice was entirely clogged and deep. The woman could hear how congested her head and chest was. Anna's voice had been getting slowly deeper that morning. It had already sounded very different when she'd come in and now two hours later her chest was even more congested. "Well, you both sound like you need to be in bed. Take care of those colds," the woman had said as she left.

"I wish I was in bed," Anna lamented in her deep voice as she blew her nose again. "I feel awful today. This cold and cough are kicking my butt!" Trish felt pretty bad herself. She'd been sneezing more and more all morning, her head and nose filling up and her box of tissues slowly getting used. Nurse Flannery had taken her temperature when she heard her sneezing and talking in a stuffy voice. "Did you catch what Anna has?" she'd asked. "I think so,"said Trish and the nurse had put the thermometer in her mouth. Trish was running a 99 degree temperature that morning. "You're sick, Trish, and certainly contagious. Keep that nose blown and your sneeze covered so the other girls don't catch it." She'd turned to Anna and said, "You need to cover your cough. Trish is sick now sneezing with your cold and she'll catch your cough if you're not careful with it." "Yes ma'am," they'd both said to her, Trish in a stuffy voice and Anna in a deep congested one.

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Shall I continue? I think I have 22 parts of sneezing, coughing contagiousness - complete with some voice losing, which I love.

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Part IX

"Bless you, Kristina"

By afternoon Trish had become the cold mess that Anna had been the day before. She was sneezing in doubles and having a hard time keeping her poor, sore nose blown. Anna was turning into a wonderland of illness. By afternoon she'd departed the bad cold realm and was entering the -itis one. She was feverish and very contagious. Her cough was unrelenting and she'd only been able to get out a few, now extremely deep words in between each congested, hacking fit. "I'm so sorry <hack!hack!hack!> I caught a cold and <hack!hack!hack!> caught a cold and cough <hack!hack!hack!hack!> I'm sick," she'd apologized to each customer.

Trish double sneezed for the first and blew her clogged nose at about 1pm. She couldn't stop sneezing now and Anna was coughing all over her. Trish had taken to sneezing on Kristina, too, seeing the red-head looked tired herself and prone to catch cold. By afternoon Kristina was starting to suffer from Trish's constant sneezes. Her own throat was sore and she'd been secretly sniffling most of the day. A tickle finally caugh her off guard with about an hour to go in the day and she'd let out a little <TISH!> of a wet sneeze. "Bless you, Kristina," Trish and Anna had said, Trish surprised by how clogged she sounded and Anna's voice now so deep she was a bass. Both of their voices had been a surprise to Celeste who had carefully followed the spread of their colds and now whatever Anna was catching - something awful.

"Trish?" came the surpised voice of her friend Brittany on the phone, "Yeah, it's me. I kinda caught cold from some of the girls up here at work," she explained her nose now almost fully clogged. "Wow, you are completely stopped-up. So you caught a little cold, huh," said Brittany, trying to hide the surprise she felt over hearing Trish like this. The poor girl must not be feeling good. She obviously has a bad cold. Trish blew her nose as gently as she could as they continued to talk. She sneezed three doubles while they talked and Brittany blessed each one. She could hear Anna relentlessly and congestedly coughing in the background an was even on long enough to hear Kristina give a wet sneeze from the cold she was catching. "Well girl, you need get home and get to bed. Sounds like you girls are pretty sick up there." Trish confirmed saying, "Yeah, I'm sick today but I'll be better in the morning."

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This writing style is very direct. To me, it reads as stark and extreme. Perhaps it isn't for everyone but this is illness absurdity as much as I could make it. I'm sure I'll work on similarly themed stories. My favorite setting is the doctor's office, describing the receptionists and secretaries, but there are other ones I wouldn't mind exploring.

Some things I enjoy:

Explicit sneezing and coughing on people

When a friend (or anyone) notices how bad the sick person sounds and expresses surprise and alarm

Claims by the sick person that they are going to be better soon despite the fact that they are clearly getting worse

Denial and minimizing of the illness.

Years ago there was an multipart work on a yahoo group that was entitled 'Going Around.' It traced victim after victim of a cold as it was caught and given. I've always thought about writing something similar. The perpetual nature of the work appealed to me, you know, like the cold just never stops. Anyway, glad you enjoy this one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh Ella! This is one of my favorite stories. Don't just leave me hanging here. Will there be more?

You know exactly how to push my fetishy buttons, and I like it, oh yes I do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to leave you hanging - real life and all. Thanks for the feedback, Sneezster. I've always particularly enjoyed your contributions to the board.w00t.gif

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Part X

"Be careful. You don't want to catch what's going around"

Trish had drug her poor, sick body home and then taken her cold out shopping. She'd gone in all the department stores sneezing her head off and blowing her red nose. She'd asked every clerk if she could use their trash can and thrown snotty tissues in each of them. She'd sneezed on every girl she could, which was quite a lot. She'd felt absolutely miserable, her head was completely clogged now and she was sporting nearly a 100 degree fever. Everyone could tell she was sick, not just a little, but a lot, and she was sharing it with anyone she could. "Do you have a cold?" a friendly girl had asked her in the lingerie section, hearing her sneezing and sniffling "Yeah, I have a little..." <AH-CHOO!AH-CHOO!> two uncovered sneezes hit the poor sales girl square in the face. Trish blew her nose saying, "Yeah, I'm sick with a little cold. I caught it up at work" The sales girl had smiled and said, "Tis the season. I'm filling in for someone who is sick in bed right now." Trish had blown her nose again, "Well, be careful. You don't want to catch what's going around." The girl had smiled once again saying, "Oh, I'll be fine. I'm not going to catch it."

Trish had arrived home a mess of sneezes, tissues, and shivers. It was a cold night and she was sick and running a fever. She'd come through the door sneezing, now having developed a triple sneeze out in her cold walk home. She'd already infected her roommates with it and they were both sniffly this evening and feeling unwell but she gave them both several rounds of triple sneezes just to make sure they got as sick as possible. The night had been horrible. Trish had never caught a cold as bad as this one. She quite simply could not stop sneezing and blowing her nose which was red and raw. Her body ached all over and she could never get comfortable. Her throat, which had been sore since the start of her cold, was getting a lot worse. She fell asleep for a few fitful feverish hours and woke up completely clogged in her head and wheezy in her chest. She couldn't beathe out of her nose and breathing out of her mouth made her cough. "Wow," she thought to herself as she coughed, "I am catching Anna's cough, too." The cough she sported was hacky and congested. She spent the rest of the early morning feverishly hacking until her alarm told her it was time for work.

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Some things I enjoy: Explicit sneezing and coughing on people When a friend (or anyone) notices how bad the sick person sounds and expresses surprise and alarm Claims by the sick person that they are going to be better soon despite the fact that they are clearly getting worse Denial and minimizing of the illness.

I've been working on a story you'd love, then. Sooooo contagious!

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Ok, so I realise that I am very late, but for some reason I didn't realise that this story was here, because I hardly browse in this subforum. But I'm glad I finally did and that I found your story! :) I really enjoy it, contagion in fiction is one of my most favorite things ever! :drool: I'd greatly enjoy reading more (and also reading your story, The Sneezester, it sounds lovely!)

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Part XI

"I don't know what you've caught but you sound just awful."

Trish got ready for work in a haze. She was burning up with fever, she couldn't breathe out of her nose which was swollen and bright, bright red, and she was hacking over a sore throat from her cogested chest. She was now triple sneezing and did so liberally as she put on a white lace bra and matching panties, pausing only to hack her congested cough. She looked at her pathetic form in the mirror and heard her chest wheeze as she breathed through her mouth. "I bet that girl in lingerie catches your cold, Trish," she'd said to her sick form in the mirror, a hand on her wheezy upper chest. The sound of her own voice had shocked her. She raised an eyebrow looking at her red, peeled nose. She put a fist to her mouth and hacked, needing to cough yet again. "Is that what you sound like today, girl?" she'd asked herself hearing that her voice was not only completely clogged up from the bad cold she had in her head, but congested sounding and overall much deeper than her normal voice. It was, quite simply, shocking. She sounded nothing like herself. Her voice had dropped a full octive and was completely stopped up sounding. Her throat was amazingly sore, not just when she spoke but all the time. Trish broke into another coughing fit, the congested sound echoing in her bathroom. As it subsided she blew her nose, sneezed three times, blew her nose, coughed again and finally said to herself in the mirror, "Trish, I don't know what you've caught, but you sound just awful." The bassy, congested voice that came out of her sore throat sounded nothing like Trish.

Trish dressed in a cute outfit, forgetting how chilly it was outside and her fever. She'd never felt this miserable in her life. She was completely sick and just headed to work. How bad was it going to get? Who else would catch it from her? All these thought thrilled Trish as she hacked and sneezed over her sore throat.

Tammy and Celeste were at their normal seats when she arrived. She made sure to cough a lot before she came in the building so that she could surprise them with her voice as much as possible. Her plan had failed when her clogged nose had tickled her just as she approached the two and let out her now characteristic congested triple sneeze. The first two were harsh and wet but the third sneeze was the most congested and violent and she took in a long wheezy breath to get it out. Tammy had been the target and three feverish sneezes had exploded in her face, drenching her with hot germs. Trish straightened up wiping and blowing her overflowing nose as the coughs hit her, hacky and congested. The two receptionists sat amazed. Trish had certainly caught herself something awful.

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