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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I told my brother...


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Okay, I've had this feeling that I should tell my twin brother about my fetish. And I did so! I think he didn't really understand what I was saying because I kinda said it so fast...sweatdrop.gif

So, my problem is that should I explain what my fetish means? I think he doesn't know but he will find out if I don't do something quick. I'm in trouble...stun.gif

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Eep, I don't know why you told him in the first place! X__x No way would I want my brother knowing about what turns me on. Maybe it's different for twins, I don't know. But still.

Um, I wouldn't explain exactly. If he wants to know details he'll ask or look it up himself. Plus, goodness, wouldn't explaining be horribly mortifying?

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Hmm, it's a bit late now, no? I guess if he cares he'll look it up, but it might completely pass him by or he might understand but not the intensity of it. I've told people (friends) and had them forget because they just weren't that interested/shocked by it. Here's hoping.

Now you just have to hope your brother doesn't come back with his own fetishes and what turns him on/ what porn he likes. Unless that's the outcome you wanted?

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Yeah, I made a mistake... But I think he was a little bit drunk... And we're 14... So he doesn't remember anything... At least I hope so...

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I have a twin brother and it makes my skin crawl to think that he may find out! I feel ill just imagining it! :P

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