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Diane Macedo


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For anybody who has the ability to find and capture this, Diane Macedo sneezed twice and possibly a third time on Red Eye last night on Fox News Channel. I was flipping the through the channels on JetBlue and just as the show came on, I saw her trying to hold back a sneeze, then she started sneezing off camera like 15 seconds later. Like I said, I think there were three, but I couldn't tell for sure because the picture was cutting in and out. Even Greg Gutfeld commented about her having allergies or something. This happens around :10 or so into the show... I think? :P

She may have done more either before this or during the rest of the show. I only was able to watch from around :10 after until :29, then we landed.

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This one looks notoriously tough to find, but it's also still pretty new. Please do share anyone who manages to find an episode link (or SexySneezyGirl if you can add any extra details from your lucky find).

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I've watched some clips of it, but it doesn't seem to add up. The only episode Diane's on is the 10th august one? The only thing I can think is I'm watching the wrong thing entirely, or they showed an old episode? You wouldn't happen to remember what colour dress (or what clothing she was wearing) would you SexySneezyGirl?

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I've watched some clips of it, but it doesn't seem to add up. The only episode Diane's on is the 10th august one? The only thing I can think is I'm watching the wrong thing entirely, or they showed an old episode? You wouldn't happen to remember what colour dress (or what clothing she was wearing) would you SexySneezyGirl?

10th august is the right one. By "last night" SexySneezyGirl meant the early hours of the morning (I think the show is broadcast at midnight PT). There's even some comments on Diane's facebook about her sneezing. Unfortunately I've only found a few clips of excerpts of the show, none of which contain the relevant segment :(

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I'm not sure about what the topic of conversation was, but I do know it was on around 10-15 minutes after the show started. The show aired late Thursday night my time, which officially would make the air date of August 10.

Here's the link for the show I saw her on:


And, like I said, maybe she sneezed more before or after that time. There was a "you have allergies" comment made.

I would guess the full episode option would be the best route. I doubt they'll have a highlight of her three sneezes tongue.png

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Hey guys, I watched it the whole way through and sadly no sneezes aside from those couple off camera at just after the ten minute mark. She is smoking hot though, nice find all around.

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I'm working on clipping it for you guys... does anybody know how to change the order of your videos on youtube? I just don't want this auto playing as my main video :P

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I'm working on clipping it for you guys... does anybody know how to change the order of your videos on youtube? I just don't want this auto playing as my main video tonguesmiley.gif

I actually think they disabled that feature with the newest update, but it might come back once enough people complain. I'd love it if I was just overlooking some dumb new button though...
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