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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Multiple Allergy Obs.


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Okay, so two of my allergy triggers are grass and mold. Thanks to Hurricane Isaac, we've received an enormous amount of rain which has lead to the proliferation of...that's right! Grass and mold.Over the last week or so I've had a couple noteworthy observations to report:

I'm teaching a college course this fall and this was our first week. It's a small group (about 20 undergrads) and I've already decided that I adore them. Anyway, I was making some notes on the white board and felt my nose get that tingly feeling. Normally, I don't mind sneezing in front of others but I get paranoid in front of my students because I'm afraid it'll be a messy sneeze and I'll die of embarrassment. I sniffed a couple times, hoping it would go away...but no. I pinched my nose and stifled a sneeze. HahhNGTS! I sniffed once and immediately stifled two more. HahhNGTss! NKTSSS! Several of them blessed me and I turned a fantastic shade of red. I tried to redirect us back to our lesson pretty quickly.

Another day this week I got home from work and my dog managed to get loose and was running around terrorizing the neighborhood. Moron. So I grabbed the leash and had to go track him down. Finally managed to capture him and drag his dumb ass home but I was outside for too long. About ten minutes after I got back I sneezed three big sneezes HahhEHHH'SCHHHEEW! AHhhh'SCHHHHEEEW! huhhEHHH'SSHHEEEW!! Grabbed some tissues and blew my nose. Not long after I had a fit of six smaller rapid sneezes. AHhhSCHHHeew! SCHHEEW! SSHHEEW! AhhssshhhEEW! SCHhhhEEW! TSCHHEEEW!

This morning I woke up feeling sneezy. Got up and made coffee. Had to blow my nose a couple times but I didn't sneeze until I was making breakfast. I was stirring pepper in my grits and decided to sniff it to try and get a couple sneezes out. I held the bowl up to my nose and took a couple deep breaths. Sure enough, about ten seconds later I sneezed a massive double, open and directed towards the floor. HuhhhEHHHH'SSSHHHOOOO! HahhhhEHHH'STSHHHOOOO! Felt very good.

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I pinched my nose and stifled a sneeze. HahhNGTS! I sniffed once and immediately stifled two more

^^ this is so cute, especially while standing in front of a class

Bless you :)

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Sure enough, about ten seconds later I sneezed a massive double, open and directed towards the floor. HuhhhEHHHH'SSSHHHOOOO! HahhhhEHHH'STSHHHOOOO!

Love obs that contain sneezing like this - what a sneezy week you've had :)

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Awww matilda, delicious to read, but I can imagine not so fun to experience. ;) Hope it's getting better. :hug:

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excelllent self-obs! Next time I have pepper on my morning grits I must remember this novel inducing method.....and so must you......

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