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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My dust allergy (Self, F)


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Hey guys,

Well I have a very strong allergy to dust. I do have hayfever any way so I believe it springs from that. But in the past few months my dust allergy has been very prodominant and in my face.

I've been having regular sneezing fits which, for me can be aggravating but apparently to my boyfriend, he finds them "cute and adorable"

I don't mind the sneezing, it's just the burning nose and eyes.

Just a little obs today,

Bye guys

SneezyPrincess. <3

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Bless you. I'm sure it is cute adorable and as irritating as it is I'm sure nothing feels better then the relief of actually sneezing.

My allergies have been rough too, hay fever, I get where you're coming from; I've had such a rotten headache! thumbdown.gif

Anyway, feel better.yes.gif

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