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that happens to me only when i have a cold. Because usually when i get a cold, i get mild ear infections since my sinuses seem to go more haywire than usual and my ears would be clogged and itchy..

since im a constant stifler alone or in front of people, i know the exact feeling..lol

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Stifling in general is pretty bad for your ears. Normally, when air pressure changes around you, your Eustachian tubes (tubes from your middle ear the the back of your throat) open and equalize it (thats why your ears pop when you go up in a plane) But stifling creates a lot of pressure really fast so the pressure isn't equalized for most people. It's probably actually a good thing that your ears pop, it's your body trying to equalize the pressure in your head from stifling. Even though the pressure only lasts for the length of the sneeze, it's not great for your ears. You aren't hugely likely to actually blow an eardrum unless you already have damage like scarring from tubes or something, but they do bulge out for a second, which is really bad for them (normal eardrums are concave, they can completely bulge to convex). Which can damage them, especially if you do it a lot.

(aww yeah putting my speech pathology major to good use, my audiology professor would be so proud. she used to yell at people who stifled in class)

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Stifling in general is pretty bad for your ears. Normally, when air pressure changes around you, your Eustachian tubes (tubes from your middle ear the the back of your throat) open and equalize it (thats why your ears pop when you go up in a plane) But stifling creates a lot of pressure really fast so the pressure isn't equalized for most people. It's probably actually a good thing that your ears pop, it's your body trying to equalize the pressure in your head from stifling. Even though the pressure only lasts for the length of the sneeze, it's not great for your ears. You aren't hugely likely to actually blow an eardrum unless you already have damage like scarring from tubes or something, but they do bulge out for a second, which is really bad for them (normal eardrums are concave, they can completely bulge to convex). Which can damage them, especially if you do it a lot.

(aww yeah putting my speech pathology major to good use, my audiology professor would be so proud. she used to yell at people who stifled in class)

A teacher who yells at stifling, I'd be motified!

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