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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Ever, to anyone, no matter what the cause?

I sometimes do to my girlfriend if my allergies are acting up and I expect a fit or a violent sneeze - otherwise she'll jump! XD Or if I sneeze a few times and stop, so I'm blessed but I still feel a sneeze coming on, then I will if I can because I don't want to seem rude not thanking the blesser!

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I don't........but I love it when girls do

1. there is something gorgeous about them actually saying the words

2. it gives us a chance to watch every aspect of the sneeze (but discreetly of course :P )

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No, I don't, I'd be too embarrassed.

It can be, particularly if you announce it only for the sneeze to go away; which is why I usually don't unless I'm positive it'll happen. Even though, at times I think it helps coax out the sneeze if it's teasing me because I actually have to think about it.

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If I do, it nearly always makes it go away. And I would only try it under very specific circumstances. Most of the time, I just try and avoid any attention being drawn to it.

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I don't. Too embarrassed. But I have a friend who does everytime. We'll be sitting in class and she'll stop what she's doing and say "I've gotta sneeze!" then we all wait for it. Sometimes she losses it but she usually sneezes every time.

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No, I don't, I'd be too embarrassed.

It can be, particularly if you announce it only for the sneeze to go away; which is why I usually don't unless I'm positive it'll happen. Even though, at times I think it helps coax out the sneeze if it's teasing me because I actually have to think about it.

not so much that i'm afraid it'd go away, just that I don't like calling attention to myself about my sneezing in public.
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No, I don't, I'd be too embarrassed.

It can be, particularly if you announce it only for the sneeze to go away; which is why I usually don't unless I'm positive it'll happen. Even though, at times I think it helps coax out the sneeze if it's teasing me because I actually have to think about it.

not so much that i'm afraid it'd go away, just that I don't like calling attention to myself about my sneezing in public.

Awh, but you're adorable. wubsmiley.gif

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I sometimes do when I'm with friends, only because I always have to wait for my sneezes to decide whether they'll actually happen or not. I don't want to be staring into space for 30 seconds or so and then have them be like "Why aren't you paying attention to me?!" I'm not really sure if they'd be like that, but I'd rather warn them that I think/thought I had to sneeze rather than just suddenly stop paying attention. :sweatdrop: Any other time, though, I don't give any indication.

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I sometimes do when I'm with friends, only because I always have to wait for my sneezes to decide whether they'll actually happen or not. I don't want to be staring into space for 30 seconds or so and then have them be like "Why aren't you paying attention to me?!" I'm not really sure if they'd be like that, but I'd rather warn them that I think/thought I had to sneeze rather than just suddenly stop paying attention. :sweatdrop: Any other time, though, I don't give any indication.

That's adorable.

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I try not to sneeze in public, but would never announce it if I felt one coming. Like others here, I don't want to draw attention to myself.

I love it when others announce a sneeze, but if they end up not sneezing (which is quite often) I feel cheated! It's like being promised a treat, which you're then denied.

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  • 2 months later...

I try not to sneeze in public, but would never announce it if I felt one coming. Like others here, I don't want to draw attention to myself.

I love it when others announce a sneeze, but if they end up not sneezing (which is quite often) I feel cheated! It's like being promised a treat, which you're then denied.

wow I so agree with this!!!

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I don't announce but I get excited when someone I like does. Though this happened a few months ago where the person I liked said they were gonna sneeze and I was on the edge of my seat for a few moments, but they didn't. I was so disappointed!

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i would never do that because, for one, i try to never sneeze in public, and two, i don't think i could even say the word sneeze my mental block is that extreme .wallbash.gifgah.gif

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i would never do that because, for one, i try to never sneeze in public, and two, i don't think i could even say the word sneeze my mental block is that extreme .wallbash.gifgah.gif

I am the exact same way! I could never announce my sneezes if I can't even say the word!

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I sometimes do, but not always. I would be saying it all the time cause I'm always sneezing! Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I rarely do (unless I'm having an allergy fit and I know for sure I've got more sneezes coming), and that's not necessarily because I don't want to, but more of a case of 1) if I have to sneeze in public, I prefer not to draw any attention to it....although if I do get noticed and blessed, it's an added bonus smile.png. And 2), in other situations or in private (i.e alone with my husband, who knows about my fetish) it can prove something of a distraction if I try to talk when I feel a sneeze coming. Sometimes, like if I get enough warning, if I try and say I'm going to sneeze, it will go away, and other times (which is more often than not) it just comes on too quickly for me to actually say anything before it happens! I prefer the latter to be honest, because I'm one of those people who actually enjoy sneezing, and I find it frustrating when anything happens to interrupt the urge to sneeze when I feel like I need to smile.png

Edited by Wishing
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I would never do this, I would be far too embarrassed- and anyway I have a strong mental block, and I can only ever sneeze in public if I know no-one is paying attention to me. So, announcing it to someone would be a sure-fire way to make the sneeze go away!

I do find this very attractive when women do it- but I realise now I've hardly heard anyone do it since I was at school. There are not many situations where announcing a sneeze is necessary, I suppose.

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