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Caught some sniffles


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I seem to be battling yet another cold...not altogether surprising since the last week leading up to the holidays has been a madhouse at work. In the last 3 days of work I've probably only averaged 5 hours sleep between shifts.

I'm pretty sure I caught my cold from a co-worker, who I spent a lot of time working with on Thursday. We'd been talking as we were working all day and then toward the end of the shift he sniffed deeply and commented that he was getting a bit of a cold. Because we're friends like that I joked that it was because he'd gotten with too many girls over the Christmas break. And then cooed that he was a "Poor baby!"

To be fair I never would have guessed if he hadn't said anything, and he seemed perfectly fine the next day too.

Today I had an early start, and for the first hour I was there alone, so when I felt a tickle building I decided that I wouldn't bother to cover up. The sneeze was wetter than I expected, sort of Eeh-Ish!, and with quite a runny nose and I immediately wondered if I was getting sick.

Came home and napped for a couple of hours before dinner and woke up with the worst sore throat. It got a bit better after a drink, but I still feel like I'm trying to swallow shards of glass.

As I finished watching the last DVD of House 8, I could hear my voice getting more and more rough, and starting to sniff slightly.

I'm in bed now, having grabbed my only hanky to dab at my wet nose before inducing 4 itchy, partially stifled sneezes Het-chump!. They've all surprised me with their wetness and my hanky is now noticably damp.

I only have tomorrow off and then I'm working NYE and NYD, so I hope it doesn't become the cold from hell...since sick-leave is pretty well out of the question.

Keep you posted

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I'm sorry you're feeling rotten! I hope that you get better for New Year's but in the meantime, thanks for sharing the yummy obs! :)

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You're welcome darling dusty :)

I actually rang in sick last night since I knew if I didn't give advance notice I wouldn't have the cahones to ring anybody up at 5am despite barely getting off the couch all day. I figure taking today off means they won't have to replace me on the 1st, which would have been a lot more inconvienient.

By about 7pm last night I was starting to have to blow my nose about every 15 minutes or it would begin to run noticably. I'm too congested to get decent sneezes, and even when I tried to induce most of the time I was left with a horribly full and tickly nose, feeling frustrated.

Today I'm much sneezier; twice since I got up I've had to deperately grope at the tissue box beside me because of a building tickle, and while typing this I pinched the bridge of my nose to induce 2 more soggy explosions. I'm only sneezing in singles sounding like Huhhhh-Tcha!

I feel completely weak and sick and useless :(

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Those late-cold congested sneezes are my favorite, but having had them a great number of times in my life, I know they can be very uncomfortable (and soggy!). I hope you get some rest and have a healthier New Year <3

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Worked with the guy I caught this from today - my what a pair we made! Both pale and stuffed up sounding, regularly honking our cold-riddled noses into tissues. Quite a nice day for a fetishist who was feeling better enough to enjoy the whole thing :whistle: Especially the little talk where he asked how my NYE had been, and I said quiet because I had a cold, he said it was going around to which I replied that he'd had it first so I blamed him.

A few lovely obs from him included; watching him blow his nose with a tissue several times while manning the service desk, him giving me a sort of "I'm watching you look/sneer" from across the building and then when I asked why telling me he had to go blow his nose. So no actual sneezes, but some really delightful sick guy moments :P

As for me; I'm still sneezing natuarlly which is a nice bonus, and there were quite a few. First one was openly on the other side of the (very large) room just after my co-workers got in (just in case they thought I was faking ;) ) and then probably 5 or 6 over the course of the next 6 hours, all directed into my elbow/shirt sleeve. They're all terribly congested-sounding Heehh-Tchuh! kind of sneezes, with almost no spray. I sneezed several times on the way home, set off by the strong summer sun.

My sinuses are completely clogged and I was wandering around all day sniffling thickly and mouth breathing in that "I have a terrible cold" way. I constantly kept 2 tissues in my pocket and by lunch my nose had developed the lovely shade of chapped pink it now sports.

To quote one of Ella's characters from his sick fic "I'm a sick girl today"

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To quote one of Ella's characters from his sick fic "I'm a sick girl today"

Zing! And great obs you've written here, love the little nuances of your cold :)

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I'm in bed now, having grabbed my only hanky to dab at my wet nose before inducing 4 itchy, partially stifled sneezes Het-chump!. They've all surprised me with their wetness and my hanky is now noticably damp.

you should think about buying a new 10 pack of hankies or something to help battle this cold :)

get well soon

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