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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Okay so.. I told.


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It's surprising how much trust you can have in Internet friends, they don't really know your in Rl friends and they don't have anybody to tell. And in my case, he wasnt grossed out at all because he has a foot fetish so he understands having a fetish. All he said was "Oh a sneeze fetish is adorable". He even induced just for me ! We Skype sometimes and yeh we Skype then he induced with pepper,tissue and q-tips. He's tanned, has long ish "emo" hair and slim brown eyes. He is 13 and usually wears flannels with a tee shirt. He plays acoustic guitar and yeh. He said his natural sneezes are in 2 and 3's and super loud and he rarely sneezes.So he had a lot of build ups when using pepper , it didnt trigger a sneeze out of him. He used a tissue but didnt roll it up properly so a weak sneeze came out "tchoo" kinda half stifled. Then a q-tip didnt work. Then later on he try's wiggling the tissue up and down in his nose then that triggered at least 8 sneezes, in groups of ones, twos and threes.. All sounded like "Aktchii".. Half stifled. Yeh I'm just glad I got to finally tell someone :) . Maybe he'll do that again sometime ;)

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Congrats on getting the courage to tell someone ^_^

Even though it's just an online friend, I still think it's a bold move to decide to tell them.

I'm glad he took it so well as well, and it's really nice of him to offer to induce for you ^_^

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Woo hoo! Congrats on having the courage to tell someone!! I'm glad everything went smoothly for ya, as well!

I wish I had that kind of courage, ever...haha

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It's surprising how much trust you can have in Internet friends, they don't really know your in Rl friends and they don't have anybody to tell. And in my case, he wasnt grossed out at all because he has a foot fetish so he understands having a fetish. All he said was "Oh a sneeze fetish is adorable". He even induced just for me !

That's so nice of him! Glad you got the opportunity and that is really brave of you to come out with it! :D Good job!

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Woooo, you go you! :bounce: Congratulations for having that much courage! I know it couldn't have been an easy for you.

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