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Oh, How I Want Him to Sneeze...(long, M)


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HHHiiIiiiii!!!! So, yes, I have some obs on a friend of mine and I'm just going to tell you there isn't any sneezing, but more sickness/allergy. I really wish there was sneezing!!! But, sadly, my friend has to be stubborn and not corporate with my sneezing needs....(sigh) Anyway.....shifty.gif

This is kind of a chain of events that happened with him. His name is E, he's a year younger then me but almost just as tall (so maybe 5' 2"), E has light brown, almost orange, hair that goes down to his chin, black glasses, and green eyes.

First, we were in the hall school, talking by his locker when he coughs a little. I guess he wasn't expecting it because he didn't cover. but what I found weird was as soon as he let some of the cough out he quickly looked at me with a panicked facebigeyedsmiley.png like I was going to do somethingtomato.gif because he coughed. I will say that maybe it's because he knows I'm a germaphobe and was thinking I would freak out or maybe he's just embarrassed to cough in front of people (which I doubt, but who knows?). So I just pretended to not notice (the look and the cough) and keep going with what I was saying. Though out our conversation he would cough and I thought there was a tickle in his throat or something. Before he left I asked, "Are you dying?(Dying is what we usually say instead of sick of felling sick or along those lines) Are you choking?" He replies with a nod because he was coughing again.yes.gif

It's the start of something....thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

So the next day, he comes and sits down next to me in the cafeteria before school and he immediately says "B got me sick!" I really don't know how to respond to thisblinksmiley.gif, so I think I said something like "Really?" and he nods. Of course I was excited!biggrinsmiley.gif I mean, I thought I could finally see him sneeze now! but you already know the ending to that...poorfool.gif

Though the few days he was sick, E would come to me every morning with an update. One day he said "It got worse!" Another he had a cup with something to help his throat (because that's all he was doing is cough.), he asked me "Have you every seen me sick?" Inside I was like why did you have to ask that question?! I did not know how to answer because I'm pretty sure I've seen him sick, but I'm not sure if he noticed that I noticed. Luckily, someone else said something that made him forget the question.sweatdrop.gif

This all happened in one week so, of course there was the weekend and I was dreading in because I thought he would be better by Monday.pinch.gif To my surprise E wasn't at school Monday.renske.gif

Lastly, we get to my favorite part!smile1.gif

E came back to school Tuesday, and I figured out he had actually gone to the doctor Monday. So he came to me and said "I'm allergic to grass."

Me: ohmy.png........clapping.gif "Grass? *he nods* Well, good luck, man, because it's everywhere out there! *indicates toward window"

E: "Yeah..but it's like fresh cut grass."

Me: "Oh."

So, yeah, I've never had a friend with allergies before. Plus spring is just starting here so, hopefully...renske.gif

Today he was sniffing a little so it could lead to more! Sorry if this is to long! I'm shutting up now. Bye!shuriken.gif

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*Gets us popcorn* 8D

Hahahaha! Thanks...I guess!

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