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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Hi, everyone!

I’m new to the forum. This is my first sneezefic... I’m pretty nervous about posting it. ^^” Hopefully, my writing’s not too bad...

Each part will be relatively short. School’s been pretty demanding, so feel free to slap me right now. -.-

I’m trying for 100 sneezes, so... about 10-20 parts? I don’t know.

Anyways, onto the story...

Part 1

“Thanks for the help. You’re a life saver!” Constance exclaimed.

Allie smiled. “You’re welcome. Good luck on finals!”

Suddenly, confusion filled her face. “Where’s my umbrella?” She wondered. Her gaze drifted to her empty bag. “I thought I put it here...”

“I don’t know,” Constance replied. “I wasn’t paying attention to it.”

They searched the room, but found nothing. Wordlessly, Allie frowned.

“If you want, you can borrow mine,” offered Constance. Allie shook her head, mustering a smile.

“I think I can manage.”

It was a lie. As she left the school, the clouds were already turning gray. Threads of rain had started falling, delicate and beautiful.

She continued on. Her hair was getting drenched, water soaking her clothes. A small headache was forming, her sniffles were becoming more and more frequent.


The sneeze caught her by surprise. It was quiet but powerful, no less perfect than the victim herself. Allie sighed. It was inevitable. At this point, the question was no longer for getting sick, but how severe the illness would be.

When her house came into view, she was already sneezing uncontrollably. “Hitchiew! Hatshuu! Ishiew!” She sighed, making her way to her room. She hadn’t realized how tired she was. Feverishly, she fell into bed, sleep finally overtaking her...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here goes nothing...

//slaps self

Part 2


A single sneeze. It echoed in the small room, misting the air with spray. For a moment, it caught the attention of the room.

And then, everyone resumed what they were doing. It’s just a sneeze. Nothing much.



“Here’s my hobework.” She sniffed wetly, trying to ignore the growing tickle in her nose. Her breath hitched once. Twice. Then…

“Ha… HA-KSHIEW!!!”

Allie sneezed, directly onto the teacher’s face. Mist sparkled in the air, before settling on the desks around them.

Her cheeks reddened slightly. “S-Sorry,” She mumbled.

The teacher nodded, secretly disgusted. “Er… it’s fine.” Holding his breath, he skimmed over her homework.

“Hih…” Allie’s breath wavered again. “HIH...” The teacher grimaced. Incoming! He closed his eyes, shielding himself from the spray.

“Hitchuu! HITCHUU!!”

He winced. He’d always been a germaphobe. And now, desperately wanted to shower in disinfectant spray. Or, perhaps, drown himself in hand sanitizer...

In fact, he would have. But he had a class to teach. So, forced to regain his composure, he continued on with his lecture...

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Welcome- and I must say delicious mess in that one. Mm-mm!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Sorry this is so late... ^^; I've had this part written for a long time, but I've never had the courage to post it. Mainly because I was afraid it didn't live up to this story's expectations... sweatdrop.gif

But after much debating, I decided to post it anyways. Because, well... why not? closedeyes.gif

Part 3

“Tests will be handed back today.” The teacher sniffed. “HurESSHooo!” He sneezed wetly onto his handkerchief.

“HURESHOOOO!!” He sneezed again, misting the air. He began passing out the pile of tests, sneezing messily in the process.


Unfortunately, his hands were full. So, he sneezed all over his tests- and the unsuspecting students...


“How’s math?”

Liza groaned. “Terrible. The teacher’s sdeezig everywhere, and I thidk I caught his code. About half the class has...” She stopped in her tracks, a strange expression falling over her face. She sniffed, eyelids fluttering, and then... “Ha... Hatchuuu!”

Lilly frowned. “Aw, that sucks! Feel better soon.”

“Thadks...” Liza sniffed wetly. “HatCHUUU! Ishiew, ISHIEW! Hih... HiH... HITSHHOOO!!”

Lilly blessed her, smiling. Little did she know, she’d soon fall upon the same fate...

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  • 2 months later...

Not really sure where this story should go...

Part 4

Entering the school, Lilly sneezed.

Her head was pounding, her face slightly pale. Her emerald eyes, once so lively, were now dull and glazed over.

“Hey, you don’t sound very good.” It was Kate, one of her friends.

Lilly nodded tiredly. “Yeah.” She turned away, catching a sneeze in her hand. “Hi-kshuu! I have a little cold, that’s all- Hetchuu! HitCHIEW!”

Unfortunately, she didn’t even have time to turn away. When she finished, Kate’s face was glistening. Lilly blinked, realizing what she had just done. “Oh my gosh! I’b so sorry, Kate! Ha-ISHOO!!”

Kate shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”...


“HatCHIEW!” Kate sneezed into her cupped hands. She sighed, her head pounding. Why did she always have to get sick?

She sniffled, unlocking the door. “I’m home.”

“Hey, Kate!” Her sister greeted.

A familiar scent drifted into her senses, irritating her poor nose. “Rachel, are you wearing- haa... are you wearing perf- haaa... perfume?” She inquired, struggling to constrain a sneeze.

Unfortunately, her sister didn’t take the hint. “Yes, why?”

“Wait, I haaaa...” She didn’t want to sneeze on her. But she couldn’t hold it back much longer... “I- haaaaa... I need to snee– HATCHUUUUU!” She exploded. Spray filled the air like a cloud of mist.

“Oh.” Rachel smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

But she wasn’t done. Rachel watched, wide-eyed, as Kate continued in a fit of sneezes. “Kishuu! Itchiew! Hatshoo! Hitchuuu! Hi.... HITCHIEW!” Each sneeze was more desperate than the last.

“Bless you,” Rachel commented. “Are you okay?”

Kate nodded. “Yeah. I think I have a cold.”...

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a sucker for good contagion fics, and this is no exception! You're doing a great job with your first sneezefic -- hopefully the first of many :D

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