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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Alcohol Allergies (F)


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A short fic I wrote as I feel alcohol allergies are a neglected source of sneezing in sneezefics (and have led to some great obs in my opinion) Enjoy :D Hopefully will have an update to A Maid’s Adventures soon...

Alcohol Allergies (F)

The tingling in her nose started almost immediately. She put down the glass, bringing her hand up and grasping her long nose between thumb and forefinger, massaging it in the hope of forcing the tickle to back down.

It didn’t. Desperately she increased the vigorousness of her attempts, frantically working her nose in a circle, but her actions only seemed to give greater fuel to the building sneeze. She felt her nostrils expanding beneath her fingers as they began their furious intake.

Damn my allergies to wine – it just about spoils everything! She cursed inwardly. And damn my sensitive nose!

Fiona was very self-conscious about the size of her nose, which was a trait running in her family. Her mother had also been endowed with a powerful, unladylike nose and would sneeze long and loud at the slightest provocation. Being a petite girl only made the size of it even more apparent.


The noise of the party was sufficient to hide her build-up, although Fiona knew that the moment when it was released would cut through the background noise like a band-saw. She looked around, trying to decide where the best place to release this monster would be.


The impending sneeze was starting to take control of her body, making her shudder with its growing power. The flimsy fabric of her party dress clasped tightly around her curves, as breath by breath she inhaled further energy for the sneeze to expel. Her hitching breaths were now so audible that other party-goers were starting to turn and stare, their faces quizzical. Fiona’s nose twitched and flared, seemingly having taken on a life of its own.

‘Take cover; she’s gonna blow,’ she heard someone quip, and knew there must be a person present who had witnessed another time when she had made an involuntary spectacle of herself. She took a few stumbling steps, her head full of the urge to sneeze, looking for the nearest exit.


She seriously worried that the sneeze could do some damage, and had frequently caused chaos when her fits caught her while shopping or while at work. Fiona tried not to think about how only last week she had suffered a sudden, unexpected sneeze which had crept up on her unawares in her local supermarket. The sneeze had blasted out of her, toppling a display of cereal boxes before she could even hope to aim it somewhere safely. At least now she had warning but...

Fiona felt her nostrils expanding hugely, the tickle worming its way deeper and deeper into the depths of her nose. She reared backwards, body winding up, tensing with the force of the colossal sneeze that was now thundering through her body, up from her lungs and leaving her mouth like a hurricane.


Fiona convulsed forwards, her body forcing her dress to stretch alarmingly. Her green eyes squeezed tightly shut, her mouth a frozen scream of pure sneezy release. Her nostrils flexed with the urgency of the itch while the air was torn by the explosion.

Guests dived for cover, showered by the profusion of broken glasses, party food and crockery that Fiona’s gigantic sneeze had thrown into the air. The tempest that had launched from this petite girl with the uncontrollable nose, howled through the room sending curtains billowing, churning dust and dander into the air. In the street outside, car alarms twittered in the night, triggered by the all but seismic vibrations of Fiona’s sneeze.

Struggling to regain her balance, Fiona tried to focus on the one bright point amid the destruction. At least her alcohol allergy sneezes only came in ones...

...but then all of a sudden there came an aroma on the air that filled her with a frantic dread. The smell of all those shattered and spilt drinks rose around her like a fog. Breathless, she could not help but inhale.


The End

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  • 2 months later...

There's something about a petite girl with a big nose that really does it for me, especially one in a form fitting party dress with a few drinks in her :-)

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