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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Partner's allergies appreciation post


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Ok so for the past couple of days, I've been hanging out with my significant other at their house and this weekend so happened to be my lucky weekend since they live out in a highly wooded area. This weekend the trees just exploded in pollen count and pollen has just completely dusted their entire house.

My partner already has a sensitive nose and usually sneeze a few times throughout each day, and usually when their allergies strike, they become bed-ridden and sick with different other symptoms, but this time it seems like only their sinuses are being affected which I have to admit I've been guiltily enjoying!!

I don't have any specific situations to tell, but they've sneezed at least 20 times each day for about three days now, so they've sneezed over 60 times in total this weekend. They’ve been snuffly, stuffed up, and their nose has been pink and has the cutest twitch when they're about to sneeze.

My partner sometimes announces when they have to sneeze and say little comments like “ughhhh allergens are up and flying around in my nose” which makes me incredibly embarrassed and flustered.

My partner has different sounding sneezes, but since right now their allergies are mostly affecting their sinuses, they’ve been sneezing my favorite “ahhh—ahhh-ehhisshh!! AH-eeisshhh!! Heh-ISHOO!!” following with deep sniffles and nose blowing. They nose blow a lot and usually announce “eughhh I have so much mucus, make it stoop.” My partner rarely sneezes in singles and sneezes in doubles, triples, and even in fours when I’m lucky especially when their allergies are bugging them.

They sometimes do that sneeze announcy?? sound that people make in cartoons for the pre-sneeze like “ahhh---ahh!!! eiiSHHHO!” and I love it so much u/////u

One of my favorite moments this weekend was when they had a false start and I heard their breath hitch several times going “ahhh---“ and then trailing off to sneeze a few minutes later hitching their breath loudly “ahh---EIISHHOO, eiiisho! EISHOOO!!! Ah—ah---ahh!!!! HEH-ISCHOOOO!!!” My partner never stifles their sneezes either.

Let’s just say I’m really lucky and I have a really cute significant other with really cute sneezes. ////////

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I don't know how I got so lucky ahhhhh, they have the most attractive nose & sneeze in my opinion & a sensitive nose and pollen & dust allergies to top it off u////////u

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