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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Born this way?


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Hi all,

I'm a bit tipsy and I've just been wondering if anyone else has ever wondered ... WHY ON EARTH??? WHAT??? I've been thinking back to when I was younger, before I realized our fetish was *ahem* naughty, if you will, and I was obsessed with it! From so young! What on earth????? Has anyone else ever felt bad about having indulged in speculations about sneezing to do with people who you wouldn't dream of thinking of when you were adolescent/once you had realized the adult nature of the fetish? I love to be accepting of it and make jokes about it but realistically I'm starting to wonder if the weird feelings it has exposed us to in our earlier years (as most people here would agree we can't remember our earliest realization) have in any way affected us in later life? In dire need of info here guys,

much love.

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I've wondered this myself too.

Is a fetish something we're born with?

Being very young and not knowing the word fetish, let alone knowing it was a "naughty" word... I didn't know what was "wrong" with me. I liked sneezing. The thought of it, the sound, I liked the sickness part of it and I liked the allergies part too.

I've always HATED when my family sneezes or gets sick...but anyone else I'd make a discreet effort to look for the sneezer.

But seriously, I remember when I was probably not even 5 years old.. I watched this TV show and the characters started sneezing, for some reason I went and hid from it, but later I would watch the video multiple times.

I didn't think much of it until early prepubescent/pubescent years. And just recently I admitted to myself that I did indeed have a sneeze fetish.

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I would agree, I can't remember when I started to be interested in the subject, but it was definitely way before it had any kind of so-called "naughty" connotations to it. I just knew I liked it and at first it didn't even occur to me that other people weren't as interested as I was. I just figured it was the way everyone felt.

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I don't remember exactly what feelings I associated with sneezing when I was a kid, but I know in my mind I called it 'funny' and it was pleasurable. I was actually weirdly obsessed with allergies as a very young kid; I'm not sure how no one ever noticed. When we played with barbies, I would always make my sister give her barbie allergies, and then make her barbie encounter the thing it was allergic to. Some of my strongest memories from childhood are the Ms. Frizzle book where they go into a flower and then one of the kids sneezes because he's allergic to the pollen, and that episode of Arthur where D. W. has an allergy and they don't know what it's to. I think it became something I knew was abnormal pretty quickly. I remember in elementary school I had this library book with something in that was fetish-related, and I read it so many times, and I always looked for it at the library when we went back.

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I think some are born with it and others develop it. Surely it's a fluid spectrum like other things about human sexuality. :)

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No question I was born with it. LONG before I understood this in ANY kind of sexualized context, I can remember back to age five (or thereabouts) that people sneezing, or talking about allergies, made me very uncomfortable. (Technically it was "turning me on," in the sense of the purely physiological reaction, but I had no way of contextualizing that at age four. There were time that I though EVERYONE felt that way about it, but it wasn't long before I started realizing they DIDN'T, and thinking that I was THE ONLY ONE who did. (I'll bet of those old enough to remember life before the internet remember THAT feeling!) But weirdly, while it made me intensely uncomfortable, it FASCINATED me. While I caloud barely stand to watch movies or cartoons that mentioned allergies (and contained lot of sneezing - Muppet Movie is one I remember particularly well from a young age) I couldn't LOOK AWAY either.

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I know I've had it since before the age of 4. I remember I really liked sneezing, even then and couldn't get enough of it but never realized it. When I was about 14-15 that's when I realized why I liked it and what a fetish was and it all went down hill from there! ;)

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It's a question all people ask about their fetishes at one point. I remember getting this "unpleasant tickle" since I was four and I played sneeze games with my mom. But I didn't realize what it was until I was eight.

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I figure it doesn't matter whether I was actually born with it or not, I've had it for as long as I remember, so I might as well have been born with it.

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I don't know if I was born with this, but I do remember I liked sneezes since I was five. It would make me uncomfortable when my sister got sneezy, though. I didn't think much about it until I was eleven, when a classmate had an allergy fit and I got increasingly "funny down there", that I decided to look up on the internet. The rest is history. :P

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I... I've been wondering when this topic would come up. I'm not gonna lie, most of my childhood was a blur, but I can't forget my sneeze attraction. I'm guessing I was born with it because ever since I could actually realize what sneezing was, I liked it. I wasn't embarrassed because I was so young, but now it makes me nervous like crazy to think about what I might have said as a kid. I actually remember saying once out loud "I like sickness." Of course my mom, being a nurse, flipped out and said that sickness was a bad thing. I can't remember what else she said in that conversation. I also remember making up story/adventures with my sister. I always put sneezing in them, but she didn't seem to mind. I really wish I could've been more secretive back then, but the past is the past. I can only hope my family has forgotten how weird I was.

one thing I've been kinda curious about is, is the sneeze fetish a blood related thing? Like did I get it because my mom has it, or my dad? Or even an older generation from my family. I just don't know. It's an interesting question that lingers in my mind.

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I... I've been wondering when this topic would come up. I'm not gonna lie, most of my childhood was a blur, but I can't forget my sneeze attraction. I'm guessing I was born with it because ever since I could actually realize what sneezing was, I liked it. I wasn't embarrassed because I was so young, but now it makes me nervous like crazy to think about what I might have said as a kid. I actually remember saying once out loud "I like sickness." Of course my mom, being a nurse, flipped out and said that sickness was a bad thing. I can't remember what else she said in that conversation. I also remember making up story/adventures with my sister. I always put sneezing in them, but she didn't seem to mind. I really wish I could've been more secretive back then, but the past is the past. I can only hope my family has forgotten how weird I was.

one thing I've been kinda curious about is, is the sneeze fetish a blood related thing? Like did I get it because my mom has it, or my dad? Or even an older generation from my family. I just don't know. It's an interesting question that lingers in my mind.

I have literally no reason to suspect this, and yet for some reason I have always pondered it...

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I know I had to be born with it. I was interested in sneezing from the earlist times of my life that I can remember. It was always only female sneezes though. My only response to male sneezes was to be disapointed that it wasn't a female sneeze. Of course as a child I didn't associate it with any kind of sexual feelings. That didn't happen untill I became a teenager and started to understand what those kind of feelings ment. I'm hetrosexual so I guess it makes sense that only female sneezes effected me. To get back to the topic, I don't remember any one incident triggering my interest. Like I said it was just always there. I've often wondered why I have it, because no one else in my family does (that I know of). I guess it's just one of those quirks of the human brain.

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Well, i guess i was just born with the fetish for whatever reason, but at first i thought everyone viewed sneezing like i do wallbash.gif

...and was honestly pretty disappointed when i found out there are so few of us sweatdrop.gif

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I have come to believe I was born with it. I had a quirk for sneezing as a very young kid. The first I remember around 3 or 4, is liking female sneezing, but not as a turn on, but male sneezing was kind of scary! Like when it happened on TV I would freak out, or get so exited that I couldent even watch it without running around the house a few times..... what on earth could my my have thought? In first grade, I have a distinct memory of wishing someone in the class would sneeze besides me or the teacher.heh.gif Which was well before I knew about anything even remotely sexual. Its so crazy!

I just figured it was the way everyone felt.

Me too! Actually, I don't even recall thinking it was weird, what other people thought never even occurred to me!

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Yeah, I was definitely aware of the fetish at a young age, say 4 or 5. 

I just wonder how the fetish comes on ... Not experience, well at least for me.

Edited by jano
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I remember being obsessed with sickness/colds when I was really young - still small enough to bathe in those child-sized bathtubs. I made up stories while I was in the bath, and I always had at least one of my characters catch a cold after swimming... I feel slightly mortified now to think of it! XD

When I was around four or five, I was old enough to be playing safely with small figurine toys and not choke on them or whatever. I had them sitting on the table, and played "school" :P with the students sick and sneezing, of course.

And then when I started reading on my own... man, that literally opened up a new world for me. :D

I never thought of it as a weird thing. I just liked making up stories in my head. :P

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I personally don't believe it's possible to be born with any fetish. I think it's something we pick up in our early years of development. How it happens exactly I really don't know, but it is something that has always interested me. I think it has to do with some kind of early childhood experience that we were too young to remember. I think this is probably how most fetishes originate. My first memories of actually being turned on by sneezing are from when I was around 11 years old. However I remember having a unique interest in it when I was as young as 5. When I turned 12 I got the internet and discovered the website "The Tarot of Sneezing". That's when I realized I wasn't alone. I do love the internet. biggrinsmiley.gif

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Right, I got on the Tarot too. I loved it. I considered it "my little secret".

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I don't know if I would say born with it, but I would say that I always had this interest, and I nurtured it lol.

As a kid, I remember getting "that fuzzy feeling" whenever things involved sneezing, and I didn't get it. I would like make my stuffed animals sneeze, practice fake sneezing when no one could hear me, I learned to induce at a super young age, I would have imaginary friends come over who were sick and sneezy, I would always turn the games my sister and I played with our barbies / stuffed animals into sick / sneezy / caretaker stories lol...

But I don't think that means I was born with the fetish, I think that means I was always interested in it. I think if I just dropped it all and stopped making a point to remember and notice it, it would eventually lose its potency. I would always kind of like it, or notice it, but it wouldn't be "sexual" or a "fetish." It would just be... an interest. And yeah, I think we're born with... interests. I was NOT a princess as a kid. I always loved video games, even from being a tiny kid as well. I don't have a video game fetish. If I really sought to, I could probably "get into" video game related crap hahaha. What if there was a video game fetish forum, does that exist???? I could join that lol, join the community of people that got fuzzy when they saw a man in overalls that reminded them of Mario xD

okay I'm getting off topic. I don't think that an interest in sneezing is the same as an interest in video games. But I think it's similar to other physical qualities and quirks. Like if you like unique laughter or like... feet lol. I don't have a foot fetish, but I bet there are people that are interested in feet that don't have foot fetishes. I don't think every person that gives you your pedicure or does reflexology is a secret foot fetishist. I think they just are interested in feet and the body and an interesting part of it.

And I think I'm just interested in sneezing, and the vulnerability, and the loss of control, and the body, and so onnn. And because of that interest, which is a pretty freaking strong interest, it graduate from innocent, pleasant, childhood fuzziness to be able to mean more to me. Because I've grown up, my original interests have evolved to include my grown up interests lol.

Basically what I'm saying could be looked at, yeah seems like we're born with it. And yeah, I think that. But I think nurturing the desire plays a bit of a roll as well.

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