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What is this Chhinkni Powder?


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Seriously, can anyone explain to me what this stuff is?

What do you do with it?

Is there any risk, any harmful effects after "playing" with this stuff?

Should I invest in some?

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Chinnkni is supposed to be an Indian herbal remedy that's supposed to be good for clearing sinuses. You basically sniff a little bit into each nostril and it induces a sneezing fit that's supposed to help unblock everything. And I can say for sure that it's definitely effective in coaxing out several sneezes. So far, I haven't noticed any negative side effects and it's not terribly expensive ($20 for a pack of 5 vials) so I'd say go for it.

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It's a blend of 2 kinds of sawdust, menthol, eucalyptus oil, and peppermint. Nothing bad for you. I'm waiting for mine. :)

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Unfortunately, shipping to Australia doubles the cost, so I'm going to go to the local organic natural hippy medicine shop and ask if they can get any in. Hopefully that'll be cheaper... but it's not for me... it's for a friend... who has sinus problems... ... shifty.gif

Edited by Mercury
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All I can add to what somebodynew and Amy already said is that it's incredibly effective. In this post where we've been talking about it, original poster cprlaw08 has said he's never seen it not work on someone. I tried it for the first time today when my shipment came in, and I can confirm its potency xD Unlike SS Adams's original Cachoo powder and other old sneezing powders, it's not carcinogenic. No tobacco either. All natural ingredients as Amy listed. I wouldn't suggest using it all the time, but if you're the type who would like to give yourself a sneezing fit, or if you genuinely do want to use it for its intended purpose of treating sinuses and colds, absolutely go for it!

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http://4wealthyhealt...i&product_id=61 This is the site I used and many others have used that seem to get the best results.

I listened to your wave when you used this stuff! Seriously, gorgeous sneezes and you have a sexy voice. I hope you keep making more wavs, I really enjoyed your wav! The powder really worked on you!

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Hmmm. I'd be interested in trying this. I rarely sneeze, and even pepper only works on me some of the time. I wonder how potent it would be on someone like me. My only hesitance would be snorting a random product I bought on the internet. I'm eager to hear all your results!

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Hmmm. I'd be interested in trying this. I rarely sneeze, and even pepper only works on me some of the time. I wonder how potent it would be on someone like me. My only hesitance would be snorting a random product I bought on the internet. I'm eager to hear all your results!

This is the last chhinkni frontier I'm interested in. I already sneeze a few times a day, and from what I can tell from other wavs, nobody else who's used this is a "rare" sneezer but a semi-frequent sneezer to begin with. It would be great if rare sneezers got fits from it - the mark of a true sneezing powder in my book cool.png

You can rest assured that it's 100% natural and everyone else here who has tried it has gotten results safe with no bad side effects! yes.gif So let us know if you try it out!

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Hmmm. I'd be interested in trying this. I rarely sneeze, and even pepper only works on me some of the time. I wonder how potent it would be on someone like me. My only hesitance would be snorting a random product I bought on the internet. I'm eager to hear all your results!

This is the last chhinkni frontier I'm interested in. I already sneeze a few times a day, and from what I can tell from other wavs, nobody else who's used this is a "rare" sneezer but a semi-frequent sneezer to begin with. It would be great if rare sneezers got fits from it - the mark of a true sneezing powder in my book cool.png

You can rest assured that it's 100% natural and everyone else here who has tried it has gotten results safe with no bad side effects! yes.gif So let us know if you try it out!

I'm rare sneezer too. I just don't want to be "wasting" my money for something that could not work. It's too bad you can't but juts one bottle. you have to buy at least 5..

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Damn, looks like I'll be paying a visit to the local Indian grocery store. I want to email them like 'yo do you stock the thing' but I feel too awkward. If they actually sell it I'll probably walk out with a whole bunch of other stuff just to look less suspicious.

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Hmmm. I'd be interested in trying this. I rarely sneeze, and even pepper only works on me some of the time. I wonder how potent it would be on someone like me. My only hesitance would be snorting a random product I bought on the internet. I'm eager to hear all your results!

This is the last chhinkni frontier I'm interested in. I already sneeze a few times a day, and from what I can tell from other wavs, nobody else who's used this is a "rare" sneezer but a semi-frequent sneezer to begin with. It would be great if rare sneezers got fits from it - the mark of a true sneezing powder in my book cool.png

You can rest assured that it's 100% natural and everyone else here who has tried it has gotten results safe with no bad side effects! yes.gif So let us know if you try it out!

I am an extremely rare sneezer, much to my chagrin. I have read the ingredients and deem them to be acceptable, and I have purchased some through a friend who is going to smuggle it to me in a package with a book as to not arouse any suspicions, because she is awesome and "gets it". I will let you know my results. :)
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I think all questions have been answered by now but basically just look on my thread in the trading post and you'll see how well its worked for everyone whos tried it :) I've just got through my first bottle and theres absolutely no side effects other than a bit of a runny nose which goes away soon after haha

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I am thinking about trying to find this at the local Indian market, but I'm afraid I'll wander around looking for it when they don't have it in stock, and someone might ask if they can help me, and I'll be flustered upset.gif

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Ahh... after reading about this I'm desperate to try it now. As the ingredients are natural and nothing harmful and strange it should be OK both health wise and import wise, but the store link provided in this thread doesn't have a shipping option to my country (.________.). Contacted them in hopes we can work something out...

To anyone who has tried it, does it have a very strong smell? A smell that another person would notice on you? For example, if you were to use it would another person be able to smell it the way they might smell if you had just ... I don't know.. cooked something fragrant like curry? Brushed your teeth? Etc?

Edited by cherry
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To anyone who has tried it, does it have a very strong smell? A smell that another person would notice on you? For example, if you were to use it would another person be able to smell it the way they might smell if you had just ... I don't know.. cooked something fragrant like curry? Brushed your teeth? Etc?

It's a very strong smell in your nose when you snort it, but nobody else will smell it on you. no2.gif

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To anyone who has tried it, does it have a very strong smell? A smell that another person would notice on you? For example, if you were to use it would another person be able to smell it the way they might smell if you had just ... I don't know.. cooked something fragrant like curry? Brushed your teeth? Etc?

I have tested Chhinkini on a few of my dates I have met on online dating sites. They're honestly the most open people to try it on, since they will basically do anything if it pleases you. The effects vary from person to person. I had one guy with a deviated septum, and even then I got three or four sneezes out of him. It works best on those with sensitive noses/allergies. The guy with a tickly nose I used it on sneezed continuously for about five minutes, pausing about 10 or 15 seconds in between fits.

Cherry, to answer your question, the powder itself smells a lot like Vick's Vapor Rub. The only way a person could smell the powder on you is if they were in VERY close contact with you; as if they were about to kiss you. That was the only way I could smell the powder on the guy. Whenever I kissed him, and even then, the aroma abated within the hour.

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Thank you zneeze and Fen :). Sounds great! As long as it isn't some room-filling fragrance that would stick around or potentially bother others it seems ok! Now... continue crossing my fingers they'll ship here.

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  • 4 months later...

I live in Canada, and I can't seem to access that website posted above. Is there any specific store that sells it in Canada?

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I live in Canada, and I can't seem to access that website posted above. Is there any specific store that sells it in Canada?

I having similar issues right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to update in that the 4herbal seller contacted me directly and I just received my vials today. From videos, I was somewhat convinced that it would come with an "applicator" but it just included the strip.

I've tried using it but only sneezed twice, so I'm somewhat curious about whether or not I'm doing it wrong. Must watch more videos, it seems.

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