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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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So I haven't posted an obs in a while. I see them all the time, but I don't think they are worthy of an obs, and I don't want to crowd up the forum with just one or two measly sneezes I see... I'd rather gather a bunch up and then post.

1. A female in my lecture today brought a tissue box to class. Unfortunately I couldn't stare at her the whole time because she sits in the back and I sit further up. Though I did get a glance of her. She was a curvy brunette and it didn't look like she had a pink nose at all. So i heard her blow twice. They were quiet, polite, and wet--just loud enough for someone with super sensitive ears to hear from a few rows up while the loud professor yammers on and on. After each blow she would cough wetly. I think she was sick.

2. I sneezed naturally for the first time in forever! Really though, I'm am not a natural sneezer. I have in induce all the time! It was just a dry cough-sneeze into my sleeve of my sweatshirt. Though I made a little "whoo" sound at the end, which is something I never do when I sneeze. Odd.

3. I was working on a group project, not even 30 minutes ago, and the boy next to me sneezed into his elbow. It was quick, and it was deep sounding, like a goose. He held his chest for a second with his eyes still shut, breathing heavy. I quote, "Do you ever have those sneezes that hurt?" and the other guy and myself agreed, "yes." I heard the boy that sneezes build up his breath but I didn't look up because I felt that would be weird, purposefully watching him sneeze. So I stared at my computer screen until the sneeze arrived. And of course, the guy and I blessed him simultaneously.

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I was working on a group project, not even 30 minutes ago, and the boy next to me sneezed into his elbow. It was quick, and it was deep sounding, like a goose. He held his chest for a second with his eyes still shut, breathing heavy. I quote, "Do you ever have those sneezes that hurt?"

Mmm, thanks for this post! Very hot....should make my dreams extra sweet tonight! wubsmiley.gif

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