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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Cold Came Late to the Party...(M, Self-Obs)


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It's April. Granted, the weather's not as warm as it should be (it never is in our area), but it's still April. And here I am with...a sinus infection? Sheesh, and here I was bracing myself for hay fever!

This beast started two days ago as just a garden variety cold with a throbbing headache, which then gave way to a sore throat. I was congested a bit, but there was no sneezing.

The next day it all migrated strictly to my head, like it usually does. My nose was, and is still rather runny, and the sneezes are fairly regular.

More than anything, I feel like I've been blowing my nose non-stop! I used a hanky the first day (white with a light blue border, if you were curious), but by the second day I was forced to resort to Kleenex. One and a half boxes later, my nose isn't slowing up.

Blegh, I went ahead and called in sick to work tomorrow, so hopefully this monster will be gone by then :(

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Poor thing :( I really do hope for "gesundheit" (aka. good health)

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