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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fetishy Named Candy ^_^


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Okay so I'm sure this has been on here before, possibly multiple times, but there's these taffies called "Hi-chews". My friend had them during school one day and they were so good so I went and bought some. I had to tell my parents the name a couple of times. ugh. •_•

But anywho, I thought I'd share that.

Oh, and I guess while we're at it, are there any other fetishy named candies?


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Aaaww, that's so cute! :) Does the package art/design allude to sneezing at all, or is it just the name? Just curious! :)

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YES!!! That was EXACTLY where my mind went the first time I had one of these candies! They are quite delicious. I also laugh when I heard words that sound like sneezes. The one I actually can't even bring myself to use is eschew, which, ironically, means "to deliberately avoid using; abstain from." It is pronounced "es-CHoo."

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Aaaww, that's so cute! smile.png Does the package art/design allude to sneezing at all, or is it just the name? Just curious! smile.png

Theres nothing on the package that has to do with sneezing (Thank god). I believe they are Japanese candies, so I guess that's how the name came about. :) Edited by sneezewuv
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