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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Exactly how many of us there?


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*sorry about the title I am illiterate sometimes*

So forgive me, I know this topic has probably been asked about dozens of times. If anyone has any links regarding this topic I would appreciate them! smile.png But on a purely numerical level how many of us are out there? I was just wondering about this and I am so terrible at math I wouldn't even know where to start. But maybe someone else has any ideas? smile.png


Edited by Melody
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There are definitely other topics on this but the search bar is being unkind to me :-P

A quick look at members puts us at about 2,600 registered members including people who were banned, accounts who are just lurkers/have never posted, etc. We have a number of 'guest' visitors each day, some who are unregistered Fetishists and some who are simply members who aren't signed in.

It's hard to say how many people have the fetish who aren't on the Forum, but it's probably many more! :)

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