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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Anyone Else Disappointed After Telling People?

Kushami Suki Da!

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I have told 3 people about my fetish and I must say it has been a pretty boring event.

The first person I told was very reassuring and he just told that it was not that weird (which I already knew).

The next one did the same and I'm not very good with people giving me sympathy and attention.

The next was just a bit awkward and that is to be expected.

I'm not saying that any of these experiences were bad, they went just fine. I'm just trying to say that I kinda wanted for people to not be afraid of asking questions or talking about it.

I don't know. Anyone else feel the same?


Yep, me. I've told two people and they were both like "Oh okay, cool."


Most of my big reveals were very anticlimactic.


my ex boyf was like "oh ok cool. what do you want for lunch i'm thinking pizza?" and like literally. forgot about it all the time, yes it was rather disappointing :lol:


I told my brother and he was a bit like " :confused: okay that's weird but everyone has weird little turn ons". So that was pretty disappointing but I don't think I would have liked it if he was asking loads of questions :lol:

However, I told my partner and it has been the best thing I ever did. He's said that it's weird and he doesn't understand it but he has been really trying to understand it. He's even gone to the lengths of looking up inducing on the forum so he could indulge me :sweatdrop: He's a sweetie and I am so happy that I told him. He takes the piss sometimes by saying that he's going to buy a dog and call it Sneezy because I would never be able to say its name :rofl: but I really like that, I love the fact that he has taken an interest and continues to be really supportive of it.


I once told a boyfriend who had nooooooo fucking clue what to do with it, except make really outrageously awkward remarks now and then. But then, that entire relationship can be summarised with the single word "mistake", so I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place. :nohappy:


I don't know . . . I'm actually pretty pleased with the whole, "Oh, so that's your thing? Cool." kind of reaction. I'd rather people didn't flail the fuck around about it and ask me 29834738 questions, not because I'm shy about the fetish (because I'm not), but rather because I prefer that easy type of acceptance to interrogation.

However, I once told my mother for the express purpose of freaking her out and she just stared at me and didn't say a word. :lol: I was disappointed that she didn't go, "WTF!??! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR DUMB ASS!!" (And no, it's not because my mom "might have the fetish." She doesn't. :rollhmm: )


All the people I've told or hinted at didn't really care which made it awkward for me because I planned it out in my head what to say to all the different responses, except, "Okay.". What do you say to that? Do you continue? Leave awkwardly? I don't know! I would much rather have the person freak out or ask questions then just sit there. tongue_ss.gif

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