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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Question about sneeze fantasies...


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What is your ultimate fantasy when it comes to sneezing? I actually have several that all include men with cloth hankies, sneezing due to allergies.


Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Sneezing fantasies... well we've only got so much space in a post so I'll have to keep it brief :lol: I suppose some of the most persistent fantasies I have involve violent, loud, explosive sneezes, from women you are either embarrassed by sneezing in front of others or in some sort of situation of mild peril, where sneezing is the last thing they want to be doing. Its one of the reasons why the 'Sneezing Whilst Hiding' scenario is one of my absolute favourites.

I also love it when women cannot for the life of them stifle or control a fit of sneezes. Something about the inability to stop is a real trigger in my sneeze fetishism :D


Extremely allergic, older (than me) women in a power position, who absolutely don't want to sneeze.

Add pantsuits or uniforms and I'm very happy.



Hi and welcome to the forum smile.png

Sneezing fantasies... well we've only got so much space in a post so I'll have to keep it brief heh.gif I suppose some of the most persistent fantasies I have involve violent, loud, explosive sneezes, from women you are either embarrassed by sneezing in front of others or in some sort of situation of mild peril, where sneezing is the last thing they want to be doing. Its one of the reasons why the 'Sneezing Whilst Hiding' scenario is one of my absolute favourites.

I also love it when women cannot for the life of them stifle or control a fit of sneezes. Something about the inability to stop is a real trigger in my sneeze fetishism biggrin.png

Do you have any opinion on other men sneezing?


My favorite fantasies involve men either trying to hold back their sneezes (but merely delaying the inevitable) or struggling with a stuck sneeze, all the while more and more of the irritant is being sucked into the nostrils.

Either way, nice, drawn out, vocal build ups are what get me going. Vocal because I'm a bit more interested in hearing the sneezer's desperation than seeing it, although I do love me some nose action. Seeing how severely the nose is effected by the tickle, making it tremble and twitch. :drool: Which is why I prefer uncovered sneezes, but if it had to be, I'd go with hankies. Specifically, me holding the hankie under the guy's nose, and feeling their nose flare and writhe against the itchiness inside, while also keeping my hands clean. biggrinsmiley.gif


A person who is extremely self-disciplined and self-controlled at the complete mercy of his (usually it's a man because I'm more attracted to male sneezes) allergies and/or cold. Usually the fits are stifled, but the stifling only makes it worse... :whistle: until they finally decide to stop kidding themselves and admit that something's wrong with them.

Posted (edited)

I am super into messy (and chest-y) colds and denial. And evil, jerk characters. And now-not-so-evil characters with terrible, dark pasts and possibly a lot of (destructive) power. Plus points if they are shy and introverted.

I don't know if I have like an ultimare fantasy or anything like that though. Mostly I just wish there'd be more... "official" stuff about the chaeacters who I like. A scene in a game or a chapter in a comic or other such things.

Edited by Sitruuna

I was thinking the other day about a pillow fight with feathers flying all around and being unable to continue because I couldn't stop sneezing.


Oh fuck! Here it comes...

My ultimate fantasy is a boy or girl having such a bad cold that their sneezes accidentally spray me and that they become so comfortably that we kiss or that he or she uses me as a tissue. Does this make any sense?


Oh fuck! Here it comes...

My ultimate fantasy is a boy or girl having such a bad cold that their sneezes accidentally spray me and that they become so comfortably that we kiss or that he or she uses me as a tissue. Does this make any sense?



Hi and welcome to the forum smile.png

Sneezing fantasies... well we've only got so much space in a post so I'll have to keep it brief heh.gif I suppose some of the most persistent fantasies I have involve violent, loud, explosive sneezes, from women you are either embarrassed by sneezing in front of others or in some sort of situation of mild peril, where sneezing is the last thing they want to be doing. Its one of the reasons why the 'Sneezing Whilst Hiding' scenario is one of my absolute favourites.

I also love it when women cannot for the life of them stifle or control a fit of sneezes. Something about the inability to stop is a real trigger in my sneeze fetishism biggrin.png

Do you have any opinion on other men sneezing?

My opinion is that they shouldn't sneeze :lol:

In honest, I get very uncomfortable witnessing or hearing men sneeze. Because my fetishism is tied very tightly to my sexuality, male sneezing does absolutely nothing for me, but the strength of me response to female sneezing means that I can't help but feel awkward if I hear sneezes from males. Its difficult to describe, but it makes me feel oddly unwell to listen to male sneezers.


Hmmm... well in terms of pure fantasy my favorite is some variety of a person having an unrealistically big sneeze, the sort of sneeze that might blow out a wall, and trying very hard to hold back for a long time, warning everyone in the vicinity of the force of the upcoming sneeze, having to hold back for a long while but ultimately losing control and blasting out a hurricane from their nostrils. It's best if this person has some friends around who know about their sneezes, so there's lots of chattering about how big they tend to be and how the sneezer feels one coming on and whether or not s/he can hold it back, etc. The talking about it is probably as important as the actual sneeze, to me. Bonus points if someone obliviously encourages them to sneeze, while the sneezer continues to warn.

However, in an actual real life scenario, I guess my ultimate fantasy would be to have an, um, intimate partner with very loud or strong sneezes, and incorporating inducing into our play somehow. And then also being out in public with that person as their sneezes make people around us jump, especially if they have to warn or apologize or explain about their sneezes, especially especially if they get into a conversation about it. That would absolutely destroy me.


Probably desperately holding back with wet, messy sneezes.


Hmmm... well in terms of pure fantasy my favorite is some variety of a person having an unrealistically big sneeze, the sort of sneeze that might blow out a wall, and trying very hard to hold back for a long time, warning everyone in the vicinity of the force of the upcoming sneeze, having to hold back for a long while but ultimately losing control and blasting out a hurricane from their nostrils. It's best if this person has some friends around who know about their sneezes, so there's lots of chattering about how big they tend to be and how the sneezer feels one coming on and whether or not s/he can hold it back, etc. The talking about it is probably as important as the actual sneeze, to me. Bonus points if someone obliviously encourages them to sneeze, while the sneezer continues to warn.

However, in an actual real life scenario, I guess my ultimate fantasy would be to have an, um, intimate partner with very loud or strong sneezes, and incorporating inducing into our play somehow. And then also being out in public with that person as their sneezes make people around us jump, especially if they have to warn or apologize or explain about their sneezes, especially especially if they get into a conversation about it. That would absolutely destroy me.

I'm not really all for big sneezes; in fact they make me feel slightly uncomfortable to listen to. Since you went into more detail about your fantasy, I'll make more of an effort to tell you mine. In my favourite one, I have the ability to make someone sneeze by looking at their nose and touching the inside of my wrist:

Basically, I'm sat on a train in a four seater section, sat next to the window. Looking around me, there is a woman sat opposite me who is asleep, and there is a man sat on the opposite aisle, also next to the window but on the other side, so I have a very good view of him. He is about 30 and is quite well dressed, hair nicely combed etc. He is doing something on his smartphone, and has a hot drink on the table in front of him. As I watch him, he puts his phone into his inside pocket and sips his drink, before staring out of the window; quite obviously he is bored of the journey, since we've been travelling for a long time. I am curious: gentlemen like these are almost always very polite and courteous, and they seem to like carrying cloth handkerchiefs as opposed to tissues (I have a massive thing for handkerchiefs!). I suddenly HAVE to know if he carries one as well. As he looks away from the window and checks the time on his watch, I stare intently at his nose (It's fairly long and masculine-looking) and then run my fingertip across the inside of my right wrist. It starts to have an effect almost immediately. The man's nose begins to twitch and wriggle around quite visibly, as if he is actually doing it on purpose as a prevention for what is about to happen. He sniffs once and begins to scratch the inside of his nose (I have seen people do this before, and whilst I imagine that it is quite an effect way of stopping your nose from itching, I can't help but feel that it just looks like you are picking your nose...) before rubbing it slowly and carefully. As he lowers his hand, his nostrils continue to twitch and he sniffs again, but more gently this time. Then, he closes his eyes and turns towards the window, and sneezes into his cupped hands: "uh-TISHEW!" For a split second, I am disappointed, but then he reaches into his trouser pocket and takes out a white hankie. He wipes his nose on it and sniffs, before resting his hands on the table but keeping the handkerchief tucked inside them, as if he knows there will be more to come. I can't help but smile: He obviously normally sneezes in two's or three's. Again, I stare at his nose and touch the inside of my wrist. His nose begins twitching again, but this time he doesn't bother to try and hold it off. He simply holds his hankie to his nose with both hands and closes his eyes again, waiting. Then, he takes a breath in and sneezes again: "uh-TISHEW!" He wipes his nose again and sniffles. I make him sneeze about 5 times more, and each time he catches them in his hankie. After the 7th one, he mutters something to himself which I'm pretty sure is: "For Christ Sake." I decide to leave the poor chap alone after I see that, as it is obviously annoying him. As I watch, he blows his nose on his handkerchief and sniff again. Then, I can't help myself: "Bless you!" I call out to him. He looks over at me and smiles, somewhat bewildered, but says: "Cheers." Then everything goes on as normal.

I might actually write a sneeze fiction based on this. What do you think?


I have germaphobic tendencies but a lot of my fantasies involve contagion. Like, I'll imagine being stuck next to someone with a bad cold on a plane. I would lose my s*** if that happened in real life, and NOT in a good way uhoh.gif !! As far as real life fantasies go I've lived mine, getting to take care of a hot sick sick guy I had a little thing with for a whole week. It was great, and somehow I didn't get sick, double win.


I have germaphobic tendencies but a lot of my fantasies involve contagion. Like, I'll imagine being stuck next to someone with a bad cold on a plane. I would lose my s*** if that happened in real life, and NOT in a good way uhoh.gif !! As far as real life fantasies go I've lived mine, getting to take care of a hot sick sick guy I had a little thing with for a whole week. It was great, and somehow I didn't get sick, double win.

Oh my God! If I could take care of a super cute guy with a cold and not catch it myself, that would be AMAZING.


Let's see...well my real life fantasy would be centered around a hot guy with a horrible headcold, and me taking care of him but he has to be...not really a jerk but a very strong willed guy who's misunderstood to be a jerk even though he's just a "bad boy". And he doesn't want to sneeze so he's holding back, trying to power his way through the force of the sneeze like he can carry on an intelligent conversation while his breath keeps hitching with the oncoming sneeze. Then several false starts as he begins to lose control, and finally the sneeze comes after a moment of silence as his head tilts up his eyes flutter and his trembling lips part slightly. If it has to be covered, I'm a huge fan of red or blue bandannas but if it can be open oh yes! A secondary fantasy would be with this same guy a few days later either sitting on a couch wrapped in a blanky or laying in bed, still trying to power through sneezes though it's increasingly difficult so more buildup but less false starts (if he starts it's a sneeze) and he sneezes either loosely (yes please) or into the blanket. Actually, if he's not in bed and is wearing a sweater sneezing into the sweater would be even better than a blanket. But at some point he has to be hugging me (reason doesn't matter) and I keep him in the hug even though I can tell he's going to sneeze and my shoulder or chest becomes a tissue. *fans self*


I don't really have any real life fantasies. My fetish likes to live in the realm of make-believe. I'll go through phases where I'll fixate on different things to daydream about, but a constant favourite nearly my whole life has been daydreaming about someone with a miserable cold forced by circumstances (not trapped, because being trapped brings it into the realm of Ohhellno) to be in a confined space with another person. Like having to work in a small room, or being a passenger in a car. Even though I like contagion, it's not even the contagion that intrigues me, it's more about the trying to hide the misery but not being able to hide it for long when you've got someone right over their shoulder the whole time. Maybe? I haven't really thought about the why of it in a lot of detail until right now.


wow there's tons written on here already that I love the sound of.

One of mine is that there's an audition where women have to come in and sneeze as part of trying out for a part. Like for a commercial or something. There's a room full of gorgeous women looking pretty and keen to try out... and they come in one by one, introduce themselves... then induce sneezes on camera. Secretly the casting director and/or camera operator are LOVING it :-). Pretty. friendly. Enjoying it. Introducing themselves one by one. keen to get the work. flirting a bit. talking about what makes them sneeze and how much they do it... and we get to watch all these different sneeze styles one after another...AMAZING :-)

Another is that there's a sort of movie theatre (but not stiff upright chairs tightly packed.... more like the kind with big relaxing sofas where you can spread out :-) ) if anyone is in London - like the Electric in Portobello. You can buy beer/wine/snacks - great! Anyway... everyone there is a sneeze fetishist of one type or another because we are all watching film of sneezing together. like - big screen. loud. some clips with talking and build up. I'd love a clip of a woman walking up to a microphone to present awards at the oscars or something... all super-glam and stunning in a knock-out dress, heels, gorgeous all over... and having to sneeze a few times right before she goes to speak. trying to hold back, apologising... but actually being viewed by EVERYONE and heard to ...

Anyone else like the sound of these?


No real-life fantasies for me, really. Except for maybe just, like, witnessing a hot guy have a sneeze attack and he's trying to speak through it and apologize for himself, but he just keeps sneezing. :drool: I'd love for that to happen at work.

Outside of reality, though, Iove the idea of a man who absolutely needs to control his sneezing or else something bad will happen (he'll get caught, he'll be too loud, etc). I'm writing a story right now about a magician whose magic messes up when he sneezes full force so he stifles until he can't stifle anymore. I also love handkerchiefs, which is weird cuz IRL I think they're disgusting. And I looooooove huge, breathy, vocal build-ups, especially if the man is attempting to tell someone to move away from him or fetch him a handkerchief before it's too late.


Okay, alright... I definitely have a thing for handcuffs. I can't go into detail because this isn't the Adult board, but I would love to be cuffed by an older, usually very composed woman who is struggling not to let her allergies show... but of course she would fail miserably and end up being allergic all over me. While directing me, telling me to bless her, or to stop doing it, and that kind of stuff. And if I'd disobey her she'd be in her full rights to punish me, while still fighting her allergies.

Yeah, most of my friends on here already knows this quirk of mine... and yet I'm blushing now. :bag::lol:


I'm super into the idea of a big tough guy who is fazed by nothing but is really allergic to one thing and he's somehow put into a situation where he has to be around it and he keeps complaining about it, scrubbing at his nose to no avail.

Or domme-type women struggling with allergies while still keeping the domme act up. Like, not even struggling to keep it up, but completely unflapped by it. Alternatively, someone having an unexpected allergy attack and laughing and joking about it. It's the little things, you know?


*melts all over this thread*

My favorite fantasies involve men either trying to hold back their sneezes (but merely delaying the inevitable) or struggling with a stuck sneeze, all the while more and more of the irritant is being sucked into the nostrils.

Either way, nice, drawn out, vocal build ups are what get me going. Vocal because I'm a bit more interested in hearing the sneezer's desperation than seeing it, although I do love me some nose action. Seeing how severely the nose is effected by the tickle, making it tremble and twitch. :drool: Which is why I prefer uncovered sneezes, but if it had to be, I'd go with hankies. Specifically, me holding the hankie under the guy's nose, and feeling their nose flare and writhe against the itchiness inside, while also keeping my hands clean. biggrinsmiley.gif

THIS. this would completely kill me.

Okay, my ultimate fantasy is someone (usually a guy) who is ~desperately~ allergic to something, but trying to downplay how bad it is. (but failing at that, utterly :laugh:) He gets super sneezy super fast, red watery eyes and all that, but keeps trying not to sneeze, so the ones that do come out have a sense of urgency, of having forced themselves out in spite of being intensely resisted, of being wrestled with and only barely won... but with the cost of not being able to offer as much relief as they would if he would just let himself sneeze. The tickle always starts up again immediately, but he does his best to hide it and fight it down until it eventually wins again... In between sneezes he tries to completely ignore it, act like nothing is wrong, and gives off a vibe of 'don't mention it'. LIke, just really doesn't want anyone to notice, even after it's a sure thing that everyone has... As time goes on he sneezes with increasing frequency, and the sneezes themselves get increasingly uncontrolled, and increasingly powerful. Eventually he descends into a constant sneezing fit, where he's not getting an instant's reprieve in which he could continue acting like everything is okay. Just... constant. Completely uncontrolled, helpless to stop it, helpless to do anything at all but sneeze, and it's so powerful and overwhelming that if he's standing on his own he kind of crumples over into himself, but he wouldn't be able to sit down even if a chair was offered, even if he would have been willing to admit defeat like that - which he's not. Even at this point, he's still trying to pretend everything's okay, even though he's not able to do anything to make anyone think that.

It's mostly rapid-fire sneezing, with the occasional pause for the agonizing hitching of a stuck sneeze, (if this lasts long enough, the complete stubborn idiot tries to go back to whatever he's doing, but is unable to, because he hasn't actually stopped sneezing.) and it just. Completely. Doesn't. Stop. Because no matter what he does, he breathes in more of the allergen. So it just keeps going and there's no true relief.

Eventually, whoever else is there forcibly removes him from the area. Finally admitting (to himself, because even now he wouldn't admit it out loud, even if that was an option) that he can't do this, he keeps trying to apologize, all while the other person is half-carrying half-dragging him out. :lmfao: and he's still sneezing.


Hi and welcome to the forum smile.png

Sneezing fantasies... well we've only got so much space in a post so I'll have to keep it brief heh.gif I suppose some of the most persistent fantasies I have involve violent, loud, explosive sneezes, from women you are either embarrassed by sneezing in front of others or in some sort of situation of mild peril, where sneezing is the last thing they want to be doing. Its one of the reasons why the 'Sneezing Whilst Hiding' scenario is one of my absolute favourites.

I also love it when women cannot for the life of them stifle or control a fit of sneezes. Something about the inability to stop is a real trigger in my sneeze fetishism biggrin.png

Do you have any opinion on other men sneezing?

My opinion is that they shouldn't sneeze :lol:

In honest, I get very uncomfortable witnessing or hearing men sneeze. Because my fetishism is tied very tightly to my sexuality, male sneezing does absolutely nothing for me, but the strength of me response to female sneezing means that I can't help but feel awkward if I hear sneezes from males. Its difficult to describe, but it makes me feel oddly unwell to listen to male sneezers.

Hypothetical question. Let's say you heard---but didn't see---a very feminine sounding sneeze, and it turned you on as much as any other female's sneeze, and then when you finally saw the culprit, it turned out to be a dude (like how some guys have very girly screams). What would happen inside your head?


Hypothetical question. Let's say you heard---but didn't see---a very feminine sounding sneeze, and it turned you on as much as any other female's sneeze, and then when you finally saw the culprit, it turned out to be a dude (like how some guys have very girly screams). What would happen inside your head?

Interesting :) This has definitely happened to me before, and I generally just feel incredibly embarrassed to myself. Similarly when listening to wavs on YouTube where is is sometimes difficult to discern the gender of the sneezer just by listening and I have sometimes been 'caught out' by thinking I was listening to a female sneezer. However, once I know the sneezer is a man that kills it for me and I cannot listen to the sneeze again with any sort of interest. Thanks for asking :D

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