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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Moar Army Training obs


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In a continuation from my obs of last week, there was more sneezing from people in my platoon. Yay!

I'll start with the male ones this time.

D from last week gave me some really lovely ones. On various occasions throughout the week he'd let out these harsh, masculine, one-syllable sneezes that startled people and made me smile. They came in twos and threes, and once four in a row.

I'll sketch out a few of the situations for you:

I saw him first thing on Monday morning. We'd all just been woken up at 5AM and everyone was a little disheveled (there's only ten minutes from the time the officers notify the people on watch to when everyone has to be out in uniform). However, he was more disheveled than most. It was this adorable, lopsided look with only one shoe on, his shirt not tucked into his pants and his eyes blinking blearily. I was already dressed and ready so I offered to help him finish up. I was rolling up his shirtsleeve when he gave this enormous hitching breath. That was the only warning I got before he sharply jerked away and sneezed: "HHRRSHHUUUUUUH!!" It was sooo forceful, I could feel the way all his muscles had contracted at once as he pulled away from me and he snapped really far forward. He immediately straightened up, only to bend back down again with another "hh--GGSHSHUUUU!" That one seemed to take a lot out of him; he stayed hunched over for a moment before unconsciously giving an extremely wet sniffle and swiping at his nose, followed by an apologetic look to me.

Another time we'd all crowded into a shady area and sat down, and I happened to end up right next to him. I noticed his nose was quite red, which was an interesting look with his skin color because the brown somehow added some more depth to it? IDK... Anyway, after that observation I was hoping for a sneeze out of him, and he did not disappoint. A few minutes into a presentation by one of the commanders (which I was quite engrossed in), I heard: "AAHHRRSHSHSHSH!! --uu! . . . hihh . . . h--SSCHUUUUU!!" Each sneeze came as a short, sharp burst of sound, punctuated by shaky breaths. I barely managed to look over in time to catch the second one. They seemed to have taken him by surprise as well--he was hunched over in his sitting position, one hand clamped tightly over his nose as the other fumbled frantically with the buttons on his pocket. Before he managed to pull out what I assume was tissues, he pitched forward again, hand not shifting a millimeter from its protective position: "TTCCCHHUUUUHHH!!" I think, though I'm not sure, that I caught a small groan after that. His free hand resumed the search for the tissues, and finally managed to drag them out. He didn't exactly blow his nose, it was more like aggressive wiping. Maybe he was embarrassed about the noise? Anyway, it didn't really matter because he sneezed extremely wetly into the tissues, which pretty much blew his nose for him. "hih--GGXXXKCHCHSHSH!!!-uu" His whole face went bright red after that, which matched his nose rather nicely :bleh:

On to another person who I'll label C. Description time: very tall (I'd guess around 1.90 meters) and lanky, with black hair, blue eyes and freckles. Not so much on the sneezing from him, but he got sent to the medic first thing on Sunday morning with a fever. I didn't really see much of him because he got sent back to his tent to sleep it off for the next two days and I'm not allowed in the boys' tents, but when I did see him he was super cute. I was on guard duty in the area around the tent and he got up to fill his canteen. He noticed me and sat down to talk to me for a few minutes. (I think he was lonely...awwww...) His cheeks and nose were flushed crimson, like a bad sunburn. He complained a bit that he kept being either freezing or boiling, and both sucked because, being on an army base in the desert, there wasn't much to cool him down but he also hadn't brought anything in the way of warm clothes. Also, he was super congested, to the point where he was hard to understand sometimes.

He did sneeze once, though not at that time. It was on Tuesday, just after he was cleared to rejoin the platoon. We were standing in formation while an officer lectured us and he squelched a sneeze into his shoulder without moving his hands from the "at attention" position. I didn't quite hear it as he was standing pretty far away from me, but if I had to guess I'd spell it as "mmm'pkktchew!"

Now onto the girls, aaaaand...contagion! Yay! (Well, for you guys, anyway. I just felt bad because I made them all sick.)

So yeah, given that we all share a tent and a bathroom and do everything together, it's not all that surprising that I got a few of the girls sick. :blushsad: :blushsad:

The first one to get sick was Z. She's quite short and very slim, almost bony, with long, wavy brown hair and big brown eyes. She came back from the weekend with a cold, and dealt with it pretty well throughout the week. No fever meant no getting sent to the tent to rest, but she was relieved of guard duty until she felt better. She basically toughed the whole thing out with pockets stuffed with tissues (and the pockets on army pants are huge, so it was a lot of tissues) and some throat lozenges. It was sort of inspiring, actually.

She didn't sneeze all that much, but there was a lot of noseblowing. She really didn't want to, but every few minutes her nose would give her no choice and she'd resignedly dig some tissues out of her pockets. She'd start of blowing softly and quietly, but when that didn't work (which it never did) she'd progress to harder, faster blows that seemed like she was just trying to get the congestion out as fast as possible and pretty annoyed by the whole affair. She finished off with a quick wipe and put the the tissues back in her pocket, only to repeat the whole thing five minutes later.

The few times she sneezed were in the tent (maybe she didn't want to in front of the boys/the commanders) and half-stifled. We'd be getting ready to shower, or repacking our things, and she'd quickly duck down and let out a pinched "hih'xxchiew!", then carry on as though nothing had happened.

The next one to succumb was A. She's average height and extremely curvy, with curly brown hair and glasses. She didn't have a lot of nasal issues, it was more coughing, which was a huge problem for her because she's been having a hard enough time with the fitness training as it is. I felt really bad for her, and she got sent to the medic after pretty much any physical training session.

For those of you who like coughing as well, her cough was mostly throaty, and quite wet, like there was a lot of phlegm and mucus shifting around there. Once she woke up in the middle of the night all shivery and confused, and Z talked her down a bit and took care of her until she fell back asleep.

The last one to get sick was G, and she was by far the best. It didn't start until Thursday, but when it did...wow. I had a really hard time not staring. G has a more typically Middle Eastern look, with smoky black eyes and long black hair. She's also rather, well,,,well-endowed ;)

On Thursday morning all the girls were having a private conversation with our female C.O. about handling basic as a girl. I hadn't really seen her up close until then, but she was sitting right next to me, which was really distracting. She was obviously really stuffed up but simultaneously had a runny nose, her nostrils were tinted pink and (best of all) she had this constant bemused, bleary-eyed, open-mouthed expression of someone on the verge of a sneeze. Also, she was really, really sniffly, and kept wiping her nose on her sleeve until she managed to find time to go back to the tent and grab tissues. (Because it took her by surprise, which was even more attractive.)

And the sneezing...god, the sneezing. She had these epic fits of at least ten all fucking day, and every one of them included build-ups. I'll just give one example. We were lining up to enter the mess hall, and she was standing in the next line over, a few feet in front of me--a perfect view. Her head twitched up, her reddened nostrils flaring, as she took in a high pitched breath. And then another, and another, her chest swelling with air before finally... "hahhh . . . ah--heh! . . . iihhh...heISHshoo!! hihh . . . hiehhh . . . ehhh'SHOOO!!! . . . ahh . . . ah-IIISSSHHHH!" Her face snapped down into her cupped hands with every sneeze, her eyelids fluttering with the buildups before snapping shut. She looked up blearily, thinking (naively, in my opinion) that she was done, but a few seconds later another sneeze took hold of her. "hehh . . . ihh . . . heh-heh-heh! heh-ISHOO!! hih-ISHH!" Once again, she raised her head and sniffled, expecting her nose to give her some peace. We moved forward a bit in the line, and she bent over to straighten her bootlaces before standing up with a faraway expression starting to take over her face. Her eyes narrowed, her lips parted, and her nose began to wrinkle. "ehhhh . . . hah! iihh . . . hiESCHhuu!! haa--ETCHOO!! hihh-hih! . . . haehhhh . . . HAESHOO! heh-IIIISSSSHHH!!! aahh . . . h-heh! ehh! . . . hihhh . . . hahh--HAH-IITTSCCHHSHSHshoo!!!" At that point, knowing she was probably done (we'd seen her do this at least six times before) at least ten people blessed her, some jokingly. She blushed and smiled a bit, looking away hazily.

And now, somewhat unrelated, but this happened while I was typing this up and I thought I'd share.

I haven't seen my boyfriend since I got drafted, which sucks. We'd tentatively scheduled a phone call for tonight because we miss each other. I texted him to remind him and check if he was available, and got this reply (and I quote):

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say no, for a reason that I suspect you'll like: I appear to have developed a full blown cold.

(And yes, he actually texts like that, with grammar and punctuation and everything. Love him. :heart: )

So that was disappointing, but on the other hand I have tomorrow off due to a Jewish fast day, so we're probably going to meet up and yay I get to seeeeeeeeee! :D :D

(Sorry if that was unrelated, but he's also in the army so it kinda counts? IDK...)

That's all for now. Hope y'all enjoy.


Gosh, you're obs are the best! I love how descriptive they are! :)


The last one to get sick was G, and she was by far the best. It didn't start until Thursday, but when it did...wow. I had a really hard time not staring. G has a more typically Middle Eastern look, with smoky black eyes and long black hair. She's also rather, well,,,well-endowed

On Thursday morning all the girls were having a private conversation with our female C.O. about handling basic as a girl. I hadn't really seen her up close until then, but she was sitting right next to me, which was really distracting. She was obviously really stuffed up but simultaneously had a runny nose, her nostrils were tinted pink and (best of all) she had this constant bemused, bleary-eyed, open-mouthed expression of someone on the verge of a sneeze. Also, she was really, really sniffly, and kept wiping her nose on her sleeve until she managed to find time to go back to the tent and grab tissues. (Because it took her by surprise, which was even more attractive.)

And the sneezing...god, the sneezing. She had these epic fits of at least ten all fucking day, and every one of them included build-ups. I'll just give one example. We were lining up to enter the mess hall, and she was standing in the next line over, a few feet in front of me--a perfect view. Her head twitched up, her reddened nostrils flaring, as she took in a high pitched breath. And then another, and another, her chest swelling with air before finally... "hahhh . . . ah--heh! . . . iihhh...heISHshoo!! hihh . . . hiehhh . . . ehhh'SHOOO!!! . . . ahh . . . ah-IIISSSHHHH!" Her face snapped down into her cupped hands with every sneeze, her eyelids fluttering with the buildups before snapping shut. She looked up blearily, thinking (naively, in my opinion) that she was done, but a few seconds later another sneeze took hold of her. "hehh . . . ihh . . . heh-heh-heh! heh-ISHOO!! hih-ISHH!" Once again, she raised her head and sniffled, expecting her nose to give her some peace. We moved forward a bit in the line, and she bent over to straighten her bootlaces before standing up with a faraway expression starting to take over her face. Her eyes narrowed, her lips parted, and her nose began to wrinkle. "ehhhh . . . hah! iihh . . . hiESCHhuu!! haa--ETCHOO!! hihh-hih! . . . haehhhh . . . HAESHOO! heh-IIIISSSSHHH!!! aahh . . . h-heh! ehh! . . . hihhh . . . hahh--HAH-IITTSCCHHSHSHshoo!!!" At that point, knowing she was probably done (we'd seen her do this at least six times before) at least ten people blessed her, some jokingly. She blushed and smiled a bit, looking away hazily.

Oh wow! I think I'm in love LOL not really ;) But still- great obs!! You're descriptions are fantastic as usual.


This is incredible. Thanks so much =O


Aww yiss, a part two! :D

These obs are amazing. Especially the last one. :blushing:


The guy from your first two observations sounds so cute and his sneezes sound nice... Like everyone else says you describe things really nicely so thanks :D


Yeah, those were great obs; thanks, DogLover.

  • 2 years later...
On 26.7.2015 at 1:54 AM, DogLover said:

The last one to get sick was G, and she was by far the best. It didn't start until Thursday, but when it did...wow. I had a really hard time not staring. G has a more typically Middle Eastern look, with smoky black eyes and long black hair. She's also rather, well,,,well-endowed ;)

On Thursday morning all the girls were having a private conversation with our female C.O. about handling basic as a girl. I hadn't really seen her up close until then, but she was sitting right next to me, which was really distracting. She was obviously really stuffed up but simultaneously had a runny nose, her nostrils were tinted pink and (best of all) she had this constant bemused, bleary-eyed, open-mouthed expression of someone on the verge of a sneeze. Also, she was really, really sniffly, and kept wiping her nose on her sleeve until she managed to find time to go back to the tent and grab tissues. (Because it took her by surprise, which was even more attractive.)

And the sneezing...god, the sneezing. She had these epic fits of at least ten all fucking day, and every one of them included build-ups. I'll just give one example. We were lining up to enter the mess hall, and she was standing in the next line over, a few feet in front of me--a perfect view. Her head twitched up, her reddened nostrils flaring, as she took in a high pitched breath. And then another, and another, her chest swelling with air before finally... "hahhh . . . ah--heh! . . . iihhh...heISHshoo!! hihh . . . hiehhh . . . ehhh'SHOOO!!! . . . ahh . . . ah-IIISSSHHHH!" Her face snapped down into her cupped hands with every sneeze, her eyelids fluttering with the buildups before snapping shut. She looked up blearily, thinking (naively, in my opinion) that she was done, but a few seconds later another sneeze took hold of her. "hehh . . . ihh . . . heh-heh-heh! heh-ISHOO!! hih-ISHH!" Once again, she raised her head and sniffled, expecting her nose to give her some peace. We moved forward a bit in the line, and she bent over to straighten her bootlaces before standing up with a faraway expression starting to take over her face. Her eyes narrowed, her lips parted, and her nose began to wrinkle. "ehhhh . . . hah! iihh . . . hiESCHhuu!! haa--ETCHOO!! hihh-hih! . . . haehhhh . . . HAESHOO! heh-IIIISSSSHHH!!! aahh . . . h-heh! ehh! . . . hihhh . . . hahh--HAH-IITTSCCHHSHSHshoo!!!" At that point, knowing she was probably done (we'd seen her do this at least six times before) at least ten people blessed her, some jokingly. She blushed and smiled a bit, looking away hazily.

I’m definitely in love :wub::drool:.

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