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Never Sneezing Around S/O


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I know that non-fetishists don't see sneezing in the same light we do, and they don't notice sneeze-related things like we do. But do you think that, if you haven't sneezed in front of your significant other yet, that they have noticed? For example I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months and have never sneezed around him. I wonder if he ever stops and thinks "hey, I've never seen Peach sneeze." Or maybe I could go 2 years without sneezing in front of him and the thought will never cross his mind.

That being said, have any of you ever had someone actually ask them why they never seem to sneeze? Do you think non-fetishists might pick up on something like this?


I wonder this all the time and we've been together for almost six years. I'm wondering how much longer I can keep up not sneezing around him now that we're alone together in a small house.

As for other non-fetishists, my mom has definitely noticed. She asked me once when I was younger why I never sneeze. .. one of the worst conversations I ever had. Because how do you answer that? She also brought it up with other family members and even my pediatrician... hasn't mentioned anything in a while, though, thankfully.


I have known my husband for 10 years and I have never once sneezed in front of him and he has never questioned it. He doesn't notice new clothes or new hair cut! Huh! MEN!!

I have a friend though, who sneezes quite frequently and I always stare at her unashamed because she knows she looks funny when she sneezes and we always laugh afterwards, but she asked me once when she would get to laugh at MY sneezes at I was just like... "Uhm. I never sneeze!" Not true of course, I just don't sneeze while anyone is looking.


Definitely yes! I dated my ex for 4 years and he would occasionally ask me why I've never sneezed in front of him (he knew about the fetish). I would always shrug and say, "I don't know, it just hasn't happened!" To be fair, though, I didn't see him sneeze much either because he didn't have allergies and we didn't really spend a crazy amount of time together. Still, it turned into him concluding that I literally have never sneezed and can't sneeze, which is why I have a sneezing fetish. I told him he was wrong, but he wouldn't buy it, or at least wouldn't let up on the joke!

I've been with my current SO for about 9 months and we're together a lot (usually 5-6 days a week) and I've seen him sneeze plenty of times, especially during allergy season. He knows about the fetish and is really cool and sweet about it, but it came up a few months ago that he's never seen me sneeze (and joked that it was unfair because he's sneezed in front of me so much). I admitted that nobody had ever seen me sneeze because it's so intimate/sexual/vulnerable to me! The idea of voluntarily or subconscious just not sneezing was totally foreign to him (lucky for me!) and he wouldn't have realized it was because of the fetish unless I had told him.

But now, every once in a while, he ask me when he's going to see me sneeze! He's said things like "all I want to do is say 'bless you' to you", which is so cute to me! I'd love for it to happen, but my mental block is crazy strong. I've been getting better and went from stifling in public to actually letting them out (as long as I'm out by myself), so maybe one day soon I'll be able to sneeze in front of him.


This is the thing I hate most about this fetish. I've lived with some of my roommates for 3 years and I think we all intend to continue living together in some configuration for at least a few more years, if not the rest of our lives. Surely one of them will notice at some point, right? And if I were to sneeze around them now, I think they'd definitely notice. :/

One roommate has commented that she couldn't remember what I look like when I'm eating.. the same roommate told me one day that she noticed she hadn't sneezed in several days and "just thought that seemed like the sort of thing you'tr supposed to do every day". (I responded by running away.) I'm betting on her being the one to figure it out.


Wow. And here I thought I understood most about this fetish. I honestly never realised it was that much of a BFD for some people to sneeze in front of others. Goodness.

Why is it such a no-go, though? (That's an honest-to-earth question. Help me understand here, people.) The world says sneezing is a normal thing. Why make a fuss? Or maybe the word is anti-fuss. I am so confused.

Posted (edited)

I’ve always tended to think there would be a pretty low chance of the thought crossing a SO's (or anyone's!) mind, and no one has ever asked me, so far...

As for other non-fetishists, my mom has definitely noticed. She asked me once when I was younger why I never sneeze. .. one of the worst conversations I ever had. Because how do you answer that? She also brought it up with other family members and even my pediatrician... hasn't mentioned anything in a while, though, thankfully.

Oh my gosh, I’m so horrified by this, firstly that she noticed (such a hole in my theory that most are oblivious!), secondly that she thought it was worrisome enough to warrant all sorts of further discussion! Even in retrospect, I feel for you!

But now, every once in a while, he ask me when he's going to see me sneeze! He's said things like "all I want to do is say 'bless you' to you"

Awww aw... If there is anything a partner could possibly say to make me less embarrassed about the idea … this is probably it!

Wow. And here I thought I understood most about this fetish. I honestly never realised it was that much of a BFD for some people to sneeze in front of others. Goodness.

Why is it such a no-go, though? (That's an honest-to-earth question. Help me understand here, people.) The world says sneezing is a normal thing. Why make a fuss? Or maybe the word is anti-fuss. I am so confused.

I’m confuse by your confuse, I thought ‘mental block/not wanting to sneeze in front of others’ pops up quite often! But perhaps I have just been more aware of the topic since it applies to me. Or, I may just be way off and totally misunderstanding your question! :lol:

So for me, sneezing is something that I see as a vulnerable/intimate moment (which is part of what I like about it, from others!), and even being completely aware that non-fetishists don’t give it much thought still doesn’t change the fact that, due to the extra significance *I* attach to it, I feel overly conscious of the whole thing, and don’t really want to draw attention to any of my own moments of vulnerability, however small.

Also, the place I’m around others most often is at work, where there is literally no situation where sneezing could possibly fit with my ‘cool, calm and in-control’ work persona more than… not sneezing? So, rather than interrupting any professional interactions with a potentially impolite moment, it's just one of those things that doesn’t need to happen!

I do think it would be nice if my slight hang-up didn’t have to apply to a partner, as I would see this as a level of being comfortable with someone close to me, not because it’s something I need to be able to do. But at this stage, though I don’t technically have a mental block (nor a current SO!) it’s just easy not to, and I am so in the habit of it, that I feel like it would be more of a big deal if I was actively trying to sneeze in front of people than the status-quo.

Edited by TaurielRiver

Wow. And here I thought I understood most about this fetish. I honestly never realised it was that much of a BFD for some people to sneeze in front of others. Goodness.

I never had a problem sneezing in front of others either. I know non-fetishists aren't really paying enough attention to my sneezing anyways, I barely pay attention to it.


Hmmm....well I feel like most people don't notice those things unless you mentioned sneezing or are involved a conversation about sneezing. When I dated my husband, I did hide them at first. The only time he noticed my lack of sneezing was when he asked why I never bless him when he sneezes. He didn't make it a big deal though. He never paid any attention to my sneezes until I told him about my fetish.

Wow. And here I thought I understood most about this fetish. I honestly never realised it was that much of a BFD for some people to sneeze in front of others. Goodness.

Why is it such a no-go, though? (That's an honest-to-earth question. Help me understand here, people.) The world says sneezing is a normal thing. Why make a fuss? Or maybe the word is anti-fuss. I am so confused.

I understand the world sees it as a normal thing, but sneezing is still a sexual thing to me. When I sneeze, I feel kind of like I'm exposing myself. Plus, the fact that I have long build-ups doesn't help. The longer I have to show my pre-sneeze face, the more harder it is for me to sneeze in public. Then, there's the chance of being blessed, which I don't want since I feel like it'll only bring more attention to myself.

Also, since I sometimes get turned on by my own sneezes, I'm afraid that others might notice me accidently smiling or blushing or something. Maybe I'm too paranoid? Probably :sweat:

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