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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Posted (edited)

It started with a sore throat on Thursday evening, Friday it moved into a more stuffy "ugh" phase .. yesterday it just kept on being ugh but was OK to do things... TODAY it is SNEEZING and lots of nose blowing .. I have a summer cold.. no idea where I caught it ... but three handkerchiefs so far today and now it is in the sneeze sneeze blow blow .. stage ,,, and every time I blow my nose it irritates it so that it wants to sneeze again........

I might not be doing anything, apart from sneezing this afternoon, anybody else suffering with a summer cold ??

Edited by hankman

not at the moment, the only times that I have been sneezing and blowing my nose is from my allergies to wheat, barley and oats from my work.


not at the moment, the only times that I have been sneezing and blowing my nose is from my allergies to wheat, barley and oats from my work.

How frequently do your allergies play up at work then? And do you just have to be near wheat..etc to start sneezing?


I so sorry you have a cold, but thanks for sharing! Do keep us posted.

My throat has been sore since this afternoon...


Aw feel better soon! I'm sorry you have to be suffering. I've been sneezing a lot myself, I caught a bit of a cold from my coworker.

Posted (edited)

I have been sneezing all day and blowing by dose in between times .. a fit of five during a meeting caused everyone one to look at me .. I felt like shouting out - haven't you all even had a cold before !!!

Now home with a clean hanky by my side ... # 4 today I believe and I feel another sneeze coming ........uhhhhh

Edited by hankman

Bless you!

Hope you feel better soon! Summer colds stink!


HOME from work exhaustes , got in .. five blows to try and clear nose ...... that only irritated it and so fit of five sneezes .. more blows needed to clear again.........now on sofa whacked out with red nose and pile of soiled hankies and tissues around me ..UGH summer cold !!


So sorry you're miserable. Bless you!


Bless you. Maybe this is the cold I had a few weeks ago.

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