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Three's Company


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This is my first and possibly only post.

I've scoured the threads and I'm pretty sure the listing for Three's Company in five episodes short.

"Borrowing Trouble"- one fake from Jack into tablecloth so he can get into Janet's purse

"She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not"- nine in the middle from Jack from pine allergy, and three more at the end

"Like Father, Like Son"- one from Jack's father, one from Jack and his father simultaneously from pepper

"Urban Plowboy"- one from Larry while hiding with Jack in a barn

"A Night Not To Remember"- five from Jack from a cold, one from Janet and Terri each at the end

Terribly sorry if I've reposted anything. I'm only here because I love John Ritter and his adorable comical sneezes. *blushes forever* Thanks. Bye.


ah wow! I was just watching that show four days ago, for the first time more or less. And I found it really funny. I'm gonna look up these episodes for sure! Thank you!

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