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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Subway Obs (F, likely cold)

Watercolor Daydreams

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So about a week ago, I was coming home from work. I sat down on the subway and put my earphones in, not expecting anything extraordinary to happen, when lo and behold, what should get my attention but constant sniffling to my right. Curious, I paused my music (keeping my earphones in so that nobody around me would realize I was paying rapt attention to the sniffling) and ever so slightly glanced in the direction of the sound. There sat a woman (young, probably in her 20s, nice body, fake blonde hair and brown eyes), with handfuls (and I do mean handfuls) of paper towels being used as tissues in her hands, was sniffling away while scrolling through her phone.

Just as I was wondering if anything interesting would happen, I heard her breath hitch and she turned away, muffling a sneeze into her handful of paper towels. I can't quite spell it out, it just sounded like your average, feminine muffled sneeze. Shortly afterwards, she turned away and sneezed AGAIN, in the same fashion.

Unfortunately there were no more sneezes afterwards (although there was one false start, where I saw her look up towards the light, panting, but it must've gone away), but I did feel unusually giddy as I got off at my stop. :)

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