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When You Sneeze


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As a sneezing fetishist, whenever I myself happen to sneeze I feel...paranoid. I'm not a regular inducer, I don't absolutely love sneezing myself but I don't dislike it either. But whenever I sneeze in front of people it feels like my whole fetish is on display for everyone to see.

I'd be interested to know if anyone else feels this way?


No, because normal people don't assume those type of things. I necessarily am not paranoid and sneeze like a normal person, and use lots of soap and hand sanitizer. You're being too sensitive about this subject. Maybe someone else on this forum can help?

Although, not knowing whether another person might be a sneeze fetishist now in public freaks me out, because you don't know if the person who just blessed you or is within earshot is enjoying it. And it's honestly creepy, because you don't know who to trust. Especially older people. You just hope that no one is getting any satisfaction from your embarrassment or pain. So, I guess it's something similar...But never about myself at all.

Also, I don't induce.


No, because normal people don't assume those type of things. I necessarily am not paranoid and sneeze like a normal person, and use lots of soap and hand sanitizer. You're being too sensitive about this subject. Maybe someone else on this forum can help?

Although, not knowing whether another person might be a sneeze fetishist now in public freaks me out, because you don't know if the person who just blessed you or is within earshot is enjoying it. And it's honestly creepy, because you don't know who to trust. Especially older people. You just hope that no one is getting any satisfaction from your embarrassment or pain. So, I guess it's something similar...But never about myself at all.

Also, I don't induce.

Oops. I meant: Normal people don't assume you're a fetishist just because you sneezed. Everybody sneezes. Just relax.


No, because normal people don't assume those type of things. I necessarily am not paranoid and sneeze like a normal person, and use lots of soap and hand sanitizer. You're being too sensitive about this subject. Maybe someone else on this forum can help?

Although, not knowing whether another person might be a sneeze fetishist now in public freaks me out, because you don't know if the person who just blessed you or is within earshot is enjoying it. And it's honestly creepy, because you don't know who to trust. Especially older people. You just hope that no one is getting any satisfaction from your embarrassment or pain. So, I guess it's something similar...But never about myself at all.

Also, I don't induce.

Oops. I meant: Normal people don't assume you're a fetishist just because you sneezed. Everybody sneezes. Just relax.

I think I made this sound considerably more dramatic than it is for me oops. It's not like a horrible panic, it doesn't distress me or anything like that. It's just an uncomfortable feeling because whenever I sneeze all that runs through my head is the fetish and I guess I just subconsciously worry that that is what other people are thinking too, even though I know it's mostly preposterous.

It isn't something I need help with I can't say it actively bothers me at all really, was just an observation. But thanks for your input :)


You are certainly not alone :D I really dislike sneezing in front of others, because although I am sure no one would ever guess my fetish if I did sneeze, like yourself I feel I have somehow inadvertently revealed it. In the same way, when others sneeze around me I worry that I will give myself away by the way I react to their sneezes. Luckily I have an almost bomb-proof ability not to sneeze if I don't want to and years of practicing my poker face when I am faced with others sneezing :lol:


I always stifle my sneezes when I'm around people (and sometimes when I'm alone, annoyingly enough), but I do it more because I don't like drawing attention to myself in general than because of the fetish. I love sneezing and because I know no one's going to assume it's more to me than it is to anyone else, I get to have a pleasurable experience knowing no one suspects a thing, if they even notice it at all.

So, whenever I feel a sneeze coming, I always go 'yay' in my head :D I do wish I was able to just let it out, but unfortunately stifling has become instinctive, so even when I'm alone my sneezes tend to be partially stifled. I'm only able to fully let them out when I induce.


I only really try to conceal sneezes when I've sneezed quite a bit already and I'm getting blessed too much. I hate being blessed. It's not really due to paranoia, it's more because others are becoming an annoyance by blessing me.

Although, not knowing whether another person might be a sneeze fetishist now in public freaks me out, because you don't know if the person who just blessed you or is within earshot is enjoying it. And it's honestly creepy, because you don't know who to trust.

It's really just easier to assume you're alone in the enjoyment of it all. I guess it's easier for me because I don't really pay too close attention to my own sneezes so there's really no enjoyment factor, and I just assume that for the people around me when it happens.


For me it depends who I'm around. I hate sneezing in front of family, and don't particularly enjoy sneezing in front of friends/co workers. But with my bf I really don't mind sneezing at all. It's not really because I'm nervous cause of my fetish though...I have really bad trust issues and I hate showing any sign of weakness. So it just depends on how much I trust the person/people I'm around. Yes I realize this is pretty much saying I don't trust my family, and yes it's true I really don't. Family wise, I'll sneeze in front of my mom without much problem and I have less issues sneezing in front of my cousin than others but it's like this mental block I have where I CAN'T sneeze around most of my family. Same goes for my co workers.


I personally love sneezing myself, but yes I do feel the same way about sneezing around others. I feel like I'm revealing myself when I sneeze, even though if rest of the world doesn't see it that way.


I personally love sneezing myself, but yes I do feel the same way about sneezing around others. I feel like I'm revealing myself when I sneeze, even though if rest of the world doesn't see it that way.

It's certainly an odd feeling, and something that a lot of people seem to experience without understanding why. When I sneeze it's normally doubles, occasionally triples or quadruples, and I hate it. If I do one I'm fine cos no one really pays attention to a solo sneeze, but once I do any more I feel like I'm drawing attention to myself and that I'm entirely see through and that I've revealed my fetish, even though I know I haven't.

It's certainly a strange one, that's for sure.

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