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Harry Styles and The Interview Incident


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SO this is a new thing I've started. I'm fairly new to fic writing so I hope this isn't too bad! This entry is essentially sneeze free bar the ending, but I'll more than make up for that in any future entries if you guys want me to continue. Hope you enjoy!


Harry's alarm went off at 4:30am. He had never been a morning person. He rolled over, pressed snooze, and went back to sleep. Five minutes later it sounded again, he had a morning TV interview to get to, and he hated these. He switched the alarm off, groaned and stood up. He stretched by his bed, his sleeping shirt rising just enough for his softly toned abs to peek into the light of his room. He showered, brushed his teeth, got dressed and headed downstairs to meet the boys in the hotel lobby.

Him, Liam, Niall and Louis jumped in the car and headed to the interview, each of them still half asleep. Harry drifted off during the journey, but Liam nudged him awake again, much to his annoyance. He'd had an awful night sleep, not nearly enough for someone about to do a live TV interview at 7am. When they arrived at the studio, the boys greeted the few fans who were outside (it was 5:30am after all) and headed straight in to hair and make up.

Harry and Niall were in one room, while Liam and Louis were in the other. Niall joked about being segregated from "The L's". Normally Harry would've laughed, but he was too tired. After half an hour, Niall turned around to see Harry asleep in his chair. He shook him awake and dragged him out to the back garden of the TV studio, hoping the fresh air would wake his friend up enough for the interview.

"How come you're so tired mate?" Niall asked in his normal speedy voice.

"I don't know, just didn't sleep last night. I'm so so tired, I'm gonna need a miracle to get through this" Harry replied, his voice as slow as ever.

They chatted for another half hour before their manager appeared telling them to hurry inside as they were on the air in five minutes. Niall patted Harry on the knee, "Let's hope we can find that miracle, eh?". He stood up and walked away towards the door. Harry stood up too, and stretched one last time before the interview.

He breathed in sharply through his nose, unaware of the fluffy grey dandelion floating in the air beside his cheek. As he turned his head mid-inhale, the light-weight dandelion was pulled through the air, colliding with the bottom of Harry's right nostril. The tiny, weak particles were sucked immediately from their roots and up Harry's nose. He jumped back in shock and started coughing, his eyes watering.

Niall had seen the whole thing. "Mate.." he warned. Harry knew what was about to happen. He felt it coming. His eyes slowly closed as his mouth half opened, quivering in anticipation. A slight frown marked his face while his nostrils flared and his breath hitched. He was stuck like this for a good few seconds, before he lurched forwards with an enormous sneeze. "Ha...HAA-ECHOOO!!".

He looked up at Niall with horror and sorrow in his eyes. He knew what this would do to him, and being this tired would just make his reaction even worse. The interview started in 4 minutes.

Niall walked over and patted his friend's shoulder.

"Well mate, I think we've found your miracle".


Im not usually into fandom, but this one was really good!! I would love to read more of this! :)


"Well mate, I think we've found your miracle".
I believe you did. :D Very well done! I'm hoping this will be continued, yes?

OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! so excited for you to continue!!! : D


Oh my gosh I love 1D fics ahhh!! Please continue!! I love a bit of sneezy Harry :D


Yay I'm glad you all like it, I'll try get a new entry up in the next few days!


So I got a new one done sooner than expected, hope you enjoy!


"ECHOO...ha...HA-ISHOO Niall I...I can't..ha-ECHOO I can't stop". After he'd accidentally inhaled the small pollinating plant outside the studio, and the particles got stuck in his nose, he had erupted into the worst sneezing fit he had ever had. His sneezing fits had bothered him before, and it had even affected him during an interview. But that interview wasn't live. And his sneezing wasn't quite like this.

"We're on in three minutes mate, I don't know what to suggest" Niall sympathetically informed his suffering friend.

"You don't have to do the interview, they won't mind they'll make an exception for you" Liam told him, trying to help.

"ECHOO..HA-ECHOO-ECHOO-ECHOO-ugh, it's so bad I don't know what to do.." Harry didn't want to disappoint anyone, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get through the interview without interrupting every question with a sneeze or two. Or three. "No I have..ha...ha-CHOO, I have to do it, I have to do..the...th-ECHOO interview."

"Are you sure?" Louis asked.

"Ha..ha..oh" his sneeze escaped him. "Yeah, I'll just try to keep them quiet and...ETCHOO, you guys answer the questions, o...HA-ECHOO ok?" His mind was made up. The boys made their way towards the set, and sat on the couch. The interview was aware of the situation, and knew to mostly leave Harry alone. Harry knew he had to try to make his sneezes as quiet as possible, so in the two remaining minutes he attempted to start stifling them. "Ha...ha-unggxt-unggttt-ah, ow that hurt. I don't think I..I..ha-ECHOO-CHOO-CHEWW I can't keep them quiet.."

Louis, Liam and Niall looked at Harry as his face was constantly stuck in pre sneeze mood. He let out another double into the crook of his elbow, "HACHOO-CHOO" before looking sorrowfully at the other boys, only to bury his face back into his hands for a rapid explosion of five sneezes, "HA-ECHOO-ECHOO-ISHOO-ESCHOO-HAACHOOO ugh, it won't stop I can't stop sneezing guys I can't stop sneezing I don't know what to do".

The boys hated seeing him like this, but they didn't have time to worry. Behind Harry, the show's director signalled to the host. They were now on the air.

"Hello, and welcome to Good Morning Britai-"



*fangirl squealing and frantic flailing* Ohh...this is good.

I can't wait to see how the interview goes. :drool:


Continue please


I'm glad you like it! I'm working today and the next two days then really busy over the weekend but I'll try piece something together soon!




"I am so so sorry" Harry apologised after interrupted the TV presenter with his sneeze. "I should tell..tel-HAcheww, I had a little accident outside and, sorry, HA-Echoo-CHoo, I can't stop..can't..ECHOO stop sneezing"

"Oh ok that's fine, what happened?"

"I erm, this will sound strange, but I accidentally..ECHOO-ECHOO-HA-ECHOO accidentally sniffed up a dandelion, so now it's hayfever and its tickling my nose like crazy and I..I...HA-CHOO can't stop sneezing"

"Aw well I'm sorry to hear about that! Anyway it's time to-"


"-talk about the new album! So guys-"


"We, err, we hear it's pretty different to the last one, any new updates for us?" Niall piped in to answer first.

"Yeah we sort of took on a-"


"Would you be quiet Harry?" Niall joked, trying to make light of Harry's difficult situation. "We tried to make the album a bit rockier, more guitar work than anything else and-" Niall cut off when he saw Harry in the corner of his eye. His face had frozen in pre-sneeze mode, and he looked to be in agony. His eyes were both shot with his mouth half open, his nose flared massively with his eyebrows pointing down and quivering in anticipation. Before he could resume his sentence, Harry erupted into the longest fit he had ever had.

"E-choo, ha..ha-ECHOO, ha-ECHOO, HA ECHOO HA ECHOO HA-CHOO oh god im-CHOO-ECHOO, I'm so sorry-ECHOO"

The boys were looking at him sorrowfully, they had never seen him or anyone sneeze like this before. When he wasn't sneezing his face would twist and turn in anticipation, he couldn't do anything but sneeze or prepare to sneeze.


"Harry mate you need to leave you can't stay here like this" Liam told him

"Yeah I'm pretty sure you just sneezed twenty times in a row, it's awful" Louis offered.

"HA-ISHOO HA-ESHOO HA-ESHOO ugh it actually hurts, ha..ah....HA-ISH-ISH-ISH-EKSHH-EXXSH-ISHH. I need to leave..."

"Yeah it's fine, go and sort it out I hope you feel better" their interview told him. Before he stood up, Harry burst into a rapid fit of innumerable one syllable sneezes. He'd sneezed so much now that his sneezes didn't sound like his any more. He erupted into the fit of sneezes, unable to breathe between due to their painfully close proximity.

"I'm so sorry, thank you so much..HA-ISH-ISH-ESCH-ISCH-EKSH-EXNGT-ESH-ESCH-INGSHH-AKSHH-AKSHH-ISHH-ah, I'm sorry" He was in real pain now, he stood up and quickly walked off set as the other boys watched him. He headed to the nearest bathroom, sneezing his way past the crew. He arrived at the sink, before sneezing a quick "HA-ESCHOO-ESCHOO" double, and began splashing water on his face.

He needed this to stop.


Holy Queen of England! :uhoh:

Well didn't that just slap me in the face. I LOVE IT! Oh good lord, that was intense! Poor Harry.

Wonderful job! Please please please, continue!


Holy Queen of England! :uhoh:

Well didn't that just slap me in the face. I LOVE IT! Oh good lord, that was intense! Poor Harry.

Wonderful job! Please please please, continue!

Thank you! :) I'll try come up with a new update soon!


Wow! This was really really good! Amazing job! Please please please continue!!

  • 3 months later...

Yes please continue this is so amazing


I completely forgot I'd written this! It's from so long ago haha, I can continue it if you guys want me to?


yes please continue!

  • 2 months later...

Please continue!

  • 3 months later...

oh my goodness that was beautiful. please continue writing it because I love it so much XD and also if you want to include any Larry stuff go ahead *wink wink* <3

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