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Words You Cannot Say


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What words can you not say no matter how hard you try?

I cannot say(along with other words probly)




What about you guys?


Not that I often use these words, but I cannot for the life of me say "extinguish" or "exsanguination", or variations thereof. I just can't twist my tongue to switch between those sounds when they come so close upon each other.


Anemone. Meant to be pronounced an-em-oh-nee. I just can't do it. At all. Ever. No matter how slow I say it, it still comes out wrong.

Also, submarine. I always get the B and M the wrong way round and end up saying sumbarine :lol:


curtesy... I say court-isey and that is apparently wrong?


Admiralty. Whoever got the notion to arrange those letters in that order needed a smack upside the head. I can do tongue twisters like a boss but I cannot get to grips with that word. Fortunately, it doesn't exactly come up in conversation that often... :D


Somnambulist. I always miss out the first 'm' completely. I can't say it in combination with the whole word, for some reason. :lol: Again, though, it's not really a word that often comes up in conversation.


Staccato- I can say this word, but I butcher it ninety percent of the time. The worst way I've pronounced it was scatacato. I have never pronounced this word correctly, unless I visualize the spelling in my head first.

Pearl- I've always pronounced it peer-al. I cannot seem to get my tongue back enough to say pearl.



Also in Italian class, I can't say any words that require rolling my r's


I know this might be very odd but people tell me I butcher the words Las Vegas and gigantic... clearly I have some serious issues because these are not hard words :lol:


I can't say ambulance. I say it "ambliance" for some strange reason.



It takes me a few times to say it correctly and I'm so confused as to why it's so hard for me to say!


Another one became painfully obvious to me today as I tried to say it, although it's more a combination of words:

"tax disc"

The words on their own are fine but put then together and consider my tongue well and truly twisted!


"Both". It always comes out sounding like "bolth", which I hate, and I've been working on training myself to say it without the L for 5 years. I still can't get it, so I've started avoiding saying it! Maybe if i envision it being spelled "bothe" instead, I might have an easier time. I will report back.

Also, the word "cool" often comes out sounding like "coo-ull" unless I mumble it. Super annoying, but I'm working on that one too!


Twelfth. "fth" seems to be impossible for me in this word - I just say 'twelth' and hope nobody notices. This is particularly inconvenient and annoying because my birthday is a twelfth. <_<

Posted (edited)

Onion. I've always said it like "ohn-yun" as opposed to "ung-yun". Also guilty of pronouncing milk like "melk" although I kick myself every time!

Edited by meepsy

I can't say "brewery", I always say "brew'ry".

Also, words starting with "pr-", like "prescribe" and "pretend". I know how to say them, but they always come out with the "e" and the "r" reversed: PERscribe and PERtend. It sounds HORRENDOUSLY DUMB, but I really can't pronounce them correctly unless I'm INTENTLY FOCUSED on doing so.

Also, I have a really hard time NOT pronouncing the "l" in "folk(s)". I'm capable of not doing so, but the "l" just feels so good, for some reason. :laugh:


to add another word to this horrible list of my failures


today I learned that I can't say "plaid" , I say it like "braid". "played" is how "plaid" comes out :laugh:


I can never say bibliography right. I always end up saying biblio- blog- raphy.

  • 3 weeks later...

New ones i have encountered recently:

- Mauve. Is it pronounced "mohve" or "mahve"? I always start it one way and then change my mind halfway through and eventually just give up and hide my face in shame.

- Macabre. How much of the 'r' are you supposed to put in the end? A little? A lot? None? Who knows? (not me, that's for sure!)

  • 4 weeks later...

"Drawing" is a hard one for me!


I can't say the word "rural". It's the R's that just don't feel right. And then the word "alternative/alternatively" I always have to think before saying this because for some reason it's just too dang hard for me to say haha.


"Horror" and most of all, "mirror." Grew up in New England problems. :P

I live in the Midwestern USA now so I can be constantly reminded how much I trip over too many damn R's.


I have trouble with "mural."

  • 1 month later...

I'm Southern, so for the most part all my "t" s are pronounced "d" s, also cannot say the words "gift" or "rivalry" correctly either.


I found out recently that apparently pronouncing differ with the accent on the last syllable is wrong. So I've been sounding stupid every time I say this word. I have a hard time with "subtle" (I correct myself halfway through and it comes out "subt-suttle), and with "vary" (vari-ee, lol). To hell with the English language.

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