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Sneeze Fetish Forum

a school observation


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well today this kid in my English class lets call him s for those of you who need a description he really tall hes like 6 ft ish he's biracial { I think that's the way you say mixed with black but less rude idek} he has brown hair and brown eyes {I have a wee crush on him any ways} our English teacher was talking about visionary's or some shit I don't pay attention in class when he starts on about something that doesn't really matter anyways I'm zoning off then I hear " chuu" from g who sits in front of me which got my attention no one said bless you which is mean but that kind of thing makes me nervous bc knowing me ill probably stutter saying it :blinksmiley: I was staring at his back at the time so yeah then couple minutes later I zone off again then I hear that familiar sound but twice " chuu" "chu" a couple people blessed him {which made me feel better about not having the courage too} then like the sneeze gods had lent their almighty blessing he starts panting by panting like a dog panting everyone in the room was staring at him and me and my friend were giggling but im positive not for the same reason :tomato: then he goes in to this sneezing fit he tries to stifle them and im over her trying to keep my grip he does it successfully the first couple of times the only way I could tell he was sneezing bc of the jerking forward thingy he then couldn't do it anymore so it was like " hnnt hnnnt CHU CHU CHU CHU" the teacher brought the tissue box over to him then class resumed

I hope you guys liked it bc I sure did even though its pretty awkward :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


I love school obs haha, and it's okay I get nervous about blessing people too it's chill.


That is adorable and an amazing obs! Lucky girl! :P

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