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Stupid ways you've injured yourself

Kaze Wo Hiku

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4 hours ago, Joal 555 said:

There was nothing stupid about this one, but it happened today.....

As I left the office at lunchtime, it was pouring with rain and the 6 or so steps down to street level were very wet. I put my foot on the top step and it immediately disappeared from beneath me as I slipped and then unceremoniously fell down the other steps virtually on my backside as I desperately tried to regain my balance.

I ended up in a heap on the ground, shaken and bruised and with wet trousers, but thankfully not badly hurt.



Ouch! Poor Joal... Good it wasn't too bad... :consoling:

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So today I'm 15, and possibly clumsier than ever. In gym, we're playing badminton, and I went to go grab the birdie, getting up, and ramming right into one of my friends. HEAD ON COLLISION. Somehow she stayed standing, but me, being the little-stick-of-nothing that I am, flew. I landed on my back, also hitting my head against the floor. Oh yeah, and a floor burn plus swollen wrist. (tallys off one of many stupid injuries this year)

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This one happened to me when I was around 5-6 so at least I have the excuse that I was young and dumb at the time.  I walked into our downstairs den one time when the lights were turned off and as I was looking for the light switch, I tripped over a large pillow that someone left on the floor and I ended hitting my forehead on the edge of the brick mantle of our fireplace.  Let that sink in for a second... (head against solid stone/brick) are you flinching yet?  Anyway, I ended having to go the ER to get some stitches.  I still have the small scar to this day, nearly 30 years later.  As my hairline has receded, it has now become visible.

But yeah, that night I definitely learned my lesson about watching where I'm going (the hard way).

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When I was 8 I broke my arm by walking(!) on a patch of ice on the sidewalk, and slipping in a sort of old-fashioned comic banana-glide way. Not running, skipping or sliding, walking...

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Alright, so, once upon a time, years and pounds ago, I was a fairly promising showjumper. Since I was extremely careful and cautious, I rarely had incidents when jumping, but this...


... is not a friend of mine. Especially when the front and back fence are parallel. I don't know what it is about them, but I always found them terrifying, no matter how good and dependable a horse I rode, which of course the horse sensed, and often stopped or skipped to the side, sometimes with me still on the back, sometimes not. Once I flew over the horse's head, somehow smacked my chin on the back fence, got stuck hanging between the two, and nearly passed out from the impact. Needless to say, that experience didn't help me get over my fear of those damn things. Miraculously I didn't even need to see a doctor (well, I didn't, anyway), and I was back in the saddle by the end of the training session, but I didn't jump more fences that day. Looking back now, I wonder what on Earth possessed me to jump in the first place. I am so much more a dressage person. :lol: 


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These are great, maybe I can share a few of my own without feeling too embarrassed. I hurt myself all the time but these are some recent bigger ones: 

A few years ago I was changing tires and the tire iron that I used was one that came with the car and it was obviously very bad quality since it broke when I was leaning on it and somehow I was so off balance that I fell and hit my head on the tire rim, causing my head to bleed and making me feel a bit dizzy.

This happened around the same time: I was at home, holding a drinking glass in my hand about to get some water and it just suddenly shattered in my hand, I wasn't squeezing it or anything. I guess it was just very fragile and was about to break. I think I got a permanent scar in my thumb since it cut pretty deep. That was pretty scary actually.

This wasn't so bad but a little while ago I managed to drop a cymbal stand on my toe. It wasn't broken but just got all black and swollen. I sometimes also hurt my toes by kicking my kettlebell, usually at night when I can't see it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I was about 14 years old I had to mow the lawn. Something I really hated to do. Well to make a long story short, the engine was still hot when it ran out of gas and me, being stupid, decided to pour some more. Some of it leaked and hit the hot engine, which made it catch on fire in the driveway.

I didn't get burned though. Somehow I threw myself onto the grass behind me, and bruised my hand on the landing pretty bad.

Which you know given the circumstances, I'd take a bruise over burns any day lol.

My dad was happy about my well-being, but was rather pissed at the lawnmower's condition.

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  • 1 year later...

Every time it snows, i’m guaranteed to slip on icy sidewalk and fall.

Someone in this house likes to leave his big-ass shoes in the middle of the bedroom floor and when I get up to pee in the middle of the night, in the dark, I trip over a pair of sneakers and go down.  If that same someone didn’t also keep me warm on cold nights he might not still be here.  


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Ooo I’m afraid someone in my real life will know this is me if I write this, but here goes nothing...

I was standing on a giant fake dog’s head, to try and turn on a ceiling fan (cause I’m short) when I fell off and broke my arm 

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in 2nd grade one day i was slouching forward while walking home from school and my backpack was so heavy that it made me fall down forward in my already bent posture and faceplant. i had the biggest bruise on my cheek for weeks and it was the most embarrassing thing.

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Warning contains blood:

I crashed into a glass pane and lost two teeth. My forehead and cheeks were full of cuts. And once a friend pushed me as we were playing outside and I fell on the ground and I cutted my lip. Those injuries I can remember.

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Opening a can of chili two thirds of the way and then using my palm to finish opening it. Sliced it from the metal. 

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A while back I was finishing homework in last period before an assembly and I was really happy that I had just finished all my homework in school. So I dropped my pencil and clapped my hands together once. However, I hadn’t let the pencil actually fall much. So I just kind of shoved it into the palm of my hand. Luckily, it didn’t actually pierce the skin too far, but it bled a bit. I felt really dumb having to explain what happened to the nurse’s office when I was getting a bandaid. And that I managed to do this in one of the worst possible times because I really wanted to see that particular assembly and was almost late for it.

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I was running once and stepped on an can. Sprained my ankle and could barely walk on it for 3 weeks.

I have also run into more doors and walls and tables that I could count.

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On 15/03/2017 at 5:23 AM, Oolia said:

So I did, and I was like "uh, can you guys just send like.. one guy? I'm not 100% sure if it's gas or not..." and they were like "nope". So they sent two firetrucks and one of those early response team, all alarms blaring and lights flashing. Like 7 huge firefighters in their heavy gears inspected my apartment and there was nothing.

Oh my God, this :) LOL I can see myself doing this ten times over. recently I heard some screaming from the sea and there seemed to be a swimmer in difficulty, but I couldn't see clearly --I finally called for help, and found myself *wishing* the person was in real need of help so I wouldn't look a fool. *wry sigh* I caught myself doing it, of course, and stopped, but still LOL

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You guys : stop bashing your younger selves, pleaaaase. Nobody's dumb at 5, you're just...a kid being a kid ! :)

I don't have that excuse, by the way, since this happened a couple years ago and I was definitely adult by then. I went to a birthday party with friends, and around 1 am, people started wanting warm drinks. One of my friends took care of the coffee, and I took it upon myself to make tea. Only there were no teapots available, so I took one of the coffee pots from the machine. (you know those glass/plastic made --I'm not sure which-- things?) So ,I thought  it was supposed to stand the heat, and I put it down the counter, pouring hot water in it and a few tea bags along with it. Then I stood there and waited. I thought I heard a *crack* as I poured, but I put it down to my being paranoid.

And as I tried to raise the pot to pour, the whole thing literally *melted* on me. I mean, it shattered it my hand, and the whole of the boiled water came pouring down my pants. It was summer time, so soft, light pants, and suddenly they were glued to my skin. I screamed once for surprise, and it took another second for the second intel to reach my brain : *Shit. I'm burned.* before I actually started tearing down the pants, yelling again.

By that time, my friends had rushed from the other room, and one of them took me to a cold shower where I stayed for a good 20 minutes, shivering and cursing. It hurt for a full two months after that, but no scars to show for it. <G>

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  • 4 months later...

Because this topic is great

Recently I almost face planted due to my backpack hooking on everything and i use my backpack to stabilize 

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A friend of mine we will call Mad Man Munson had ran into me when I was foolishly standing in the middle of the grocery store aisle. I forgot he wore an eyepatch so he couldn't see me there. He knocked me down with his cart and the cockatoo that was usually perched on his shoulder got started and ended up defecating on the ground. Needless to say it was a mess.

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I cut myself on the handle of the litterbag with kitty litter a few years ago. It cut straight into my knuckles when I was trying to carry it from the car to my apartment along with several other grocery bags - so I wouldn't have to go twice. I noticed a burning sensation, looked down, and blood was just streaming. I still have a scar across one knuckle. Ironically, that exact day I had thought "it's funny we don't usually get more wounds and scars on the hands, since that's the body part you always keep sticking into everything...." :lol: 


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  • 1 month later...

The other night I was lying in bed on my back, holding my phone above my head,  trying to set the alarm clock on my phone. My phone slid out of my hands and I dropped it on my face, and now I have a bruise on my cheekbone   :zippy: 

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in 8th grade pe one of my friends and i stole each others shoes. she ended up throwing mine into the folded bleachers where i had to go climb up and get it. i then jumped trying to make it to my spot on time, landed too far foreward on my toes and ended up skinning my knee with a huge bruise. also any time i would run it would hurt. that was in the middle of track season.

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one time i tripped over one side of a lifeguard chair, u kno the bar that connects the feet on the bottom?, and landed on the other one, bc i was walking underneath of it, and in doing so cracked 2 of my ribs, dislocated my shoulder, and bruised my own collarbone :lol:

end of 7th grade 

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I was getting a blood test and I fainted right out of my chair and crashed headfirst onto the floor. It knocked me unconscious and I had MAJOR whiplash. They thought I broke my neck because I couldn't feel anything. It led to an entire day being strapped to a gurney in emergency. FROM FALLING OUT OF A CHAIR. A CHAIR.

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