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It occurred to me in a dream...


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So, umm... I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this topic, so if it isn't, please move it!!!


Basically, last night I had this amazing dream. So my mind basically created fictional characters for me in my sleep and gave me the best plot for a sickfic everrrrr!!! So there was a guy named Dave and a girl named 'Nawa, and 'Nawa was a yandere in love with Dave, and her friend was dating Dave's friend so basically they had practically become good friends. Every day they would see each other on the bus and she would obsess over him and occasionally fight with another girl for his love. 

So I was thinking I could have this as like my own original fandom or something, Like maybe I could post a bunch of non-fetish stories about the characters on my Wattpad (my username is the same as it is here) using the plot above, and I could write a bunch of sickfics/allergyfics on these forums. (The characters will be 16!! Yayy!!) I'm unsure of what to call my little "original fandom", so suggestions will be useful!

So my dream came up with the best sickfic ever. this is like a spoiler for the actual fic I'm gonna write about it.


So basically Dave was a bit sick, and he wanted to hide it because god knows why. So he came to school sick for a few days and went about his life. Eventually he starts wearing a face mask so he won't get anyone sick, and all his friends think he's just wearing it for some cosplay of a ninja show or something. So it takes them a few days to find out that he was sick and on the bus 'Nawa is really caring and he lies his head on her lap while she strokes his hair.

Please help me come up with a name for this lovely new fandom thing

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