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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Board Game We Could All Get Behind...


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I fail at Google-fu in a lot of cases, but I do have the unerring ability to find weird sneeze stuff, most of which I eventually share with you guys.

In this case, I found a forum thread about the development of a game based around sneezing. The accompanying pictures no longer exist as far as I can tell, the posts can be a bit dry, and I don't think the game ever actually came to fruition, but it's still kind of fun to see what might have been.

For those of you who understandably don't want to wade through all the posts (though if you do, you need to read from the bottom/last post to the top if you want to read it in chronological order), here's how the game would have worked, according to the first post the developer made;


The goal of this game is to create long build-ups before sneezing in order to collect the most points possible.

To do this you lay down a series of cards feature vowels each one feature a score value much like the letters in Scrabble.

In order to collect these points you need to finish you row with a "-CHOO!" card.

A typical sneeze may look like this:

> a e e O ee A -Choo!

Before you can begin your sneeze, however, you need to start your row with a nose card. The game will feature a variety of famous noses each with it's own unique characteristic.

Other players can interfere with your sneeze by having end early, stop it completely, or making fizzle out.

This theme lends itself to all kinds of fun possibilities simply by the very humorous nature of sneezes.

Just reading out your sneeze, for example, would be a fun challenge that would cause a lot of laughter.


Amusing as it is to read about, though, I don't think the developer would have gotten a lot of sales from us if the game ever did become a thing. Based off this thread I created years ago, most of us would be too embarassed to play it, much less purchase a copy for ourselves.


that would be really fun but i could never play it. i would be too embarressed


It was an interesting read and I was impressed by the amount of detail the person came up with regarding sneezes and buildups (assuming the person was not a fetishist. Non-fetishist often don't pay that much attention to the individual stages leading up to a sneeze) 

But I agree: playing this would be too embarrassing 🙈


Now, to play this with other fetishists would be a riot! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

@doggo lol yes!! 😂 In any other situation it would be too embarrassing though. 

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