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Send a Letter to A Bad Ex?


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TW: Emotional abuse

Uh. This is like. Kind of weird place to ask about this. But I see advice threads on here every once in a while and I don't know who to ask. I mean, I asked my best friend, and he thinks I should go off on this guy. But I want a few other opinions and I don't think I want too may people in my circle to know. I like the anonymity of asking here. I like that if people look up "should I send a letter to my abusive ex" on the google search bar, this thread probably won't pop up because it's on a fetish site rotfl. I just feel really comfortably unidentified here. 

Let's say, theoretically, you had a really douchy ex and this ex was kind of totally abusive. He didn't hit you or anything, but he was really hurtful and put you down a lot. Let's say, theoretically, you and this ex share the same workplace (yikes!), so you could easily reach out to him if you wanted to, but you're moving to a new city in just a few months and you're thinking that maybe you should get to tell him off, at least once, before you go? Would it be a bad idea to give write him a letter and dash? 

I think I want to compensate for all those other times I didn't stand up for myself, you know??? idk if that makes sense lol.

I don't even care if he reads it, I just want to know I have the strength to tell him what I feel, like, just put everything I didn't say in an envelope in his hands.f I walk away and he never opens that letter, it won't matter. What will matter is that I wrote it and I gave it to him, which means I defended myself against all of his abuse and his accusations to him. Even if it was in a sort of juvenile, indirect way. Ugh. I'm such a chicken yo. 😕

I seriously doubt that he'll physically attack, stalk, cyberstalk, or otherwise harass me if I confront him, especially considering that I'm leaving town. He's unbelievably offensive, manipulative, and demanding, but he has never revealed himself to be aggressive. Not in an orthodox sense, at least.

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I understand your reasoning, believe me I do. But I agree with facet, I really don't think it's a good idea. For one, physical letters have a way of coming back to haunt you. But more importantly, it is the past. A painful past, but it's still the past. It's not going to change anything, what's done is done. What you can do, however, is to write down (for yourself) all the things that relationship has taught you - about who you are, about what you need, about what doesn't work for you and what to look out for - so you don't get into anything similar in the future. The best way to stand up for yourself is to leave that POS in the dust and drive off into the sunset. He doesn't need to have any power over you, which is exactly what he would have if you make contact and especially if you give him anything. Focus on you and what's ahead for you. Stand up for yourself by never accepting to be treated that way again, by anyone.

Take care, and good luck! :hug: 


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