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Ukraine woke up, Next to her Partner, Serbia. She smiled, watching him sleep, She'd always thought of him as precious, but never one to stay asleep longer than herself. Soon, her smile turned into a flat line, her mouth beginning to open. " H-huh... " Her nose twitched. Although she didn't know how to deal with it, She was going to sneeze, and she couldn't help it. " H-hih- " Ukraine turned her head away from Serbia, Hed head leaning back. She prepared to stifle. " Hihk-Hih-Ktcsh! " She pinched her nose. She took her hand away, only to find mucous dripping all over it. She walked to the bathroom.

Serbia, by now, was awake, and just long enough to hear Ukraine sneeze. He stifled his laughter, checking his phone to see the pollen count and temperature. Serbia walked into the bathroom, only to find Ukraine sneezing and blowing her nose into a tissue. " Hey 'Raine " He smiled, staring lovingly at his younger partner, who seemed to be struggling with keeping it in. " H-hey... K-... Kohh... Kotyk... " Ukraine's breath hitched, her nose begging to run, due to the fact that it was either stuck, or she was holding it back. 

Serbia left the bathroom and searched around their room. He came back with a small box. He shut the door and closed the window. He then opened the box. " Wh-- HEH! What- whad are.. y-you... doig...? " Ukraine asked, her voice congested. " Helping. " Was Serbia's one answer. He took a little bag of Dust out of the box and opened it. It met Ukraine's nose, causing it to flare insanely and drip a bit more. " A-ahh... " Ukraine sniffed, rubbing her poor, helpless, red, dripping nose. " Ki-Kitschie! Kitschie! Kat'shiew! " Her nose exploded. " No-.. Not done.. " Ukraine's nose flared ass she rubbed it desperately. " I-it's n-not... Coming... Ah...  out.. " Her words were drawn out, long, and desperate at her breath hitched. " It's okay, Malia. " Serbia kissed Ukraine's nose, causing her to blush just a bit more than she was. Her emerald green eyes watery, and glistening. Serbia took a feather out of the box and began to induce another sneeze. He held it to the tip of her nose, as it began to flare furiously. " Ahh..! Deeper! " She cried out, her nose dripping into her cleavage.

Serbia agreed and slowly inserted the feather deep, far into the nostrils of his girlfriend, Ukraine. " Hih- Hih- Hehhh... " Ukraine's breath hitched, her nose flaring. She let out the final few sneezes. " HEP'TSHOO! HIHT-SHEE! HAT'SHOO!! HEH-HETSHIIEEW!! " She sneezed, Serbia moving out of the way, as the snot fell around Ukraine's face and cleavage. She got a few more tissues and began cleaning herself up. " T-thank you, Kotyk... "  Ukraine smiled, hugging Serbia, Only to pull away last second. " Kit-ch! " She sneezed across her shoulder. She blew her nose messily into a tissue, leaving a thick trail of slimy mucous as she pulled it away, that she cleaned after. " I love you, Kotyk. "  She hugged Serbia again, Kissing him on the cheek. " I love you too, Malia. " Serbia grinned, hugging her back.


Please tell me how i did, this is my first time, haha.
I'm obsessed with Country humans for the time being.
Anyways, Malia means Baby in Ukrainian, and Kotyk means Kitten in Ukrainian, if you didn't know.


I forgot the title had nothing to do with this. I meant to put Allergies, but I put Summer because Ukraine is a cold country that usually gets sick in the heat. I might find a way to implement this later, but not now. Thank you!


I like it so far.  Female allergies (snotty too) is a fav of mine.

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