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Dear Friends, preferences are requested once again


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I have about 6 pages of broken bits from a story I'm working on, but after a shit ton of different paths I wanted to take, I think I've got a story-line pretty much ironed out. I just need to know what I should focus on in this story. What the public wants to see.

It is taking place in a fantasy/medieval setting, in the DnD world of the Forgotten Realms, in the campaign world of Acquisitions Incorporated, but it's all original characters, all original designs, no story elements. It simply uses some of the Acquisitions Incorporated professions and equipment. Should this go into Fanfiction, or Original fiction? If I explain all the relevant pieces and give credit where it is due, CAN it go in original fiction, because I would prefer it there.

Here's the actual story preference question:

Where everything seems to branch out from is this one section where the characters are travelling and the sickee, a Dwarf Cleric starts to show symptoms. They are several days travel away from the nearest inn, rain will be approaching soon. Should the party

A) Have the sickee travel as far as she can, then hunker down and wait it all out in the wilderness
1) They find a cave
2) They find an abandoned home
3) They request the forest to build them a badass wood elf shelter
Ab) Do Enemies find them? Y, N?

B ) Have the sickee travel as far as she can, then
1) Carry piggie back the rest of the way, then get caught in the rain, with the excuse of reserving the shapeshifting ability in event of bandit or wild animal attacks
2) Alternate piggieback with horse shapeshifting and if so
Do they still get caught in the rain? Y, N?
Do enemies find them? Y, N?

C) Can the Phoenix Sorceress keep her passive heat generation to a minimum when she sleeps? Y, N?

D) Will they need to summon help to get through this in one piece? If so, do they call Mom, or God? 

E) Who gets contaminated: Germaphobe due to Traumatic Experience Druid who gives her piggieback ride, Emotionally dependent caretaker Sorceress, or both? Fair warning, the germaphobe druid will not be sick for very long. She won't accept it. She refuses. She would ask for divine assistance. 



Just to clarify, I can't just write to my heart's content because my computer access is limited and sporadic


i think that since it's original characters and it's just dungeons and dragons, which is pretty open, you could put it in original content. as for your other preference questions, my answer is the same as in the last thread which is to write whichever option excites you the most! people like to read things that you enjoyed writing, because that spark of inspiration shows in the writing and makes it better than if you were to write something just based on what someone else preferred. also just a heads up for the future, this kind of thread would be better off in the art, stories, and obs general board! 


Oh! Okay thanks! I read all the rules and things but I’m still getting the hang of knowing where everything is supposed to go 

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