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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Ask me about my cold!


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(This was posted yesterday in fictions but my intention was to post it here, sorry about that, guess it makes sense since just after posting I took my temperature and found I had a fever.)

So I’m home alone for like two weeks and I woke up this morning with a monster of a cold, my initial thought was to post some obs but I figured since I don’t have much to do, it would be cool if you guys just asked me whatever you wanted to know, a private chat may be better for this but I don’t know how to do that. I’ll try and answer as quickly as possible 

So a bit of a back story: I’ve been on a trip with my family, my stomach got really messed up there, you can ask about that too, I can put a warning when I answer if someone is not interested. But on top of that I got a virus as a little souvenir, somewhere in the airport I assume. I incubated the virus for like 2 days and last night my throat felt sore and I was a bit sneezy, this morning I woke up full of cold, won’t give you more detail so you can ask, hope you like this.


Answer  for @Willowwhip, about my headache:

I do haber one. I’d say it’s like a 6, yesterday when I got my fever was a 9 fore like the first hours, when I took some medicine and put a cold rag over my forehead and eyes it decreased. My fever vas 39.2°C this morning is 37.8°C but I feel its rising again as well as my headache.

The pain is on my temples and behind the top of my orbits, it was sharp when my fever was high but now not the much, also from the fever my energy burned, and I have pain also in my right ear mixing with the head ache.


Sorry to hear you're sick, but I like this idea of Q&A obs.
Could you maybe tell us what do your sneezes sound like? Also, are you congested, and if so- does it affect your voice and speach?


Oof, that sounds awful. Hang in there bud. Keep hydrated.


About my sneezes

I’m really bad at describing sneezes but I’ll try my best. So first of all I really hate when people around me notice that I’m sick so I normally stifle, its kind of like  itchuum. And they usually come in doubles or triples, when I stifle I press my nose with the back of my hand, and since most of the time I’m in bed but with my torso slightly up right to help with the congestion, my head falls forward.


However this time I’m lucky to be on my own ( I HATE when people take care of me) so I can let all the sneezes out if I want to, they go something like this:  ahchouuuuuum breath like haaa haaa haaa-ahchoooooom txchiiiiu and then I have to blow, normally one blow it enought and that would keep me sneeze for a while. 

But I’ve had like 5 big fits where I blow and then go more haaaa haaa hatxaiiiiiiii atchouuuu txchiiiiuuum. Like when I stifle my head bends forward and if I’m laying on my side my knees also contract a bit, also after a big fit I will get some shivers ( I love those) 

On of the big fits happened while in the toilet so my pants where obviously down and I covered my legs in spray. The rest where in my bed, one while I was on my iPad and I covered the screen with spray.

Congestion is bad now, this morning it was ok, I went to bed with my left nostril clogged and woke up with the right clogged, but it was like dry clogged, like my nose was dripping and the nostril was clogged but I will blow and get nothing out,  no I’m starting with the thicker blows.


As far as congested voice not much so far.

I’ll post some more later.


Mix mostly ranting 

It’s nice that you like the idea of the Q&A obs, I thought about it because I struggle a lot organicing my writing, there are so many things I want to talk about that everything ends up lacking what I want to transmit, so I figured that if people asked in small chancla it would be easier for me.

Thank for the good wishes but I do enjoy being sick, specially if I’m on my own like now.

And I know I haven’t been asked but I’m going to talk about the medicine that I’m tacking and how I’m nursing my cold, hope you like it, I will also keep updating about my fever, headache, sneezes and congestion, hope you enjoy it!


Please do! Just peeked back in to check up on you. Still got a fever? Also why don’t you like being taken care of?


On my medicine, update on symptoms and why I don’t like being taken care of

I’m going to talk about Monday, Tuesday and today Wednesday morning for me.

I keep my bedicene in my bedside table, so I don’t have to get up when I’m really sick. While my fever was high I was on ibuprofen every 6hand paracetamol every 4, Monday my fever was low like 37.2, 37.8, 38.1, so that’s kind of fever I can stand and don’t usually take medicine for that, specially if I can just be in bed enjoying my cold. For the cold I take some cold flu medicine for Spain called Frenadol, and here is a story about me, if I’m sick qndarround people, having to go places... I take the capsules, but I’m cases like this where I can be in bed I take a packet that you diol es in water, the reason for that is that the packet has a really yucky taste, and after every sip ( not only me, I’ve seen more people doing it) you get a shiver, for me the shiver is like an opportunity to think aaaaaw I’b sickg as a dog, I fell biserable, this is the wordst cod ib by life!!! So yeah I really enjoy that little moment. And for more medicine, congestion got pretty bad Thursday, so I started taking a decongestant, the one yo spray in your nose, for congestion I’ve also been putting a hot water blithe on my chest, using a nety pot and steamy showers.


So Monday morning, I have this rule that I must be in bed until I’m fever free, after this cold the new rule will bed: in bed after 12 hours fever free. This is because Monday morning I woke up, no fever, I went to the couch, and after an hour I started having chills, so back to bed, and indeed my fever was 38.1, it started coming down, tuesday was around 37 all day and today Wednesday I’ll be taking my temperature every hour and to see if I’m ready to get out of bed.

  • 4 weeks later...

Nice sneeze spray observation s



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