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A few days of bad allergies


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Wrote this a while ago, but finally posting it now:


There’s been something in my place that I’m crazy allergic to the last two days. Yesterday I had a maddening tickle in my nose the entire day, nonstop. There wasn’t a moment where I didn’t feel like I needed to sneeze. It kept building up, sometimes to the point where all I could do was stare blankly into space, my mouth slightly open waiting for it to come out. Of course I’ve been sneezing like crazy, but not nearly enough to ‘get it out.’ So I’m just constantly sniffing, blowing my nose every five or ten minutes, and hitching with the classic 'pre-sneeze face.' When I do finally sneeze, it’s after 10 or 20 seconds of buildup, which is way itchier than usual. It never fully gets rid of the tickle though. I wish I were sneezing multiple times in a row, at least if that would give me a few minutes of relief. But after each sneeze, I'm already waiting for the next one...


That was yesterday, and today has been even worse. It's really bad when I'm at home, and overnight I woke up multiple times because my nose was so itchy. I have no idea how many times I sneezed overnight, but I have a few scattered memories of waking up with my mouth agape, my breath unsteady. It would linger for a minute or so, I'd sneeze, and then try to fall back asleep, still itching. Over the day, the tickle has gone away only occasionally, and when it comes, it's in really intense waves that leave me unable to do anything else. I'm sneezing a loud, pretty desperate sounding 'ah, ah.. ugh.. ah Ah aCHOO!' every 10 to 20 minutes. I'm all wet and sniffly and blowing my nose constantly. It’s been a bit out of control.


Bless you! Maybe look up local pollen counts to see if anything is particularly high. I dont know where you're located but I know ragweed is getting ready to bloom soon. Hope you feel better!

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