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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The "Tide-Cold"


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This is going to be my first story, right now before any input or ideas I have probably a 5 or 6 part one. It involves a fictitious division 1 college cheer squad and a pretty nasty back to school cold. Clearly on any college team there are many members my thoughts are to focus on about 4-8 girls and I’ll adjust/keep based on your feedback. Let’s meet the focus girls for the Clearwater Tech Tides:

Lisa – head coach of the Tide Girls Cheer squad, white, shoulder length brown hair, and a small button nose

Rachel – senior Co-Captain, the “typical” American cheerleader, a blonde bombshell, average sized nose, claims she never gets sick

Lydia – the other Senior Co-Captain, African American, shorter black hair, larger than average nose, catches everything that goes around

Brooke & Sophie – Freshman identical red-haired twins, both have small noses, Brooke has very bad late summer/fall allergies and Sophie rarely sneezes

More background sorry!

With it being mid-August a new school year was about to start and that also meant the start of football season. Fairly new to gridiron competition the Tide team was not very good at all, in fact they struggled to win 1 even 2 games a year. Not many came to watch this team, however they did come to watch the Cheer squad, so they had to look their best.

Part 1

It was the morning of August 21st 2019, Brooke and Sophie knew what today was they had it marked on their calendars for months, college move in day! It would not be the easiest transition with Clearwater Tech being about 5 hours from the family house. Their parents helped them pack their shared 2004 black Honda Pilot and the twins were off. Everything was going perfect until the girls pulled into campus and Brooke stepped out the car he ha ha hatchooo ha ha hatchooo. She immediately looked for her allergy meds but they were not there. It wouldn’t be a big deal she could hold her allergies at bay until she bought new ones right?!

Rachel and Lydia met at the athletic center for the preseason captain meeting, like the text they received from their coach Lisa said. Only problem was not here, they were used to it though with a 4 little kids at home her and her husband had their hands full. When Lisa finally arrived something seemed off to the captains but initially they couldn’t put their finger on it.

“Rach and Lyd sorry for snfff being late snfff there is a cold that all four of my kids happened to have right now” said Lisa as she subtly rubbed her nose. “Don’t worry though I’m not sick snfff I prommm…” her sentence trailed off and her face said it all she needed to sneeze. After two quick sniffles snfff snfff she exploded with 4 messy “not sick” sneezes heptchooo, heptchooo, heptchooo, heptcheeeeeooo. Both girls shocked at that last sneeze offered a “bless you” to their coach. “Excuse be I’b sorry, really hope I’b not catching my kids cold. snfff” With that she left without discussing anything.

Lydia didn’t mind though as she was hoping not to catch what her coach has and quickly pulled out her hand sanitizer. To which Rachel said “I don’t know why you are even bothering you catch everything on campus, unlike me I never get sick.” The girls both started to head out to walk to their apartment on the other side of campus when they heard a loud crack of thunder followed by rain and lots of it based on the sound. That was one of the only downsides of attending Clearwater Tech University storms would just pop up out of nowhere and leave the students scrambling for cover. 

Lydia thought the two should wait until the storm calmed down but Rachel didn't agree "It'll be nice to cool off a bit, it was super hot in there." About halfway through the walk to their building Lydia's nose started to run, she hoped it was just due to the weather but wasn't going to hold her breath over it. When they finally made it back she went right in and got out of her wet clothes and hoped that it would be enough. Her throat didn't have a dull pain way in the back that was just in her imagination. If I go and blow my nose I'm sure that will take care of my runny nose Lydia thought, she gave her nose a quick wet blow. Oh no...it didn't help neither did the next 6 blows either. Lydia texted her roommate "Hey Rach, you are on your own for dinner, I'm pretty tired and going to head to bed." Lydia knew her immune system wasn't great clearly as she had a cold basically all winter last year. I get my fair share of colds, please don't this develop Lydia said to herself as she made one last plea to not catch this cold. 

I know this is short for a part one but I wanted to introduce everyone. Longer posts where all the girls are together and sneezing coming if you want, and please give me any thoughts you guys might have, thanks for reading!   







Still new to this, I apologize for those images being there. They won't be in the future I promise!


Please continue this amazing story and keep up the good work 


I think it’s really good so far I like how you preintroduced people



Awesome 👏 


Rip Lydia


Part 2 - August 22nd Before Practice Day 1 

Lydia rolled over for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight. She couldn't sleep and sadly she knew why, her stuffed up nose was made much worse by laying down. Thankfully she always had plenty of tissues due to her weak immune system. Around 7am it was clear that she was not going to get anymore sleep, she decided to get up at start her day by picking up the nearly two dozen tissues she had used last night. Then looked in her bathroom mirror to see her condition, it wasn't as bad as she felt however, her nose was very red from all the blowing, she really just looked like she didn't feel well. Surprisingly she was not sneezing or even felt like she needed to sneeze, this was always a common symptom with her colds. With a couple sniffles snfff snfff, a long nose rub with the palm of her right hand and a cold medicine tablet she was ready to go to practice. When Lydia left her room she saw her roommate Rachel sitting on the couch painting her toes a hot pink color. "I wish I was feeling well enoufh to paint bine too Rach" Lyd said to her. "I mean it was only a matter of time before you did Lyd you get sick at the drop of a hat." While Lydia knew this was true she didn't like being teased, then a very childish idea entered her head. She knew she shouldn't but it might help her feel better..... Once Rachel finished her toes they both headed to the athletic center for practice. 

Lisa had an early morning too with four sick children and her own "non-cold" she did not get much sleep either. She finally sneezed herself awake at 8am with 5 powerful messy sneezes with no buildup heptcheeoo, heptchooo, heptchooo, heptchee, heptchooo. The last of those 5 stinging her throat and chest. This always happened when she got colds her sneezes were very powerful. They would even start to make her light headed and cause some pain the longer her cold went. Unfortunately for Lisa, she was not as lucky on the tissue front as Lydia with her kids using all of the tissues in the house. This left her with her choice of toilet paper or hankies, and hankies grossed her out so rough toilet paper it was then. She was needing to sniffle and about every couple minuets now as her nose was running more and more. Thankfully it was a weekend so her husband could watch the kids while she was at practice, as she stepped outside a familiar itch returned to her nose. Heptcheeeeeooo, heptchooooooo, heptchoooooo, heptcheoooooo, this time all of her sneezes were powerful. Lisa was still not ready to admit that she had a cold yet, just some random sneezes. 

The twins had the best night of the bunch with a great nights sleep. That quickly changed for Brooke when she got up itchy nose and saw that the window was open. "Sophie why is the window open?" "Sorry Brooke with no air conditioning in the building I got so hot last night and opened it awhile ago." Brooke wasn't too mad at her twin she had been hot too but now that means her nose is already off to a bad start. He he he nothing he he ha still nothing ha ha ha again nothing, Brooke's nose was torturing her and she couldn't take much more of it. "Stuck sneezes Brooke? You should try to make yourself sneeze" Sophie told her sister. "Hahaha you just made that up Sophie there's no way you can make yourself sneeze." Sophie did a quick google search and then showed her sister. Brooke couldn't believe her eyes you could make yourself sneeze, how had she never heard of this before. "You should roll up the corner of tissue and try and make yourself sneeze" Sophie told her twin. As soon as she finished that sentence she wished she had stopped earlier. Sophie had always found sneezing interesting but had never shared it with anyone. The girls then realized they needed to head to practice and started the walk over. As soon as Brooke stepped outside that itch was finally relieved he he hatchooo hatchooo hatchooo hatchooo hatchooo. Sophie offered her twin a "Bless you, and when we get home after practice if your nose is still itchy I can help make you sneeze if you want." Brooke was caught a little off guard but knew she could use all the help she can get so she accepted. 


First practice and maybe after practice is next. Give me any thoughts you have again. Thanks for reading!


Please continue this amazing story and keep up the good work 


A very nice start. Please continue.


I really like it so far you have nice variety 

  • 5 months later...

Please continue very interesting story 

  • 4 months later...

Hey all, school and then life got in the way the past year or so haha. Given everything I have more time on my hands now and will be able to finish this story. 

Part 3 - August 22nd Practice #1

As the twins reached the athletic center they were really nervous for their first practice as both wanted to make a great first impression. Brooke and Sophie entered the gym and sat with Rachel who they knew remembered from the tour they took of campus last spring. Lydia joined them shortly into the conversation after giving her nose a long wet blow, they were just waiting on coach Lisa. When she finally showed up it was clear that her cold had gotten ten times worse in a day. Her nose was all red and chafed from the constant nose blowing, she was coughing very often and her voice was raspy to boot. 


Lisa started the practice by saying "Hello snfff welcome and welcome back to all of you snfff girls. We are in store snfff for another great seas,,,,," Her voice trailed off and puzzling look came over her face until she finally exploded with 3 messy cold sneezes heptchooo, heptchooo, heptchee. (The last of those three sneezes was half covered and the spray got all misted Sophie's face. Nobody noticed which was fine by her she wouldn't mind having a sneezy cold.)  "Excuse me I seem to have caught a tiny cold, which is why I am going to let Rachel and Lydia run todays practice. I want to head home and not get anyone here sick, we all need to be healthy for week 1 this coming Saturday (5 days away)!" With a fit of 4 more harsh sneezes heptchooo, heptchooo, heptchee, heptchooo she made her leave. 


With coach Lisa gone Rach and Lyd had the girls start with some basic stretching and team-building activities. Practice couldn't end soon enough for Lydia as her poor nose was still very runny but not itchy and making her sneeze though which was welcome compared to most of her previous colds. After about an hour of rather uneventful conversations the co-captains decided this wasn't the best use of everyone's time and called an end to practice. 


Once she got back home Lyd really felt like she was becoming sicker her nose had become very itchy and she felt chilly she knew she was sick. As Rachel and her ate dinner Rach kept teasing her about needing to sneeze and catching every cold. Suddenly, that childish thought popped back into Lydia's head again, only this time she didn't brush it away. She wanted to get Rachel sick too as payback for teasing her constantly, she only needed to start sneezing. Lyd knew what would do the trick a couple of extra shakes of pepper that 'happened to get away' as she did some pepper made its way into her nose intensifying the tickle. Heee haaaa haaaa her nose was now some itchy she kept pawing at it with her hand until finally kerchooo kitchooo for once Lyd was not very sad to have a sneezy cold. This is going to be fun she thought. After dinner Rachel left to go catch up with some other friends at their place which left Lyd alone to do complete stage one of her 'Get Rachel sick plan' which would be a breeze now thanks to the pepper it got her sneezing back to normal for one of her colds. She first started in Rachel's bedroom, a kerchooo on her light switch a couple more on her pillows kitchooo, kitchooo. Several on her blankets and in the air of her room before she made her way to the bathroom. There was one surefire way to give Rachel this now sneezy terrible cold and that was to sneeze all over her toothbrush, Lyd's nose was in high gear sneeze wise now her cold was super snotty and wet she unloaded 8 powerful, wet, and snotty sneezes on Rachel's toothbrush kitchooo, kitchooo, kerchooo, hatchooo, kerchooo, kerchooo, hitchewww, kerchooo. Wow Lydia thought those were powerful sneezes even for me, she knew that it wouldn't be long until Rach was as sneezy as her and coach. She knew this was silly but then why did it feel so good. 


When the twins got back to their dorm Brooke started to hitch again he ha haaa but no sneezes again her nose was being quite stubborn. Sophie said "Brooke do you want me to help you try and sneeze." "Sure at this point why not" was Brooke's answer too frustrated at her own nose. Sophie took a tissue rolled up one corner and stuck it into her sisters right nostril. Brooke could tell immediately that it was going to work as she began hitching uncontrollably haaaaa haaah heeaaaah which led to 3 small fits of sneezes hatchooo ha ha hatchooo hatchooo ha ha hatchooo...hatchooo ha ha hatchooo hatchooo ha ha hatchooo hatchooo ha ha hatchooo...hatchooo ha ha hatchooo ha ha hatchooo hmptchoo stifling the last one accidentally. "Bless you sis, guess you really did need to sneeze!'  Before bed Sophie wished that tomorrow morning she would start to feel hints of coaches cold, but just to help things out she took an ice cold shower, soaked her beautiful size 6 bare feet in ice water 'for her ankles as she told her twin' and took one of Brooke nose blown tissues and rubbed it against her own nose. Even though she was not sick, Sophie figured it couldn't hurt to try.


Sorry it took me so long to come back to this. More to come soon, give me your thoughts if you have any. Thanks for reading!


Please continue this amazing story and keep up the great work 


Better late than never 😝 But seriously - I'm really glad you continued this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see this continued. Very nice contagion so far, I can't wait to see why Sophie doesn't mind a cold/what she does with it.

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