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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wu Assassins


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Season 1, episode 7: The character Uncle Six, who is very much a beautiful Chinese man, has a long scene where he's wrapped up in a snuggie, wiping and blowing his nose and is complaining that he's cold. He's sick because of events from the story, but no sneezing, unfortunately. :( 

  • 3 weeks later...

Gallatea, I'd just gotten up through episode 6 when I saw your post. In other words, next episode please!! That was great. Obviously, sneezing would've made it even better and the greedy part of me wanted to see it going on even longer (only on TV do people get over being sick in a matter of hours,) but still lovely none the less. I already loved Uncle Six, and to see him feeling all sick and chilled? Yes please. That tissue action - beautiful!

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