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Sociology intertwining with psychology and everyday life


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Hey, everyone, I made this topic Because of my sociology class or more accurately what I learned. I learned IT IS POSSIBLE for a young child 3/4 to understand something that is physically and mentally and probably emotionally impossible to voice: for reference I believe with my whole heart that I stopped being a "kid worry free" the minute I knew what terminal meant I knew I was different I knew david was different I knew steven was sick but I couldn't explain or comprehend it at that age all I knew was protect so that begs the question?

What moments in you're life shaped you weather its at your core or subconscious or something entirely different What Awe-inspiring minds ideas quotes ect came out of your experiences with "our society" 


That being said if anyone is a sociology major/undergrad would you mind reading my paper, To see if its caple of being followed (my addh helps my ideas connect but the actual red string is blurred)   

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