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How do your colds normally progress?


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Eg what symptoms on what days? How bad? How long? etc


For me normally:

Day1-2: sore throat, sneezy, runny nose developing day 2

Day 3: Still sneezy but nasal chaos begins: blocked and runny at same time, lots of nose blowing needed

Day 4: Sore throat is gone, sneezing subsides. Runny nose goes like a faucet though and needs blowing all the time, head still stuffed up

Day 5-7: May get a cough, nose is less runny but blows are really big, thick  and productive (may go through a couple tissues getting it clear). Head is still a bit congested but getting much better

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Day 1: Sore throat. This usually begins at around 13:00. (yeah, my colds are weirdly punctual) 

Day 2: Significant sore throat. To the point where I can no longer eat or drink properly. A fever develops. 

Day 3: my nose has now turned into a faucet. Congestion starts mildly. The soreness of my throat continues. This is the day the sneezes start (I should add that there isn't a lot of sneezing happening) 

Day 4: the sore throat calms down slightly. Insanely congested at this point. (using decongestant spray every 2'nd hour to have a decent chance at breathing) 

Day 5: this day is what I like to call "turning point", my sore throat is almost entirely gone and has turned into a slimey cough. My nose continues to be insanely runny but the sneezes has increased a tad bit. 

Day 6: coughing and sneezing. My runny nose has eased up a bit but congestion persists. 

Day 7, usually the final day of my cold. Coughing eases up, sneezes are essentially gone. I keep having a bit of congestion but not too bad anymore. :)



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Day 1-2: Sore throat, pain while swallowing

I always stifle sneezes, but I’m sure if I were to let them out they would be wet, especially when I have a cold.

Day 3: Sneezing 1-3 times at a time every 3-5 hours, a feeling of impending congestion to the sneezes, not much buildup to sneezes

Day 4-7: Sore throat and painful swallowing gone, alternation between stuffy and runny nose occurs, sneezing 4-8 times at a time every 6-8 hours (wet, loud, forceful sneezes with lots of buildup to the actual sneeze and some false starts), frequent nose blowing because of how runny it is, ms and ns sound congested

Day 8-10: Sneezing basically gone, stuffy/runny nose persists, nose blowing is maybe 3 times a day at most, ms and ns sound less congested, I’m basically better by this point


Edited by bingochamp7
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  • 5 months later...

Day 1-2 : Sore throat that gets progressively worse, sometimes also a headache. A few sneezes and a sniffly,runny nose which usually starts getting congested throughout the evening/night.

Day 3-4 : Sore throat is mostly gone. Still the occasional sneeze and the congestion is absolutely dreadful (to the point where I can't even breathe through my nose), I have to blow my nose every two minutes.

Voice sounds stuffy.

Sometimes I develop a low grade fever too.

Day 5-7 : Sore throat and fever are (usually) completely gone but the congestion is still in full swing and my voice sounds soo stuffy I can't pronounce ms and ns at all.

Sometimes I also get a cough (which is almost always dry).

Day 8-10 : Slight congestion and a lingering cough until I'm well again.

This is my "worst and longest case of a cold possible" because it isn't always like that.

Edited by Zumil4702
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For me it lasts at least 10 days with all the symptoms: a lot of sneezing, sore throat, headache, a fever and congestion.

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  • 3 months later...

Day 1: sore throat. Mild headache. General tiredness. I might sneeze here and there but that's quite rare for me for the first day. 

Day 2: runny/stuffy nose. Lots of sneezing. 

Day 3: this will probably be the day where I sneeze the most. My nose will probably be completely blocked by now. 

Day 4: lots of coughing, runny nose, ear blockage

And then a week of coughing fits from there on out. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So me, my colds are much shorter and rare than for the rest of you. Usually they only last a few hours, sometimes a day. Sometimes 3 days but only with a single day of cataclysmic sneezing. Unless a flu is added to the party, this can last about 5 days, mixing sore throats and sneezing. x)

In details on three days of pure cold ...
(Finally all this is relative, it is not always like that).

Day 1 : A bit of a runny nose in the morning but it fades after a good shower. In the middle of the day it comes back to me with a little more runny nose and a few sneezes but nothing more. Then in the evening a few more but without a runny nose. It is only when cooking, being constantly under the steam that I start to sniffle again but without sneezing. Unless I'm making myself some pepper sauce, hissing the pepper vapors makes me sneeze like crazy. :razz:

Day 2 : It all depends on the intensity of the colds. If it is small I may sneeze ten times, if it is large I will sneeze at least 30 times or more and the sneezes become much more hopeless. Runny nose as a bonus and in abundance.

Day 3 : Usually noticeably calmer, a few sneezes like day one, but no runny nose. ^_^

Edited by oOMariusOo
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