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Sneeze Fetish Forum

When did you first notice your fetish?

Anonymous 423

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I remember ages ago I saw a video on YouTube I can't remember who from so I'm sorry about that, but they went into detail about the first time they really noticed the fetish. So when did everybody first realise it or at least notice an abnormal fascination with sneezing? 

For me I was super young and I'd watch cartoons where the characters got sick and had allergies and I'd always find myself rewatching them constantly. Or in games I played with my friends I'd always somehow manage to add in that the characters always came down with cold. Slightly embarrassing thinking back on it but they didn't seem to notice lol.

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For me, I've had a fascination for it as long as I can remember, but I think it was in my early teens (around 13-14 years old), I first realized it was a fetish.  I, too, absolutely LOVED episodes of shows or cartoons where a character would sneeze, and I would also make drawings or write stories of people sneezing. 

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Childhood. My first specific memory was watching a Land Before Time episode where the older turtle got sick and was sneezing constantly  - didn't realize why I was so interested until much later!

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Like most, I've had a strange "reaction" to it for as long as I can remember... And holy f***, it was pretty much of the same nature as it is now, can anyone else relate? I mean, when you are 5 or 6 you have no idea about these things so you don't understand what is happening to your body, but anyone else got the feeling that this "fascination" we had when we were kids was already of a sexual nature? Like, physically?

Then around adolescence I think it kind of "subsided"... or maybe it was pulled away into the very depths of my subconscious😛 I do remember one or two instances that I would make fetish scenarios in my head, they would start off as "normal" but then somehow sneezing would come up and I would be like "why the hell am I thinking this?! but well, no-one can know so I guess there's no harm"... I'd try to rationalise it as being a caretaking scenario which seemed more understandable in my head (and it's true that caretaking is a huge aspect of it for me).

I had to be close to 20 to actually google something like "sneezing and sex". And ONLY THEN did I acknowledge the word "fetish" as what describes my thing and, to be honest, it was very difficult to come to terms with it... I mean, I was relieved there were more people like me, but the word "fetish", ugh, it just didn't sit well with me... NOT that I was predisposed against any kind of "weirdness", 100% on the contrary. I just felt it was a totally unasked for complicating factor in my life... Anyway, it was like the biggest revelation of myself😛 I was finally able to face it, wrap my head around it and, eventually, or actually pretty straight-forwardly, many good things came out of this self-awareness and acceptance. 


Sorry for long answer (and if my English is not the best)!

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Again, really similar to everyone else's story! I remember being really fascinated by it as a child (omg that scene in Snow White with Sneezy!) .... would rewatch things, etc .... much like all of you! Discovered it was sexual as a teenager .... then there was no looking back lol

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  • 1 year later...

I first noticed I liked sneezing a little more than others when I was like 5 or so but didn't understand it till I was 11ish. I finally figured it out after accidentally finding YouTube videos of sneezing. 

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