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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A sneeze in the woods.


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The weather is perfect today.

It has been raining for the last few days in my town and today the sun is finally coming back. Blue skies and a mix a big white clouds combined with being sick of being inside made me decide to take a walk. 

Now there is a hiking trail network at the edge of my neighborhood that I have been meaning to explore and with it being so perfect out I decided to go ahead and see what they are like. Unfortunately I forgot about how muddy trails can get and I got quite a bit on my shoes at the moment.


That being said it’s a nice trail. Very green with a nice balance of shade and sun. It’s pretty quiet and I even suck up on a couple of rabbits by accident. Plus there are so many flowers. Mainly honeysuckle but a few colorful blue and yellow ones too. 

Now I’m not allergic that I know of but just a minute ago I felt a sneeze coming. Now with all that’s been going on I have been A bit hesitant to really let my sneezes go in public, rather not deal with the looks. But I’m alone out here so...

I let out a loud HAAAASHOOOOOO!!! and didn’t hold back one bit. 

While it likely ruined my chances of seeing the deer that made all the tracks out here it was very nice to just enjoy a good sneeze on such a nice day in such a nice place.

Anyway, I’d thought I’d share and I’m still out here writing this so if I get another I’ll be sure to hope back on and share it too.

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Thank you both. 

Sadly no others to report and I managed to make it back with out falling in the mud but it was close a few times. Although I think some of you might have gotten a laugh out of it if I did. 😏 

Edited by Light
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Wow. I just sneezed as I hit the post button. lol

Kinda a “EH-HUHH!!!!” 

Rather strong and quite nice and I’m alone so I could enjoy it. 🙂

Edited by Light
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