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A First Time for Everything (Song of the Lioness, Alanna)


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A little backstory for those who haven't read The Song of the Lioness quartet:

Women in Tortall are forbidden from becoming knights, but Alanna of Trebond has disguised herself as a boy and is in training to be a knight at the royal palace. This story is set just before she is to take the Ordeal of Knighthood. A few trusted friends know her secret, including George, the King of the Thieves in the city; several also know of the rising dislike between the quick-tempered squire and the royal prince's charming but power-hungry uncle, Duke Roger of Conté. For all her skill in swordcraft and combat, Alanna also possesses the magic Gift and is especially adept at healing. 

Author's note: All characters involved are over 18. This piece was partly inspired by Alanna's endearing habit of sneezing when powerful magic is about (yes, that's canon!), as well as a line in the books, where she tells a friend that she's "I've never been sick in my life."  I couldn't resist changing that 😊 



George Cooper looked up sharply at the unexpected knock at his shuttered window. True, it was the secret pattern that he'd taught only to the most trusted members of his Court if they needed to reach his quarters unseen via the kitchen roof, but George was not an incautious man -- no one who ascended to be the King of the Thieves, Master of the Court of the Rogue, ever was. He slipped several of the knives he had been sharpening back into his boots and gripped another in his left hand before rising. Positioning himself beside the window, out of the line of fire if anyone tried to fire a crossbow bolt through the shutters, he called, "Who goes there?"

"George, it's me," came a muffled but familiar voice.  Grinning, the Rogue sheathed his dagger and unlatched the shutters to let in his friend.

Alanna of Trebond -- known as Squire Alan to those in the palace who didn't know her true identity and still believed her a boy -- clambered into the room. She pushed back the hood of her cloak as George started to re-fasten the many locks behind her.

"Alanna. I didn't expect to see you for a week at least - aren't you supposed to be takin' the pages into the hills for winter survival trainin'?"

She leaned against the table where he'd been working and nodded. "Day after next. I needed to talk with you before we leave."

George frowned at the hoarseness in his friend's voice and turned from the window to look her over carefully.

"What's wrong? You aren't gettin' sick, are you?"

Alanna shook her head impatiently. "I never get sick." 

"What is it, then?" 

She rubbed absently at her nose. "George, you have the Gift, same as me."

He took a seat so she wouldn't have to crane her neck to look up at him. "I wouldn't say exactly the same. You've a Gift for healin' and your magic's much more powerful than mine -- but aye, lass, I have the Gift." 

Alanna ignored this. "Has it felt… different to you this past week?"

George looked puzzled. "Different?"

"Sort of…drained, like."

"No. Not that I've noticed, anyways. Alanna, what's this about?"

She took a deep breath and coughed a little. "I think Roger is up to something." George raised his eyebrows. He was familiar with the fiery squire's dislike of Prince Jonathan's uncle, Duke Roger of Conté, and she wasn't wrong that the enmity seemed to go both ways. Thinking that his silence meant he doubted her, Alanna pressed on, "It feels like there's something draining strength from my Gift. Duke Roger's the only one skilled enough to do something like that. And you know that powerful magic always makes my nose itch, and…" she trailed off, wrinkling her nose, and sneezed several times. "And that keeps happening," she finished with a sniffle. 

"Goddess bless," George said, fishing a handkerchief out of his breeches pocket and handing it over. She accepted it and managed to thank him before sneezing again. 

"Last I heard, Roger was travelin' down the coast to Port Legann," George said thoughtfully.

"That wouldn't stop him from meddling in things here," Alanna pointed out. George nodded and continued to stroke his day-old stubble. Looking sideways, he noticed that his friend hadn't removed her traveling cloak but had pulled it tightly around herself, arms crossed. A thought struck him and he smiled to himself.

"You say you've never been ill before?" he asked conversationally. 

"Not a day in my life. The healing-woman who raised me and Thom said our healing Gifts naturally protected us."

"So you wouldn't know what it feels like, then."

She frowned at him impatiently. "George, Duke Roger…"

"Are ye chilled, lass?" he interrupted, nodding at her cloak.

Alanna scowled and crossed her arms yet more firmly. "You know I think you always keep it too cold in here."

"Aye, that's true enough." He went to squat by the hearth and began piling up kindling for a fire. Without turning he added, "But you're all flushed and sweatin'." He heard her scoff in exasperation. 

"That's because I ran all the way down here so I'd be back before the gates close. To talk to you about Duke Roger," she added pointedly, rubbing her nose.

"Ah." Sparked by a touch of his own Gift, the pile of kindling burst into flames. He fed a few small logs onto it and stood to face the soon-to-be-knight. In the warm light, her face looked pale and feverish. "So you don't feel achy? Bruised and sore all over, like?"

"Well…that's only because we've had wrestling practice every day this week." 

George winced in sympathy. "Squire Alan" was well on his way to being one of the best swordfighters in the realm, but as the smallest of the squires and even some of the older pages, wrestling was not his strong suit. "Aye, that would rough anyone up." 

Alanna had unconsciously drifted closer to the fire and was warming her hands. "Duke Gareth kept pairing me with Raoul, damn him," she rasped.

"And I expect that's how you lost your voice, arguin' with the great lout?" George's mouth was twitching with an ill-concealed smile.

"No, I was leading sword drills with the first-year pages and they wouldn't shut up until I stood on the fence and hollered that I'd swap all their swords for hobby-horses if they didn't pay attention!" She'd talked too much. Her voice cracked and she was seized by a coughing fit.

"So the cough started after, then." George fetched a mug of water and pressed it into her hands. She sipped it grudgingly and glared at her friend through streaming eyes. The cough had started days ago, and she had no explanation for that.

The tall Rogue smiled down at her kindly, if a little smugly. "Lass, I'm sorry to say, I think ye've caught your first cold."

"But Duke Roger…" Alanna started, but was interrupted by a sneeze, then another, and another.

"Blessings, lass!" George's look turned to one of concern. "Look, Alanna. What kind of Rogue would I be if I didn't send some of my spies, Gifted ones, along with the Duke's travelin' party? After all you've told me, I don't trust the man either."

She stared at him, face half buried in the handkerchief. "You did that?"

"Yes, and they've not reported any funny business from him so far as magic goes. Not yet, anyway." 

Alanna looked like she could have hugged him with relief. "Thank Mithros for a Rogue's suspicious nature." Then she brightened even more. "If I am sick, I should just be able to heal myself." She half-closed her eyes in concentration. The air around her started to glow a faint purple with her Gift, but it flickered and faded suddenly. Thanking his thief's quick reflexes, George grabbed her by the shoulder as Alanna swayed on her feet, guiding her to sit on the edge of his bed before she fell over.

"Why didn't that work?" she asked in a faint voice.

"My ma's a healer and she had something like this not two weeks ago that laid her up. I'd wager it's the same bug. The healers what try to use their Gift on themselves can cure it, but they sleep for three days straight."

"Three days!" Alanna cursed. "But we're leaving for the hills in two!"

"Aye," George said ruefully. "You're just goin' t'have to use the old-fashioned remedies folks use when they can't afford a healin'." She looked at him quizzically. "That'd be tea, and sleep." With a big hand he pressed her gently down onto the bed. "I've still got some of me ma's special tea in the cupboard. I'll fix you a cup." He got up and busied himself hanging a kettle of water over the fire and rummaging in the cupboard. From behind him, Alanna sneezed once more and grumbled sleepily, "If this is what being sick is like, I hate it. I can't believe people do this every year!"

George chuckled. "Now you understand why healers get paid such good coin. It's a pity you're so devoted to chivalry and protectin' the realm and all that. With your  Gift, you could make a good livin' as a healer." He turned from the fire with two mugs of steaming tea. "Alanna? Ah."

She was already asleep, a determined frown still creasing her brow. George could get her back to the castle after the gates were locked - the Rogue had enough of his own ways in and out of the castle - but for now, Alanna could sleep. He set the mug down next to the bed and bent to kiss her lightly on the forehead. "Goddess bless, Squire Alanna of Trebond."

Edited by SneezyHolmes
Added age disclaimer.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Aww, I love this! Alanna is one of my first fictional loves, and you've got the voices down. George's tenderness with Alanna is perfect for when her defenses are down, and denial is always excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/7/2020 at 11:22 AM, ohlala8 said:

Aww, I love this! Alanna is one of my first fictional loves, and you've got the voices down. George's tenderness with Alanna is perfect for when her defenses are down, and denial is always excellent.

Ahh, thank you so much! :)  And same here. While Lady Alanna the Knight off fighting to save the realm is my favorite, I really do love her relationship with George and the way it matures over time. Cheers!

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry I’m so late to this, but what a wonderful throwback to Alanna and George. Wow! The books were my faves growing up and you completely nailed the characters in this! 

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