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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Alone in the office


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So I have been trying my best to look at the positives, few and far between as they may be, of the current situation and today I encountered a new benefit.


I had some work that needed doing in the office but it is a telework day for my place of employment which meant I was alone.

I don’t know why but it’s kinda nice to be alone at work even if I’m normally a people person.

Anyway, the cubicles were empty and I was going about my work when I felt a tickle suddenly building in my nose. I smiled a little because being alone I could let if out full force, if still covered.


Now I have never had a full on mental block thankfully but sometimes my sneezes will go away if I start to anticipate them too much. Not a problem this time however because this sneeze was determined.

One long inhale of HEEEH-



along hard loud sneeze into my sleeve that felt rather nice actually and even caused one of my legs to come off the group. (I was standing at the time.)

I had too much to do to post about it right then but I knew I wanted to share it as soon as I got out of work.

Hope you enjoy.

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Lovely obs. I’m happy you got to enjoy an unrestrained sneeze.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I love this.  Bless you, and I'm so glad you were able to let loose.  Into your sleeve sounds lovely.  :wubsmiley:  what type of material was it?

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  • 4 weeks later...

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