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Sneeze Fetish Forum

An interesting (if possibly fake) sneeze-related product


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Hmm, well, I'm not so sure I'd have much need for this product since I keep a tissue box next to my bed anyway. And I imagine a lot of other people would be in a similar situation given how common nightstands are. So, I wouldn't call this a good idea; more of a neutral one. It certainly wouldn't hurt anybody, but I think I'll be sticking to the the old ways. :tongue:

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That is a typical "... but why, though?"-product if ever I saw one. :rofl: 

I'd say it's fake but I've seen so many actual products that's even more ridiculous, so I have no idea. 

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I've seen pillows/plushes that function as tissue boxes, they definitely exist! How there's enough demand to warrant this type of thing, I wonder.

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I would think it would be useful for bad allergy sufferers or people with really bad colds, but eh not something i personally would need or be interested in.

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