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How do you usually blow your nose?


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I'm curious because everyone blows their nose in a different way.

I have a few questions :

1) Do you use tissues/hankies...?

2) Do you use one/two hands?

3) What sound do you make and does it change depending on what causes your congestion (cold,allergies...)?

4) Are you self-conscious about blowing in public? If so,do you try to be quiet while doing it?

1) Personally,I blow my nose into a tissue (I've never used a handkerchief) or my hands (only when I'm in the shower,so that I can wash them afterwards),blowing one nostril at a time.

2) Sometimes I use one hand,other times both my hands. 

3) When I'm really congested (especially from a cold) I blow a bit hard and make a pretty loud sound : I don't usually honk unless the mucus is so thick that it doesn't come out at all (but even if I do,it's not too loud) but I don't blow silently. When the snot is more liquid (when I have allergies/after I clear my nose using saline solution when I'm sick),I blow wetly,making a slightly gurgly sound. 

4) I try not to blow my nose in public because I have a proper mental block about it but when I really need to,I try to make it as short and quick as possible.

As I've already mentioned,I don't really blow quietly because when I do it's useless since I don't get rid of the mucus at all. 


That's it! Please follow this scheme,replying to these 4 questions and try to describe everything in a detailed way.

Edited by Zumil4702
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1) Tissues

2) One hand

3) Sometimes wet/gurgly but most times my blows are loud honks.

4) Yea I usually find a private room to go into to blow my nose.

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1) I blow my nose very rarely. Only when it flows a lot. And when that happens to me, I use tissues. On the other hand, I have also done it once or twice in my hands when I'm in the shower. But both nostrils at the same time for me. x)

2) Always with two hands.

3) Often wet or snotty but not loud.

4) I never blow my nose in public, it bothers me too much. Strangely enough, I even prefer to sniff continuously rather than having to blow my nose. The time to be able to get away from the crowd and blow my nose quickly. :razz:

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I use hankies unless I have a head cold.  Then I’ll blow into anything that can handle it and is available. Tissues tp. Newspaper paper towel sandpaper hahah.  Seriously. When I neeed to blow I blow.  

im a snotty honker.  (Listen below).  Usually start wet and end in a monster honk as my nose clears. 

never near people - bathroom or such but hard to be quiet with a bugle like this.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Handkerchiefs 

2. I normally blow with both hands unless when I'm driving then its a one handed blow.

3. Often snotty and i sometimes honk too but not too loud

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